What is the structure of communication? Man is a social being living in close interaction with other people. Social life emerges and is formed because of the connections between people, this creates the prerequisites for relationships.
Interaction is the actions of individuals that are directed at each other.

Features of communication
In social communication, they distinguish:
- subjects of communication;
- item;
- relationship regulation mechanism.
Its termination is possible in case of loss or change of the subject of communication. It can act as a social contact, as well as in the form of regular, systematic actions of partners directed at each other.

Pedagogical Relations
What is the structure of pedagogical communication? To begin with, this process involves communication between children and adults. Without such interaction, the child's psyche and consciousness will not be formed, they will remain at the level of animals in terms of development (Mowgli syndrome).
The structure of pedagogical communication has a complex structure. She happens to bea specific form of interaction of children with each other, as well as with other members of society. Communication acts as a means of transmitting social and cultural society.

Communication parties
What is the structure of communication? At present, there are three parts to communication that are closely related to each other.
The communicative structure of communication involves the exchange of information between people. Of course, it is not limited to the transfer of information, this concept is much broader and deeper.
The interactive side involves the organization of communication between people. For example, it is necessary to coordinate actions, distribute functions between people, convince the interlocutor of something.
The perceptual side of communication implies the process of establishing mutual understanding between the interlocutors.
Communication is a process of interaction of social groups, people, communities, which is accompanied by the exchange of experience, information, results of activities.

The structure of communication implies a goal, content, is characterized by certain means. The purpose of this process is why people enter into such communication.
Means of communication are considered: words, speech, look, intonation, gestures, facial expressions, postures.
Its content is information passed from one person to another.
The structure of the communication process involves several steps:
- Need for contacts.
- Orientation in the situation.
- Analysis of the personality of the interlocutor.
- Planning the content of communication.
- Choice of specific means, speech phrases to be used in the dialogue.
- Perception and evaluation of the interlocutor's reaction, establishing feedback.
- Correction of methods, style, direction of communication.
If the structure of communication is violated, it is difficult for the speaking person to achieve his task. Such skills are called social intelligence, sociability.

Communicative competence
This concept and the structure of communication are interconnected with each other. Such competence is considered as a system of internal resources, which is necessary to create an effective system of internal resources that allow building full-fledged communication in a certain range of situations of interpersonal action.
Communication functions
In order to analyze different aspects of the structure of communication, let us dwell on its significance:
- instrumental, according to which it acts as a social control mechanism for action, decision-making;
- expressive, giving partners the opportunity to understand and express their experiences;
- communicative;
- psychotherapeutic, relating to communication, emotional and physical he alth of a person;
- integrative, according to which communication is a means of bringing people together;
- self-expression, that is, the opportunityindividuals to demonstrate their emotional and intellectual potential, individual abilities.

Communication strategies
Having found out what the functions and structure of communication are, we note that there are different variations of communication:
- closed or open;
- in the form of a monologue or dialogue;
- personal (individual);
- role-playing.
Open communication involves the ability to clearly express one's position, to be able to listen to other people's opinions. In closed communication, the interlocutor does not express his point of view, cannot explain his attitude to the issues considered in the dialogue.
You can justify this option in several cases:
- if there is a significant difference in the degree of subject competence, the senselessness of wasting time and effort to raise the level of the "low side" of the conversation;
- when it is inappropriate to reveal your plans and feelings to the enemy.
Open communication will be effective and efficient if ideas and opinions are exchanged.
Using masks
The structure of communication in psychology is associated with different types of communication. For example, “contact of masks” involves closed formal communication, in which there is no desire to understand and take into account the specific personality traits of the interlocutor.
In such a dialogue, the usual "masks" are used: strictness, politeness, modesty, indifference, sympathy, as well as a set of standard phrases that hide true emotions. This type of communication is oftenused by those students who dream of "isolating themselves" from the teacher, classmates.

Business communication
In order for mutual understanding to arise between people, it is necessary to take into account the psychological and individual characteristics of the interlocutors, strive to establish a dialogue, listen to the opinion of another person.
Let's find out what the structure and types of communication are, we note that the most common is the business version of the dialogue. If in primitive communication the interlocutor is considered in the form of a necessary or unnecessary object of contact, then in a business dialogue the character, age, personality, mood of the interlocutor are taken into account.
All this is aimed at achieving a certain result, which is more significant than personal misunderstandings.
The structure of business communication contains the following items (code):
- principle of cooperativeness;
- sufficiency of information;
- quality of information provided;
- appropriate;
- the ability to take into account the individual characteristics of the interlocutor for the sake of the interests of the case;
- clarity of thought.
Conditions for quality interaction
Interpersonal relationships are objectively experienced, to varying degrees perceived connections between interlocutors. They are based on various emotional states of contacting people, their psychological characteristics. It is these relationships that are an integral part of communication.
In pedagogy, the term"interaction" is used in several senses. On the one hand, it is necessary to describe real contacts in the course of joint activities.
On the other hand, it is with the help of interaction that one can characterize the description of the actions of interlocutors during social contact.
Physical, non-verbal, verbal relationships involve action on goals, motives, programs, decisions, that is, on the components of the partner's activity, including stimulation and behavior change.
That is why when evaluating the behavior of different individuals within the framework of the normative structure of social life, approval, censure, punishment, coercion are omitted.
Social Pedagogy
It highlights several options for interaction. In Western concepts, dialogue is viewed against a social background. To overcome this shortcoming, Russian psychologists consider interaction to be a form of organizing a certain activity.
The purpose of psychological and social research is to assess the inclusion of all individuals in the overall process. To analyze the "contribution" of each participant, you can arm yourself with a certain scheme:
- if a participant independently contributes his part of the total work, joint-individual activity is considered;
- when each student consistently performs a common task, joint-sequential work is assumed;
- with the simultaneous interaction of all participants, joint-interacting work is observed.
Psychologists currently use several different definitions"communications", each of which opens this term from a certain side.
The content of the interaction can be great:
- transmission of certain information;
- perception of each other;
- assessment by interlocutors of each other;
- influence of partners;
- general management.
In some sources, an additional expressive function of pedagogical communication is distinguished, aimed at the mutual experience of emotional states, as well as social control associated with activities and behavior.
If one of the functions is broken, communication suffers. That is why, when analyzing real relationships in pedagogy, functions are first diagnosed, and then measures are developed to correct them.
The communicative part of communication involves the exchange of information between interlocutors. Understanding between all participants in pedagogical communication is achieved only if:
- signals come from another person;
- expected performance information;
- probable future information.
Taking into account the requirements of a certain period of time, various sources of information come to the fore, their internal content differs.
The child must distinguish between "good" information and negative information. How to deal with such a task? An interesting explanation was offered by psychologist B. F. Porshnev.
According to the results of his research, he came to the conclusion that the method of suggestion is speech. Psychologistidentified three varieties of countersuggestion: authority, avoidance, misunderstanding.
Avoidance involves avoiding communication with a partner: the child does not listen, he is not attentive, does not look at the teacher, is distracted from educational activities. Avoidance implies not just avoiding direct contact, but avoiding some circumstances. For example, people who do not want their decision or opinion to affect the interlocutor simply do not show up for a meeting.
The impact of authority is that, dividing people into authoritative and opposite personalities, the child trusts some, refuses others. There are many reasons for assigning authority to a certain interlocutor: status, superiority.
Among the various communication options, business cooperation is currently relevant. It is used not only in production, but also in educational organizations. Educators seeking to get the most out of their activities use a variety of techniques in their work that promote interaction with students.
All people dream of being listened to, heard, understood. Only if all interlocutors are interested in effective communication, it is possible to overcome psychological barriers, actively manage the attention of the audience.
After the introduction of second-generation federal state standards into domestic educational institutions, teachers began to use innovative methods aimed at establishing relationships with schoolchildren. Childis considered as a full-fledged partner who has the right to voice his point of view on the issue under consideration in a dialogue with the teacher.