Historical local history at school

Historical local history at school
Historical local history at school

To preserve continuity in folk culture, ecological, sociocultural, socioeconomic knowledge is transmitted from generation to generation in a certain territory, that is, everything that studies historical local history. With its help, the special features of the place, objects, personalities are revealed and revealed, they enter the practical channel of the trends and traditions of the development of the region.

local history
local history


Historical local history is a part of science, which is entrusted with the most important functions. Along with the general laws of the development of society, it studies and takes into account all aspects of the diversity of local conditions of history, the slightest features that the specific creativity of the people brings. This can be the development of historical experience in a given area, the identification, preservation and study of natural heritage, as well as the most important activity that aims at methods of historical research of the culture of the region.

Historicallocal history comprehensively participates both in the development and in the implementation of state programs aimed at restoring the historical environment of the peoples. Thus, the relevance and significance of this complex discipline is ensured. Historical local history is based on the principles of interdisciplinarity, complexity and regionalism as a discipline taught in a general education school. The phenomenon of spiritual and personal existence is embedded in the semantic boundaries of the concepts of "place", "land", local history. This basic course is also in the preparation of bachelors and is a variable part of professional education in the direction of "History" and the profile "Historical local history".

historical local history of the Voronezh region
historical local history of the Voronezh region

At school

The object of the course is local history, that is, everything that happened in this region from the times that left monuments and materials for research. Being the subject of the course, the work program on historical local history helps to study the historical and cultural heritage of the area. The sociocultural aspect of the various problems of the area is saturated with almost every topic studied.

The philosophical basis offered by textbooks, including the book "Historical Local Lore", is a methodology from the whole to the part, that is, from the culture of Russia as a whole through the regions to the loci. Naturally, each part contains its own patterns of development and specific characteristics, but this does not go into opposition to "from the whole toparts" and does not become "from general to special". Each part has its own influence on the overall history, despite the fact that the whole has its own evolution parameters.

Historical local history program at the university

Regionalism, which is the basis of local history, is conditioned by a certain problem, focused on the study of local historical processes, which are independent problems of science. This is the history of villages and cities, temples, monasteries, estates, craft centers, production structures, historical and cultural sites and ethnic formations, and so on.

This program now includes topics that were previously not awarded the deserved attention. For example, church institutions, the history of a noble estate, urban and rural necropolises, the culture of certain class groups - merchants, nobility, peasantry. The priorities are determined by the dictates of the time: the implementation of the paradigm of the revival of Russia is coming, and it is necessary that it be carried out professionally and competently, using sound methods and involving the widest research base.

work program in historical local history
work program in historical local history

Goals and objectives

The purpose of the developed course is to form a holistic view of the history of local history as a tool for awakening historical consciousness. The potential for identifying, preserving and making the widest possible use of historical, cultural and natural heritage is extremely high, as it is in demand by time.

Tasksof this course are as follows:

  • to master the knowledge of the origins, conditions of formation and current trends in the study of the history of the region;
  • to master the general scientific methods and principles that are necessary for the study of local (local) history, and especially its socio-cultural sphere, for search, collecting, research and attributive practice in schools, museums, excursion and tourist institutions, local history research centers;
  • involve students in local history studies, which are directly related to government programs related to the identification and preservation of natural and cultural heritage.

After completing the course, students can navigate the most relevant areas of historical local history issues and professionally use the research methodology and conceptual apparatus, work with sources in related fields of knowledge - anthropology, toponymy, ethnography, archeology, and so on, as well as with any scientific literature in the field of history.

historical local history introduction to the history of the Donetsk region
historical local history introduction to the history of the Donetsk region

Structure and competencies

The course is structurally divided into two main parts: the first deals with historical local history in the system of sciences, historical and modern development trends and methods, and the second part outlines the main areas of local history problems. Each part has sections and topics, the content of which may depend on the perspectives of the problem itself and the personal choice made by the authors of the program.

Students afterAt the end of the course, the following competencies are formed: a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize and analyze, the perception of information, setting goals and choosing ways to achieve them. First of all, you will need the ability to logically, reasonably and clearly build written and oral speech. Willingness to work in a team in cooperation with colleagues is obligatory. You need the ability to think and evaluate your own shortcomings and strengths critically, to be able to chart paths and choose means to eliminate shortcomings and develop strengths.

local history program
local history program

Teacher Qualities

A teacher must understand that he is studying historical local history, be aware of the social significance of his own profession, and be highly motivated to do his work. A good teacher will use the methods and fundamentals of economics, humanities and social sciences to solve professional problems, where an analysis of socially significant problems and processes will certainly be required.

The teacher himself treats the cultural and historical heritage with careful respect, and teaches students to honor traditions and tolerantly perceive cultural differences, as well as religious, national and social ones. The teacher should be widely educated and be able to use in professional and cognitive activities basic knowledge in related sciences - computer science, natural sciences, know mathematical analysis and modeling, have computer skills: receive, store,process information, manage it.

What does local history study
What does local history study

Skills, abilities, knowledge

A teacher of local history should use basic knowledge in his historical research, having studied general and national history, ethnology and archeology, source studies, historiography, methods of historical research, theory and methodology of historical science and much, much more. All this in order to understand the historical process, to see its driving forces and patterns, to assess the role of violence and non-violence, the place of man in this process, in order to be able to outline the political organization of society.

Accurate critical analysis is facilitated only by knowledge of basic historical information, hence the critical perception of various concepts of historiographic schools, the ability to use special knowledge obtained at the university, when working with archives and in museums, libraries. A good teacher of historical local history can easily compose any review, write an annotation, an abstract on any topic of ongoing research.

local history book
local history book

At the forefront

Since now one of the most important trends in education is regionalization, organically combined with federalization, these two areas, characteristic of the modern educational system of Russia, help to comprehensively solve the problems of consolidating the integrity of the educational space and forming regional policy in this area. All this contributes to adaptation.specific person to life in given specific conditions. This is the avant-garde role of the discipline of local history in the modern educational process: the maximum implementation of the leading trends in the development of education in the country.

This subject brings up a citizen of Russia and a patriot of his small homeland, who knows and loves his native land, city or village with its traditions, natural monuments, history and culture, and who takes an active part in the development of the region. Thus, the general historical knowledge of schoolchildren expands and deepens - only through the study of local history materials, the desire to work in fiction, historical, popular science literature is developed, love for the small homeland, interest in history as a whole is brought up. There are many examples of excellent teaching of local history in schools: these are Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, and Altai.


Historical local history of the Voronezh region gives students the opportunity to touch the authentic monuments of history, to work with local history objects directly in natural conditions. Schoolchildren go on compulsory excursions, where objects that foster a craving for knowledge are always the most interesting visual aids. These forms of work help not only to study the native area, but also to cultivate a desire for cognitive activity, since such lessons use a complex of information and aesthetic material.

For training in the Voronezh region, a textbook was prepared, on which the best historians-scientists worked,using the latest research of the Voronezh region from ancient times to the present day. This textbook is intended for the eighth and ninth grades of secondary schools. Doctors of historical sciences M. D. Karpachev, A. Z. Vinnikov, M. V. Tsybin and many others worked on separate sections. The team of authors can be satisfied: school students love this manual, almost all of its pages are read with interest, like fiction.

local history at school
local history at school


The new Ukrainian republics also take care of the younger generation, despite the very turbulent situation. For example, a number of manuals have been prepared for students of the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, this is historical local history - "Introduction to the history of the Donetsk region." This is an exceptionally high-quality educational and methodological complex that forms a potriotic self-awareness in children, bringing up a sense of pride in their native land and the multinational people living here. This is how citizenship develops, respect for cultural values and the historical past.

Teaching aids were handled by special creative groups under the leadership of the Donetsk IOPS. There are six areas of local history in the textbooks: economic, biological, historical, geographical, literary and art history. The content of this educational and methodological complex includes, as far as possible, complete information about the native land, which helps to form in schoolchildren a holistic view of the richness of the culture of their native land, about the prospects for development,understanding of all the features of the historical, economic and social state of the Donetsk region.
