The main sections of chemistry: description, features and interesting facts

The main sections of chemistry: description, features and interesting facts
The main sections of chemistry: description, features and interesting facts

From the beginning of time, people have been interested in the composition, structure and interaction of everything that surrounds them. This knowledge is combined into a single science - chemistry. In the article, we will consider what it is, sections of chemistry and the need to study it.

What is chemistry and why study it?

Chemistry is one of several areas of natural science, the science of substances. She is studying:

  • structure and composition of substances;
  • properties of the elements of the world;
  • transformations of substances that depend on their properties;
  • changes in the composition of a substance during a chemical reaction;
  • laws and patterns of changes in substances.

Chemistry considers all elements in terms of atomic and molecular composition. It is closely related to biology and physics. There are also many areas of science that are borderline, that is, they are studied, for example, by both chemistry and physics. These include: biochemistry, quantum chemistry, chemical physics, geochemistry, physical chemistry and others.

The main branches of chemistry in the literature are:

  1. Organic chemistry.
  2. Inorganicchemistry.
  3. Biochemistry.
  4. Physical chemistry.
  5. Analytical chemistry.

Organic chemistry

Chemistry can be classified according to the substances studied into:

  • inorganic;
  • organic.

The first area of study will be considered in the next paragraph. Why was organic chemistry singled out as a separate section? Because it is engaged in the study of carbon compounds and substances in which it is included. Today, about 8 million such compounds are known.

Carbon can combine with most elements, but interacts most often with:

  • oxygen;
  • carbon;
  • nitrogen;
  • grey;
  • manganese;
  • potassium.

Also, the element is distinguished by its ability to form long chains. Such bonds provide a variety of organic compounds that are important for the existence of a living organism.

Goals and methods followed by the subject of organic chemistry:

  • isolation of individual individual and special substances from plant and living organisms, as well as from fossil raw materials.
  • purification and synthesis of compounds of substances;
  • determination of the structure of matter in nature;
  • the study of the course of a chemical reaction, its mechanisms, features, and results;
  • determination of relationships and dependencies between the structure of organic matter and its properties.

Organic chemistry topics include:

  • Chemistry of polymers, or chemistry of macromolecular compounds. The field of science thatis engaged in the study of the chemical and physico-chemical properties of polymers and the starting reagents used to obtain them.
  • Pharmacology. A branch of science that studies medicinal substances and their effect on the human body.
  • Sections of chemistry
    Sections of chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

The section of inorganic chemistry deals with the study of the composition, structure and interactions of all substances that do not contain carbon. Today there are more than 400 thousand inorganic substances. Thanks to this section of science, the creation of materials for modern technology is ensured.

Research and study of substances of inorganic chemistry is based on the periodic law, as well as the periodic system of D. I. Mendeleev. Science studies:

  • simple substances (metals and non-metals);
  • complex substances (oxides, s alts, acids, nitrites, hydrides and others).

Problems of science:

  • search and development of ways to create new materials that will have the necessary properties;
  • study of the relationship between the structure of the ability to react with other elements;
  • development and improvement of technologies for cleaning mixtures;
  • search for new methods of synthesizing elements.
  • Sections of organic chemistry
    Sections of organic chemistry

Physical chemistry

Physical chemistry is the most extensive branch of chemistry. She is engaged in the study of the general laws of the structure, structure and transformations of substances using the methods of physics. For this, theoretical andexperimental ones.

Physical chemistry includes knowledge about:

  • structure of molecules;
  • chemical thermodynamics;
  • chemical kinetics;
  • catalysis.

The sections of physical chemistry are as follows:

  • Electrochemistry - the study of processes in conductors.
  • Photochemistry is the study of chemical transformations under the influence of light.
  • Physical chemistry of surface phenomena.
  • Radiation chemistry - the study of processes caused by the action of ionizing radiation;
  • Colloid chemistry - the study of systems and phenomena that occur at the interface.
  • Quantum chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, reactions of substances based on quantum mechanics.
  • Crystallochemistry - the science of crystal structures;
  • Thermochemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies thermoreactions, the relationship of physico-chemical parameters.
  • The doctrine of the structure of the atom.
  • Teaching about corrosion (oxidation) of metals.
  • Chemical kinetics - the study of chemical reactions depending on external conditions.
  • The doctrine of solutions.
  • Nuclear chemistry - deals with the study of nuclear reactions and the processes occurring in them.
  • Sound chemistry is the study of the effects that occur when exposed to powerful acoustic waves.
  • Why organic chemistry was singled out in a separate section
    Why organic chemistry was singled out in a separate section

Analytical chemistry

Analytical chemistry is a branch of chemistry that develops the theoretical basis of chemical analysis. Science is developing methods for identifying, separating, detectingand determination of chemical compounds and determination of the chemical composition of materials.

Analytical chemistry can be classified depending on the tasks to be solved into:

  • Qualitative analysis - determines what substances are in the sample, their form and essence.
  • Quantitative analysis - determines the content (concentration) of the components in the test sample.

If you want to analyze an unknown sample, then qualitative analysis is applied first, and then quantitative. They are carried out by chemical, instrumental and biological methods.

Branch of inorganic chemistry
Branch of inorganic chemistry


Biochemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies the chemical composition of living cells and organisms, as well as the basic chemical processes of their life. Science is quite young and is at the intersection of biology and chemistry.

Biochemistry deals with the study of such compounds:

  • carbs;
  • lipids;
  • proteins;
  • nucleic acids.

Biochemistry Sections:

  • Static biochemistry - studies the chemical composition of organisms and the structure of their molecules (proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids, lipids, vitamins, and others).
  • Functional biochemistry - studies the basic chemical reactions that occur during the functioning of organs and systems of the body.
  • Dynamic biochemistry studies the chemical reactions that occur during metabolism.
  • Main sections of chemistry
    Main sections of chemistry

Chemical technology

Chemic altechnology is a branch of chemistry that studies the economical and environmentally sound methods of processing natural materials for their consumption and use in production.

Science is divided into:

  • Organic chemical technology, which deals with the processing of fossil fuels, the production of synthetic polymers, drugs and other substances.
  • Inorganic chemical technology, which is engaged in the processing of mineral raw materials (except for metal ore), the production of acids, mineral fertilizers and alkalis.

In chemical engineering there are many processes (batch or continuous). They are divided into main groups:

  • hydromechanical:
  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • mass transfer;
  • thermal.
  • Sections of physical chemistry
    Sections of physical chemistry

Interesting to know chemistry (facts)

The course of certain chemical processes and the properties of certain substances are of unusual interest to people.

Here are some of them:

  1. Gallium. This is an interesting material that tends to melt at room temperature. Looks like aluminum. If a gallium spoon is dipped into a liquid at a temperature above 28 degrees Celsius, it will melt and lose its shape.
  2. Molybdenum. This material was discovered during the First World War. Studies of its properties have shown the high strength of the substance. Later, the legendary Big Bertha cannon was made from it. Her barrel was not deformed from overheating when firing,which made it easier to use the gun.
  3. Water. It is known that pure water H2O does not occur in nature. Due to its properties, it absorbs everything that comes in its way. Therefore, a truly pure liquid can only be obtained in a laboratory.
  4. One more special property of water is also known - its reaction to changes in the surrounding world. Studies have shown that water from one source under different influences (magnetic, with music turned on, next to people) changes its structure.
  5. Mercaptan. It is a combination of sweet, bitter and sour tastes that was discovered after researching the grapefruit. It has been established that a person notices this taste at a concentration of 0.02 ng / l. That is, it is enough to add 2 mg of mercaptan for a volume of water of 100 thousand tons.

It can be said that chemistry is an integral part of the scientific knowledge of mankind. She is interesting and versatile. It is thanks to chemistry that people have the opportunity to use many objects of the modern world.
