How did Columbus discover America? All secrets of the expedition

How did Columbus discover America? All secrets of the expedition
How did Columbus discover America? All secrets of the expedition
Columbus discovered America
Columbus discovered America

In what year Columbus discovered America, now, probably, not everyone will remember, but the fact that it was he who did this is known to anyone, at least a little educated person.

Back in 1492, on October 12, carefully, so as not to run into the reef, the ships approached the new land. We anchored, prepared everything that was necessary, and the very next day Christopher Columbus, as well as the expedition leaders represented by Rodrigo Sanchez, authorized inspector of the crown, notary Rodrigo de Escoveda, Juan de la Cosa, and the Pinson brothers went ashore. This is how Columbus discovered America.

On behalf of the king and queen and on their behalf, he immediately became the owner of the territory he discovered. They immediately drew up a notarial deed, not forgetting about any formalities. It becomes clear why the inspector of the crown and the notary were included in the expedition. After that, the navigator was promoted to viceroy, because after Columbus discovered America, he had his own vast territory. Having hoisted the Castilian banner on the coastal land, the expedition set off to inspect the territory. And after a while they met the locals.

what year did columbus discover america
what year did columbus discover america

It is worth noting that an exact description of the place where the expedition landed has not yet been found. Therefore, it is not known which of the Bahamas became the landing site when Christopher Columbus discovered America. It is known that the name that Columbus gave to this island is San Salvador (translated as “salvation”).

After several days of communication with the natives, Columbus began to suspect that this place was not what they were looking for. The islanders didn't know how to work metals, they just didn't know them. The technology of the wheel was also unknown to them. The language of the natives had nothing in common with any of the eastern dialects. But at first this did not bother the navigator. It was suggested to them that they went to an island very remote from the mainland. But the only thing that worried Columbus was that there were absolutely no spices on the island, in fact, like gold.

15 days after landing on the island, the expedition approached Cuba. But even here no palaces, no spices, no khan's headquarters were found. No gold has been found either. Assuming that they are now in one of the poorest provinces of China, the researchers decided to move east. There, where, according to Columbus, there was the richest country - Sipangu, which is known to modern people as Japan.

On November 20, one of the ships of the expedition, the Pinta, went missing. He just went out of sight. According to one version, the captain of the Pinta, who was also the second person on the expedition, driven by a sense of profit, decided to be the first to get to the gold.

Columbuscontinued to discover new lands. On December 6, the island of Haiti was discovered, which was named Hispaniola. It is worth noting that in translation this means “little Spain”, and the island itself was several times larger than Sicily. A little later, Tortuga was discovered, which later became the most famous haven for pirates.

On December 25th, the Santa Maria sank and landed on the reefs. From the wreckage of the ship, Fort Navidad was built, which became the first Spanish settlement in America. The sad thing is that all the "unwitting colonists" died after some time.

christopher columbus discovered america
christopher columbus discovered america

On the sixth of January, "Nina" met with "Pinta". After some trials, the ships replenished stocks in Haiti, and on January 16 headed for their native lands. This is how Columbus discovered America.
