Exotic - what is it? Meaning and examples

Exotic - what is it? Meaning and examples
Exotic - what is it? Meaning and examples

Exotic is what tourists look for when they come to another country. A vacation is a time when a person leaves the familiar environment and embarks on an adventure, albeit not extreme, but everyday and completely ordinary. Today we will talk about the essence of the concept of "exotic".


exotic it
exotic it

The explanatory dictionary does not leave us alone in the middle of the linguistic sea and throws a lifeline. The source contains the following definition: “Exotics are objects and phenomena that are characteristic of some area and unusual for the one who perceives them.”

Thus, when Russian tourists go to Turkey, they are looking for new experiences and exotic, but Turkey and Egypt, it seems, have already turned into a summer residence for all our vacationers, they already feel at home there. Another thing is Nepal or Tibet. The thirst for the unusual, the unknown and the unknown drives people beyond the usual.

Away is good, but home is better

With all the love for the outlandish, a person cannot exist for a long time in an unfamiliar environment. For example, all Europeans are attracted by Asia, its traditions and foundations. But at that time not everyonean Englishman, a Frenchman or even a Russian could settle in Japan or China. Because there is a completely different way of life. And to go on vacation there is always welcome.

As a reciprocal courtesy, the Japanese also travel a lot around the world, it is rare that a tourist group does without Akutagawa Ryunosuke's compatriots.

In fact, exotic is not only a way to escape from familiar surroundings, to leave relatives and friends away for a while, it is also a way to realize how good it is at home, especially if the vacation was long (two weeks is enough). If the reader has not been to Japan or Nepal, then he can check the veracity of our words on an everyday example. When a person returns from the guests, he feels how good it is at home. And it doesn’t matter at all where a man or woman has been: in a neighboring house or a foreign country on another continent, the feelings are always the same: it’s nice to return home and take a break from vacation and new experiences.

Russia is a hospitable country

exotic word meaning
exotic word meaning

In Soviet times, meeting a Cameroonian or a Nigerian on the streets of Russian cities was an event, especially true for the provinces. In general, foreigners have long been perceived in Russia as a curiosity. Moreover, an American, a European or an African looked equally surprised.

Things have only recently changed. Foreigners in Russia have ceased to be exotic. This is not surprising, given the conditions we now have in Moscow and St. Petersburg for receiving citizens of other states. Also, we becomeless shy and get used to living in an international world. Moreover, Russia has always been hospitable.

Even, for example, 20 years ago the word "Afro-Russian" would have raised a smile, but now it is a reality. Many African students of noble and not very origin come to Russia in search of a better life. They cannot resist the magical and magnetic charm of Russian women and stay here forever. And children from such marriages speak Russian better than French.

Jack London in "Martin Eden" wrote that America is a huge cauldron where cultural traditions, foundations, nationalities are melted down. So, we can say that Russia in this sense will not yield to America. Our country is also able to domesticate any unusual and non-standard, which as a result will cease to be exotic. The meaning of the last mentioned word presents no difficulty to the reader, since we have already considered it. Our task is done.
