The Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict arose over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, this land belonged to the Republic of Azerbaijan. Only the USSR has not existed for more than 20 years, and the problem has remained unresolved to this day. And for now, it stays in place. The heads of states claiming this territory cannot agree among themselves, and what can we say about the population of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Karabakh conflict
This confrontation began back in the distant 80s, when the Armenians began to ask the government to give Karabakh under the rule of Armenia. Azerbaijanis living in this territory protested. Everyone began to pull the blanket over themselves. It was then that the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict flared up, which has not subsided so far. Shootouts regularly take place in this area. Attempts to reconcile citizens who lived in almost equal numbers in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh were useless.
Maybe because of the stubbornness of both states, the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict is not moving forward. The year 1992 was marked as the peak of the confrontation, and the republic became one of the hot spots in the East. startedwar between the inhabitants of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia and Azerbaijan received armed support from Russia, which tried to control the conflict in this way. And only when Russian peacekeeping troops entered the territory of Karabakh in 1994, hostilities ceased.

And the conflict has remained unresolved until today. World countries, watching this, do not interfere, considering peace negotiations the only way out of the situation.
Modern ways to solve the problem
The Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict is far from being resolved at the moment. The territory of Nagorno-Karabakh still officially belongs to Azerbaijan, and they extort official and legal citizenship from Armenians, otherwise they demand to leave the country. A few months ago, an Armenian soldier died in the confrontation zone. This caused the conflict to flare up with renewed vigor. Sometimes skirmishes break out between troops.
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan announced that he would support the solution of this problem only through negotiations. If Azerbaijan provokes military actions, they will go far beyond the borders of the territory of such a state as Nagorno-Karabakh. A conflict of this magnitude cannot be allowed, according to Sargsyan, since this will entail huge human losses. But the Azerbaijani government categorically refuses to negotiate and insists on a military solution to the problem.

The fact is that heads of state do notwant to make concessions to each other. Everyone defends his opinion, without even listening to the opponent. Armenia argues that the people of Nagorno-Karabakh should decide for themselves which state to join. Azerbaijan, in turn, does not back down from the idea of officially securing the territory for itself, resettling the residents who fled from there back. World analysts are panicking and demanding the intervention of other states, as soon the situation will be dictated by the battlefield.