Adolf Hitler is known worldwide as the dictator of the Third Reich. He commanded the armed forces during World War II. There have always been many secrets and gossip around this German politician. But of particular interest was always Hitler's favorite car, in which he traveled almost half the world. It is known that he was even lost for a while and then found again.
History of Creation
Hitler's favorite car has a rather interesting history. So, for the first time, the Mercedes model was introduced in 1938 as a new generation car. The car was so luxurious that it was simply impossible not to fall in love with it. Adolf Hitler also liked the model, and the Reich Chancellor immediately wanted to buy it, despite the fact that this car was the most expensive at the time.
All spare parts for the vehicle were made in duplicate so that the car would not stop for a long time on the way. In addition, Hitler's car, the photo of which is in this article, could easily transform from a limousine to a convertible and back. The Reich Chancellor liked the car so much that exactly a year later he demanded that several more models be made for his subordinates.
Description of the machine

Mercedes-Benz 770K cost about 40 thousand Reichsmarks. No other car had such a high price. Due to the fact that Hitler constantly drove this particular car, they began to call it "Hitler-Wagen". It was on it that the politician traveled from Berlin to Tashkent, and from there to Russia, then returned to his homeland, and then back to Russia.
Mercedes was not only the most expensive car, but also the fastest, and, most importantly, heavy. The latter characteristic was justified by the fact that the armor of such a transport was still far from ideal. The body of the car is designed so that the passenger does not have to worry about anything. And the windows of the Mercedes were not only armored, but also had a thickness of at least 5 centimeters.
The engineers thought of everything so well that they placed not only an armored back, but also spare wheels, which also had an armor function. That is why Hitler rode so calmly among the soldiers and could even drive up close to them. However, he tried not to leave his car, as he reliably protected it from bullets and any assassination attempts.
Hitler's personal car, at the request of his driver, has also been modified in the driving functions. So that at any time, for example, during an attack, you can immediately leave immediately. But still, this transport had an unprotected place - an open top.
On this transport, which had an engine capacity of 7.7 liters andpower of 230 horsepower, the leader of Nazi Germany always went to solemn parades. There are photographs that were taken in the part of Russia occupied by the Nazis. But at the same time, the favorite car was not “military”, there were other cars of Adolf Hitler for this.
Cars of the Reich Chancellor

Thus, there are cases when the leader of Nazi Germany came to the occupied territories in a sports Horch 930, which was considered a favorite military transport.
There were other cars used by Adolf Hitler. For example, Maybach SW35. Its manufacturer was a friend of the Chancellor, so a new engine was developed for it and the design was updated. The release of this model was also limited.
Another favorite transport of the leader of Nazi Germany was the Volkswagen Käfer. It was very practical and very inexpensive. If the rest of the cars could only be purchased by high-ranking German officials, then such a car turned out to be affordable for any German.
Besides this, in Hitler's collection there was also a Mercedes-Benz G4, which had six wheels. The interior of the car was quite roomy. Another car - Mercedes-Benz 24/100/140 PS - was presented to Hitler by Hinderburg, the Reich President of Germany. But the Reich Chancellor did not like the vehicle, and he quickly changed it. There was also a Bell car in the garage.
Attempts to change name

Despite the fact that Hitler's favorite car is a Mercedes, the leader of Nazi Germany is notliked the company name. He believed that the name given to the new type was feminine, and even Jewish. Therefore, he did not like it. He, of course, demanded that the company be given a different name, but he soon learned that in Spanish this word is translated "mercy." Germany had excellent relations with Spain, so the Chancellor no longer demanded a renaming.
The fate of the Reich Chancellor's favorite car

It is known that some time later Hitler's car was presented to Pavelic, the Croatian dictator. But when Croatia was liberated and another person was in power, this car was first nationalized, and then it was presented to Stalin.
For a long time, Hitler's car stood in the garage like a war trophy. Iosif Vissarionovich did not ride it, Stalin had his own limousine no worse than Hitler's car. So that the trophy would not stand idle, Stalin presented the Mercedes to the secretary of Uzbekistan. But even in this country, he did not stay long: it was impossible to get spare parts for him. Then he gave this car to his driver, who decided to make a Soviet transport out of it. He not only replaced all the parts in it, but also turned it into a truck.
Hitler's favorite car was now used only for agricultural work. Products were transported to the market for sale on it. And when it was already completely out of order, the new owner of the Mercedes simply abandoned the car in the steppe, where it stood until 2000. Only plates with numbers remained from the old car, which have already been slightly erased. Currentlythey are stored in a special vault.
Machine restoration

In the 2000s, Hitler's car was searched for by a group led by Vadim Zadorozhny. Their main goal is the delivery of this transport to Russia. They wanted not only to track the evolution of the car, but also to get a valuable exhibit. The delivery process was quite lengthy. But after the car ended up in Russia, it turned out that not all the details were in it. Spare parts were very difficult to find, since only a hundred of these machines were produced.
And yet, in some incredible and miraculous way, all the necessary spare parts that were located in different parts of the globe were found and bought out. It took 14 years to complete the car. However, it was only 90% complete. Currently, Hitler's car is still at Zadorozhny, who is engaged in its restoration. There are no more than five such machines in the world.
In addition to painting and collecting "native" parts for the car, it will be necessary to test it in the future in a ride. If he can drive at least three hundred kilometers, then the restoration was not in vain, and everything was done correctly. And only after that he will go to the museum.