Our speech is incredibly diverse, but if you parse it, you can notice some patterns. These patterns are reminiscent of relationships between people. Some words depend on others, some are "equal partners". So who depends on whom? And what are sentence members anyway? Why are there main members of sentences and secondary members of sentences? How are they different from parts of speech? If you are wondering what are the main and secondary members of sentences in Russian, then this article will be useful to you.
Sentence members

The topic of the main and secondary members of the sentence is being studied in the 4th grade, but it continues to be revealed all the way through schooling, so this article will be useful to everyone. So what are members?suggestions? These are conditional classes, the separation of which is due to their syntactic functions. They can be divided into two groups: minor members of sentences and main members of sentences. But even though this division resembles the division into parts of speech, these concepts are not identical. Different parts of speech can be the same parts of sentences, and different parts of sentences can be expressed by the same parts of speech.

Differences between the main members of the sentence and the secondary ones
How are the minor members of sentences different from the main ones? The main difference between the secondary members of sentences and the main members of sentences is that the secondary are dependent words. They can depend both on the main members of the sentences and on the secondary ones, while the subject and predicate are equal in rights. You can ask a question to secondary ones, but you won’t be able to do it from them. For example, "a pretty girl is coming." What girl? Comely. But don't ask the opposite question. But the main members of the proposal have a mutual connection. Who is coming? Girl. What is the girl doing? Goes. Messages without minor members of the sentence can exist, but never without the main ones. There must be at least one main thing. Sentences with minor members of the sentence are called common, without them - non-common.
Main sentence members
There are only two main members of a sentence - the predicate and the subject. It is they who arethe grammatical basis of any sentence.
The subject is the subject itself, the action of which is described by the predicate. Most often, the subject is expressed by nouns, sometimes by pronouns or the infinitive of the verb. When graphical analysis of the sentence is underlined with one line.

The predicate is the action performed by the subject. It can be expressed by almost all parts of speech: noun, verb, category of state, short forms of participle and adjective, infinitive of the verb. When graphical analysis is underlined by two lines.
Subject and predicate are equal, each of them can ask a question. However, it is not at all necessary that both the subject and the predicate be in the same sentence. For example, a sentence with only one subject is denominative. An example of nominal sentences is such a mean sentence as "Winter."
Minor members of sentences
The secondary members of the sentence include circumstances, addition and definition. It is thanks to them that our speech seems less mean and more expressive.

Circumstance describes directly the sign of the committed action. Answers adverbial questions, most often expressed by adverbs or gerunds (including gerunds), occasionally by nouns. When graphical analysis of the sentence is underlined as an addition, however, at the break points there is a dot (_. _._.).
Addition is always expressed by nouns in oblique cases. When graphical analysis of the sentence is underlined by a broken line (_ _ _).
Definition describes the signs of an object, phenomenon. It can be expressed by adjectives, participles (including participial phrases). It is underlined with a wavy line during graphic analysis.
So, this article about the minor members of the sentence and the main members of the sentence should have helped you deal with this interesting and fairly simple topic.