What is the Neolithic Revolution? This is, first of all, a new stage in the development of society. And already in the second - the transition to a new type of agriculture, which was based on agriculture and, of course, on animal husbandry.

Causes of the Neolithic Revolution
What helped inspire people in the late primitive period to say goodbye to their usual way of life and step on a new stage of development? First of all, this is the depletion of most game reserves, as well as the necessary and useful plants. Plus, the improvement of hunting could not exist on a par with the old items. Therefore, we can conclude that both the increase in the level of knowledge of people and the development of tools led to the revolution. Favorable natural conditions, which contributed to the good development of agriculture and, of course, cattle breeding, could not but play a big role. Thus, the Neolithic Revolution is characterized by a transition to productive agriculture. It was during this period that people began to grow wheat, breadfruit, peas, barley, and more; it was then that they began to breed animals, without whichmodern society cannot get by.

What is the Neolithic Revolution: the main theories of the emergence of agriculture
It should be noted that the transition to a productive economy has given rise to many points of view regarding the emergence of a new type of land cultivation. The author of the first theory is the scientist who first answered the question of what the Neolithic revolution was and introduced this term - Gordon Child. It has the name "the theory of oases". The essence of this point of view is as follows: the migration of the population during the ice age is not associated with cataclysms in nature, but with an economic factor. Subsequently, this version was not confirmed in any way. The second theory is called "hilly slopes": the transition to a new type of economy was started on the slopes of Turkey and Iran. Demographic theory suggests that the increase in population was one of the causes of this revolution, but not its consequence. There is another theory, which is called "purposeful evolution". Its essence is that the general mutual adaptation of people, animals and plants is the result of gradual development, step-by-step evolution, the result of which was complete domestication. There is also a theory of holidays, which is that some cultures demonstrate their traditions, power and power, which requires a supply of game. The latest theory links economic progress, climatic features with stability, which led to the transition to a new level.

So what is the Neolithic Revolution really? Undoubtedly, this is a big step in the development of the population of the entire planet. It was during this period that people began to grow the necessary cereals, learned to breed animals, in addition, writing appeared. All this led to the fact that the world stepped onto a new stage of evolution.