After reaching the graduation class, each student asks questions about what education he needs to get, what profession will be in demand and what parameters should be used to choose an educational institution. Volgograd colleges are currently in demand, as workers with secondary specialized education are held in high esteem at every enterprise. There are many educational institutions in the city. But the most famous and, it is worth noting, popular colleges are medical, technological and socio-pedagogical.
Technological College (GBPOU VolgTK)
Volgograd College of Technology began its existence in 1953. Education is provided by teachers with many academic degrees and achievements, which allowed the institution to become one of the best in Russia. It implements the work of students at their own production sites: a hairdresser, a travel agency, a design studio, a theater and an educational hotel. And it is worth noting that not all colleges in Volgograd can boast of such achievements.
The structure includes a women's hostel, a library, a gym,workshops, own publishing department and educational buildings. Future managers, fashion designers, designers, accountants, lawyers, archivists and programmers study here. The college successfully practices a training system, thanks to which students simultaneously study and master practical skills in the places of their future work.
Medical College (Volgograd)

Volgograd Medical College has existed since 1961, including several branches: Kamyshinsky, Uryupinsky, Volzhsky and Mikhailovsky, which makes education more accessible to residents of remote areas. Nonresident students live in a student hostel. The college provides financial assistance to students of the budgetary department in the form of scholarships; there is also paid training. A student trade union committee was created to protect the interests. They train at the college for paramedics, nurses and technologists, obstetricians and dental technicians. Upon graduation, successful students are helped to find a job.
Social and Pedagogical College (GAPOU VolgSPK)

Volgograd Social and Pedagogical College began its activity in 1982. New training programs for specialists are implemented here every year. It is this kind of reorganization that the education system needs, on the basis of which all colleges in Volgograd work. Training is carried out both on a paid basis and on a budgetary basis. Non-resident students should pay attention to the lack of a hostel.
Admission is currently underwayin the following areas of training: a teacher in primary school, the basics of software, an educator, physical education, social pedagogy, law, business economics, accounting. accounting, advertising. This college has been repeatedly awarded for the high level of training of specialists, which allowed it to become one of the best educational institutions in Russia.
When choosing an educational institution, pay attention to its profile, duration of existence, assistance in subsequent employment and opportunities for developing other abilities (cultural, creative or sports). This choice will have a significant impact on your future as a professional in a particular field, so weigh the pros and cons when applying to a particular educational institution. All colleges in Volgograd offer great opportunities for their applicants.