In the Afghan lexicon, "bacha" means "guy", and "bacha-bazi" is translated from Persian as "playing with boys." What lies behind these seemingly harmless words these days?
The fact is that bacha is almost the most favorite entertainment for we althy Afghans. For this, teenage boys from 11 to 18 years old are dressed in women's clothes and forced to dance in front of them. And after enjoying the dance, men can spend the night with the dancers they like if they pay a lot of money.
Because of what is bacha bazi widespread?
Exploitation of little boys is a consequence of the fact that in Afghanistan it is forbidden to talk to women who are not relatives. And men who are not sexually satisfied are looking for other objects to satisfy their lust - they become bacha boys.

Where it came from is easy to trace. This practice began quite a long time ago, back in the 10th century. in the territories of modern Pakistan, Central Asia and Afghanistan.
During the Taliban period, pedophilia was strictly prohibited, but after itfall, this phenomenon revived with renewed vigor in the 80s of the XX century, in the south and east of Afghanistan. Bacha-bazi are often present at various holidays and even at weddings. It has become normal to have at least one of these boys with you.
Who becomes Bachey?
As a rule, the poorest boys become bachas. These are former beggars and homeless people who have a rather soft and feminine appearance. Due to the low standard of living in Afghanistan and a lot of the poor, families often give their boys to bacha bazi pimps themselves, knowing full well what they are doing and what fate awaits their son.

But many boys are simply kidnapped - dragged into a car and taken away.
After the pimp got the boy, he is taught to dance, play the instruments. When the pimp sees that the boy is ready for anything, he is sent to "work" - to appease rich men, dance in front of them, entertain, and then give himself up in bed. Rich men don't care who the bacha is, it's important for them to have fun.
Boys over the age of 10 are dressed up in women's clothes, shoes, hung with women's jewelry and even breasts. They paint their faces like girls and teach them feminine manners.

What bacha earns is given to the pimp, and he himself receives only a small part, which, as a rule, he gives to his family.
Boys can be divided into two groups:
- on those who are in prepubertal age, when they are just learning all thatwhat is required of them;
- post-pubertal adolescents with some sexual experience.
When a teenager turns 18, as a rule, he already becomes uninteresting and gets rid of him.
What do the boys themselves think about their situation?
It should be noted that Bacha themselves perceive their situation differently. Some of them believe that by serving and pleasing rich men, they will be able to climb the social ladder, acquire money and connections. Indeed, this happened when an influential "owner" gave Bache a lot of money, education and even a wife.
But of course it's rare. Usually the situation is quite different and much sadder. After all, who is bacha, and what can he do against rich and powerful men? Almost all of these boys have been psychologically traumatized, intimidated, and humiliated since childhood. They are often raped and beaten. For refusing to have sex, they can be killed. The same fate awaits them for trying to escape.
Relation of the law to this phenomenon
Obviously, the phenomenon called "bacha" is pedophilia and the sexual exploitation of boys. Of course, the law in Afghanistan forbids this. The police and influential people talk about the unacceptability of this phenomenon, but they themselves often use it. The authorities in Afghanistan forbid and condemn this phenomenon only in the media and in words, but in practice they do nothing with it and even encourage it.
Religion and bacha bazi
It is natural that Islam is against pedophilia and sodomy. However, the majority of the population does not know Arabiclanguage, does not know how to read it, and therefore does not understand well what is being said in the Qur'an. The poor strata learn the Qur'an from rather inaccurate retellings of those people who themselves do not know well what the Qur'an is about, and are not against bacha bazi.
Consequences of bacha bazi
The most terrible result of what is happening is the molestation and sexual exploitation of little boys. They grow up mentally ill, handicapped, traumatized. And often they are simply disposed of.

The situation with bacha bazi negatively affects the position and rights of women. Naturally, men in Afghanistan marry women, but often they are not even sexually attracted to them. They marry for tradition, religion and society, but not for love and relationships. In Afghanistan, it is believed that a woman was created for the home and raising children, but bacha is for comfort and pleasure. Women in this position are extremely oppressed and unhappy
What is bacha? This is sodomy and pedophilia, and they are one of the causes of conflicts between the Taliban and traditionalists. Because of the bacha-bazi, the situation is aggravated not only within the country, but even beyond its borders. After all, such developed countries as the United States are thinking about whether it is possible and necessary to continue relations with a country in which pedophilia is normal? Most likely, even international charitable foundations and organizations will eventually not want to support Afghanistan, so as not to support sexual exploitation and pedophilia.

As long as poverty, poverty and connivance with rights are developed in Afghanistan, bacha bazi will not go anywhere, pedophilia will also be developed as it is now. This phenomenon will disappear only when the government expels all pedophiles and bacha bazi lovers from its ranks. Bacha is a devastating phenomenon not only for boys, but for the whole society where such a phenomenon is developed.