The word "huckster" is firmly entrenched in the lexicon of many people. Moreover, it is often used by people who do not even know its meaning and origin. If you do not take into account the criminal side, then most often the sellers of something are called that. Also, we can often hear the word "huckster" from the screens of our TVs in feature films and programs.
The situation with this word is clarified by the Soviet film "Gentlemen of Fortune", beloved by many since childhood, where this word was used repeatedly in the right context. We could also hear him in the equally famous film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession". So who is the huckster?

So who is this?
It's easy to understand who a huckster is. The definition of this word was given at the beginning of the 20th century. Then a huckster was called a person who was engaged in buying up stolen items. Sometimes they became thieves who did not want to put themselves in danger of being in prison. Most often, the huckster gave the robbers a tip on one or another object,and he calmly watched on the sidelines for what was happening. In the Soviet Union, this was the name given to speculators who bought various things from clients with a large markup. In most cases, not one person, but a whole group, was engaged in this business. A clear and precise definition of who a huckster is was given by the famous Russian writer Vladimir Dal in his dictionary:
A huckster is a person who speculates.
Nowadays more and more people who are involved in the distribution of drugs are called so. Ranging from weed to heavier substances such as heroin, and capitalizing on this. That's who the huckster is. It is better not to mess with such people.

Fact about speculators
Hucksters are not respected either in prison or outside. In order to "cut down" more money, they will stop at nothing. Hucksters sell drugs not only to adults, but also to teenagers, gradually getting them hooked on this poison. They do it consciously, realizing that this will lead to dire consequences.