What is exotic? Meaning, examples and interpretation

What is exotic? Meaning, examples and interpretation
What is exotic? Meaning, examples and interpretation

Each of us can easily and freely say what exotic is. When something is out of line, we remember this word. What does the dictionary tell us? Find out below.


what is exotic
what is exotic

Let's imagine that the climate has changed on the planet, and bananas and palm trees began to grow in central Russia. Great picture, right? No Turkey is needed, now we have just like in the south. People go to the sea for exotic (we will analyze what it is later), but the dictionary does not go anywhere, and emotions do not affect it in any way. Therefore, he can dispassionately give a definition of the object of study, he has only one meaning: "Objects and phenomena characteristic of some area and unusual for the one who perceives them." Maybe you should not correct the definition given by the dictionary, but still it must be said that the tourist himself (that is, the one who contemplates the wonders) comes from another part of the globe, this is worth remembering.

Now it's clear what exotic is, so let's move on to analogue words.


lexical meaning of the word exotic
lexical meaning of the word exotic

We always reinforce success with substitution words. One side,this expands the vocabulary, and on the other hand, allows you to penetrate deeper into the essence of the phenomenon. In other words, something ceases to be a linguistic exotic for us. Let's review the synonyms:

  • outlandishness;
  • unnatural;
  • unusual;
  • unusual;
  • quirkiness;
  • extraordinary.

All these nouns are designed to fix in the concept that picture of the world that surprises or shocks. For example, the traditions of an African tribe are exotic (the lexical meaning of the word was sorted out a little higher) for a European. This means that you can make good money on this.

Even the dictionary insists that the position of the observer is the main factor when it comes to curiosities. If you leave the tribes alone, then there are more civilized peoples, from the traditions of which the Russians have goosebumps. For example, the culinary preferences of the French or Chinese.

And yes, it's important to interpret the adjective "civilized" to avoid accusations of racism or chauvinism. Here "civilized" means "untouched by civilization" in the European sense of the word, not in the sense of "uncivilized" or "barbarians".

Surrounded by the familiar

The meaning of the word "exotic" according to the explanatory dictionary is considered, it remains to give examples. But we want to focus not on the directly eccentric habits of foreigners, but to talk about what used to be an out of the ordinary phenomenon, and is now perceived as part of the ordinary reality of a Russian:

  • computer;
  • mobile phone;
  • varioustechnical devices.

Just 15 years ago, computers were bulky, and not everyone could afford laptops. And of course they were new. And imagine that in America, already in the 80-90s of the 20th century, devices that have now become a familiar element in almost any home have already become an integral part of the daily routine of a business person or someone who typed text as needed.

the meaning of the word exotic according to the explanatory dictionary
the meaning of the word exotic according to the explanatory dictionary

There is an opinion that films show one lie. But we approach this differently: they get what has already become everyday, even if only for certain people.

For example, there are two old films with Tom Hanks - "Big" (1988) and "You have a letter (1998). They are united by the fact that the main characters are active computer users. Imagine what a sensation it would be if such a thing appeared at the home of a Soviet citizen. Moreover, in the movie "Big" the hero of Tom Hanks seems to have a laptop in general. While in Russia, a personal computer or a laptop ceased to be exotic only in the mid-2000s, and maybe later.

Another fun fact for a modern student: 12-15 years ago, the message that every person abroad, regardless of social status and income (excluding, of course, lumpen) has a mobile phone, seemed to be an invention. In other words, for a Russian person abroad has always been a magical area, where miracles happened.

Another answer to the question of what exotic is: this is a relative concept.
