Ecology of the word: definition of the term, problems, features

Ecology of the word: definition of the term, problems, features
Ecology of the word: definition of the term, problems, features

The Russian language is one of the most complex and beautiful in the world. It was spoken by great poets, writers and scientists. Only in Russian can you express your feelings in detail, poetically and vividly, describe nature and the world around us in colors. Time does not stand still and the language is subjected to the so-called "clogging". A lot of new, and, in fact, unnecessary borrowed foreign words, jargon and parasitic words have appeared.

The issue of ecology has long been of concern to mankind in all its spheres. It is necessary to preserve not only the habitat, but also the purity of Russian speech, which, like nature, is also littered with unnecessary "garbage". The ecology of life and the ecology of the word are the two most important factors that are invisibly interconnected.

Term Definition

People who are far from philological sciences, this term is unfamiliar. Simply put, the definition of the ecology of the word is to preserve the beauty and expressiveness of the language, in this case, Russian speech.

Beforeof all, they stand for the purity of the Russian language, the departure from vulgar expressions, obscenities and parasitic words. There is even such a thing as the ecology of the speech environment, that is, the area that needs protection and purification.

Ecology of the word and the ecology of speech are two concepts that are closely related and have almost the same interpretation.

Key subjects of language purity are a he althy culture of society, protecting and maintaining the he alth of the mother tongue and finding ways to enrich speech.

The problem of linguistic ecology in the modern world

The problem of the ecology of the word is relevant today more than ever, and the task of every person is to try to eradicate parasitic words and unnecessary jargon from their own speech.

Language is an integral part of the life of everyone who lives in society. With its help, people communicate and interact with each other.

Sometimes people don't notice how they abuse foul language or use too many parasitic words. These include: "well", "here", "as if", "like", "damn", "well, how to say", and many other similar sayings.

Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to one of the main problems of our time - the ecology of the Russian word.

Verbal abuse, uncivilized and illiterate speech, a person shows his own bad manners and moral emptiness. Very often, foul language can be heard from the lips of teenagers, on whom the future of the state depends. Even sadder, there are illiterate and tongue-tiedpeople among journalists, correspondents and presenters - those who are constantly heard, and whose speeches are watched daily on television and on the Internet.

Features of the "ecology of the word"

The less a person pays attention to the purity of speech, the more powerful, beautiful language, in which so many wonderful novels and poems are written, is clogged with incomprehensible words. It loses its former beauty, becomes inexpressive and primitive.

Features of the term "ecology of the word" are the following points:

  • preserving the he alth of the language and culture of speech;
  • its study within the framework of an inseparable relationship with the culture of the people.

Reason for using parasitic words

According to linguists, the abuse of parasitic words and abusive phrases depends on the degree of education of a person and his level of erudition. The poorer the vocabulary, the more he uses them in practice. But, nevertheless, it is also not uncommon for a completely intelligent person who knows the language well to allow such statements in his speech. Sometimes, these words are used out of old habit or intentionally. For example, some words are used because today there is a fashion for their use. These include: "kapets", "as if", "well, in general", "in principle", "in short".

What words not to use in your vocabulary
What words not to use in your vocabulary

It is also believed that one of the reasons for their use is a psychological problem,when, in moments of excitement and experience, a person begins to speak with parasitic words.

The most serious and littering Russian speech are swear words. A person who often uses them in his own lexicon personifies himself as ill-mannered and poorly educated. In this case, the reason lies in the low culture and morality of the individual.

Most used parasitic words

According to statistics, the most used parasitic words over the past year were the following:

  • "ok";
  • "damn it";
  • "hell";
  • "as if";
  • "think";
  • "kick";
  • "kapets";
  • "like";
  • "clear".
Words better not to say
Words better not to say

List of borrowed foreign words that have an excellent replacement in Russian

Russian is the richest language in the world and one of the most difficult. It is constantly undergoing change and innovation. Recently, it has become very fashionable to use words of foreign origin in speech, when their analogues are present. The reason is the fashion for foreign culture, as well as the introduction of new concepts. For example, these include the well-known laptop and keyboard. There is no escape from innovation, and there is nothing wrong with that. But do not forget that there are Russian analogues, which sometimes sound better than those who came from abroad.

The list contains the most popular words that saypractically everything. A similar expression in Russian is written next to it:

  • "hobby" - "hobby";
  • "shopping" - "shopping";
  • "ok" - "ok, okay";
  • "manager" - "manager";
  • "business" - "business";
  • "image" - "image";
  • "information" - "notice";
  • "contract" - "agreement";
  • "original" - "original";
  • "mobility" - "mobility";
  • "dialogue" - "conversation";
  • "boyfriend" - "friend".

At risk

Potential "victims" of this problem are teenagers who spend most of their time on electronic gadgets and computers, preferring virtual communication to live communication. Unfortunately, most of today's computer-savvy children aged 12 to 16 are less literate than those who don't have these gadgets.

Teenagers are potential "victims" of computers
Teenagers are potential "victims" of computers

According to statistics, children began to read educational books less and spend their free time playing computer games. In addition, their vocabulary also leaves much to be desired. In the correspondence of teenagers, and even adults, you can often see modern "Internet" slang: "kek", "lol", "facepalm", "holivar", "IMHO". Constantly communicating in this form, people gradually forget the real Russian language, using primitive words.

The student is required to complete assignments on time
The student is required to complete assignments on time

The opinion of writers

Linguists and writers have resorted to this issue more than once, one of which was Skvortsov Lev Ivanovich. This is a well-known Soviet and Russian writer, Doctor of Philology, as well as a professor at the Department of the Russian Language. He has written and published over 400 works, including 20 books. The famous work of the linguist was a book called: "Ecology of the word or let's talk about the culture of Russian speech." According to the author, an ecological approach is necessary as far as the culture of speech and communication is concerned. The writer noted that with the introduction of new words and borrowings, the language hardened, became more rude and inexpressive. In his work, Lev Ivanovich argued that it was very important to preserve the richness and expressiveness of the Russian language. A high culture of speech is a real spiritual asset of the people.

Life does not stand still, also the language develops and replenishes with new sayings. There are quite a lot of foreign borrowed words in Russian speech, and there is nothing wrong with that. Almost every language in the world contains words that came from abroad. But, as Skvortsov mentioned in his work, it is worth distinguishing between borrowings that enrich the Russian language, and those that, in fact, are not needed at all and only clog speech.

The great Russian literary critic Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky very correctly noted that there is no need to use other people's words in the lexicon,when, as in the native language, there are equivalents to them.

It is worth mentioning the words of the great philologist of the 20th century Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, who was the author of many works on the history of Russian culture and literature. Being an ardent supporter of spiritual morality, he believed that parasitic words and swear words reflect not only the primitive speech of a person, but also his weak mind.

To avoid this, you must definitely listen to your own speech and draw certain conclusions. The growing population of Russia should cultivate love for the Russian language, for reading wise books, to take care of its present state and its future for future generations.

How to get rid of an urgent problem?

The problem of the ecology of the word is quite global and cannot be resolved in a short time. First of all, you need to pay close attention to the activities of public figures: journalists and presenters, who are listened to by millions of people. Unfortunately, not all people of creative professions have competent and correct speech and sometimes suffer from tongue-tied tongue. We need to select personnel as carefully as possible and prepare for performances.

News and TV presenters
News and TV presenters

To make speech more beautiful and expressive, it is worth using parasitic words as little as possible. They are present in the lexicon of almost every person. It is unlikely that it will be possible to eradicate them for good, but it is quite possible to reduce their use to a minimum and use only in rare cases. To do this, a person needs to listen to what he says and think about eachspoken word.

Often this problem suffers from insecure people, especially in those moments when they have to speak in public. For example, a person explains the contents of a presentation or tells a report. All eyes of the audience are on him. They are overcome by excitement and nervousness. To fill awkward pauses, he begins to "run", "mek" and pronounce parasitic words.

It takes daily practice and more practice to break this habit. You must speak out loud. You can train alone in front of a mirror or in front of friends who will point out mistakes. Do not be afraid of silence and short pauses. It is better to be silent for a few seconds and correctly think out a thought than to clog your speech. You need to pull yourself together and confidently, clearly, with expression and arrangements present the report. After a dozen such trainings, speaking correctly will become a habit, and parasitic words will gradually fade into the background.

"Ecology of the word" in the library or book is the best friend for beautiful speech

To replenish and enrich the lexicon, teenagers should devote more time to Russian language lessons, as well as read more often. It is worth giving preference to cognitive literature, the works of famous authors and old Russian classics. Regular reading of books develops expressiveness and brightness of speech, and also stimulates brain activity, strengthens memory and increases intelligence. Reading is strongly recommended not only for children, but also for adults.

Reading books is positiveaffects
Reading books is positiveaffects


Russian speech is currently undergoing a crisis. Many language experts and writers are concerned about this problem. This issue was raised by linguist and philologist L. Skvortsov in "Ecology of the word or let's talk about the culture of Russian speech", where the author talked about how important it is to preserve the culture of the language and that an ecological approach is necessary for healing and purity of speech.

The language is gradually clogged with numerous foreign words, jargon, obscenities and parasitic words. It becomes rough, less expressive and simplified. People who are accustomed to communicate in this manner gradually forget the real Russian language and their vocabulary becomes thinner. This trend is especially acute among the younger generation - the future of Russia.

Ecology of the word is the science that fights for the purity and "he alth" of the language.

How should one fight?

The basis is the family and it is she who is an example for the child. If at home parents are constantly scolding, using foul language, illiterate, then there is nothing surprising in the fact that the child will begin to imitate them. Moms and dads should definitely watch their own speech and instill in their children a love for their native language.

School is the place where schoolchildren learn the rules and basics of the Russian language, read and discuss interesting works, and also learn by heart the poems of great poets. Parents should make sure that children do not forget to do homework, and teachers should try to educate students in interest innative literature.

Every day there is a stream of illiterate, obscene and simply unnecessary information from TV and the Internet. People, sometimes unconsciously, copy what they say from the screens. At the same time, there is a decline in cultural morality. For this reason, it is very important that only competent and correct speech be heard on television, so that more educational programs are shown that would educate their own viewers.

Schoolchildren, like adults, should not forget about reading Russian literature. Regular reading improves speech, enriches vocabulary and makes a person more educated. It is especially worth giving preference to the old Russian classics and poems by such great poets as Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov.

Reading books stimulates brain activity
Reading books stimulates brain activity

And above all, you must love and respect your native language, because it is an integral part of every person's life. It is important to preserve its richness and purity for future generations.
