The history of our country at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th century is replete with numerous events that directly influenced the further course of Russia's development. The personality of Peter the Great, his energy, stupid activities led to the emergence of a new state, and the Peace of Nystadt was one of the main achievements of this era.

Age of loss
At the end of the 17th century, Russia was a fairly large country, but at the same time it did not have a significant impact on European affairs. This was due to both previous historical events and the inertia of the rulers. Throughout this century, our country has experienced many upheavals. The Time of Troubles, the intervention of the Commonwe alth and Sweden, the loss of western lands, popular uprisings, the apogee of which was the rebellion of Stepan Razin. As a result of all these events, Russia lost access to the sea, along which there was active trade, and found itself isolated.
In addition, an important role was played by the fact that the rulers of this period: Mikhail Fedorovich, Alexei Mikhailovich, Fedor Alekseevich, Ivan Alekseevich - were in poor he alth and did not differ in state thinking. The exception to this series was SophiaAlekseevna.

Starting big things
She was regent for a short period under her younger brothers - Ivan, who was weak-minded, and Peter, who could not rule on his own due to his infancy. With her, foreign policy became more active. Russia made two Crimean campaigns, which were designed to weaken this khanate, and, if possible, win back access to the Black Sea. However, both military campaigns ended extremely unsuccessfully for Russia, which was one of the reasons for the fall of Sophia.
Peter, meanwhile, seemed to be childish. He organized war games, studied tactics, several ships were built on the lake of the village of Kolomenskoye, which Peter proudly called the fleet. As he grew older, he more and more clearly understood that Russia simply needed to have access to warm navigable seas. In this idea, he was further strengthened by visiting the White Sea and Arkhangelsk - one ice-free port that was at the disposal of Russia.

Intelligence and cooperation with Europe
The fight between Peter and Sophia ended with the victory of the first. Since 1689, he takes full power into his own hands. The king had a dilemma, to which sea - the Black or the B altic - to try to get an exit. In 1695 and 1696 he decided to reconnoiter by force the forces opposing our country in the south. The Azov campaigns showed that the forces available to Russia are definitely not enough to defeat the powerful Ottoman Empire and its devoted vassal, the Crimean Khanate.
Peter did not despair and switchedtheir attention to the north, to the B altic. Sweden dominated here, but it was suicidal to engage in battle with one of the leading European countries of that time without allies, therefore, in the period 1697-1698. The tsar organized the Great Embassy to the countries of Europe. During this time, he visited the most developed states of the continent, inviting specialists in military, engineering and shipbuilding to Russia. Along the way, diplomats learned the balance of power in Europe. By this time, the division of the Spanish inheritance was brewing, and the north of Europe was of little interest to the great powers.

Nystadt peace of 1721: the origins of victory
Taking advantage of this, the embassy signed a number of agreements with the Commonwe alth, Saxony and Denmark. This union was called the Northern Union in history and aimed to undermine the dominance of Sweden in the B altic region. The war begins in 1700.
The Swedish king acted very quickly and decisively. In the same year, Swedish troops landed near Copenhagen and powerful attacks forced the Danish king to make peace. Charles the Twelfth chose Russia as the next victim. As a result of inept command and other circumstances, the Russian troops suffered a crushing defeat near Narva. The Swedish king decided that Peter was no longer his rival, and concentrated military operations on Saxony, where he achieved victory in 1706.
Peter, however, did not become discouraged. With quick, energetic measures, he creates, in fact, a new army based on recruitment kits, and practically renewsartillery park. In parallel, the construction of the fleet was going on. After 1706, Russia fought with Sweden one on one. And the active actions of the king gave a result. Gradually, the initiative and superiority passed to the side of the Russian troops, which was confirmed by the victory in the Battle of Poltava, which led in the final to the conclusion of the Treaty of Nystadt with Sweden.
Russia becomes an empire
However, the war continued for another 12 years, Russia added naval victories to victories on land. The Gangut battle of 1714 and the Grengam battle of 1720 consolidated the dominant role of the Russian fleet on the B altic coast. In view of the clear advantage of Russia, the Swedish government requested a truce. The peace of Nystadt was concluded a few months later, it marked the complete victory of our country.
Amazed England and France were amazed that while they were engaged in Spanish affairs, such a powerful military-political force was formed in the east of the continent. But they were forced to accept it. The terms of the Nystadt peace implied a change in the borders between the two states. The territories of Livonia, Estland, Ingermanland, as well as some regions of Karelia, went to Russia for eternal possession. For these lands, Russia undertook to pay compensation to Sweden in the amount of 2 million rubles and return Finland. The Senate proclaimed Peter emperor and Russia an empire. From this moment on, our state becomes one of the countries that decide the fate of Europe and the world.