Sodium formate: production, properties and applications

Sodium formate: production, properties and applications
Sodium formate: production, properties and applications

There are many chemicals that make life easier for modern man. One of them is sodium formate. The formula for this compound is HCOONa. It is also often called sodium formic acid.

General information

sodium formate
sodium formate

Sodium formate is a by-product obtained during the production of pentaerythritol. This substance is most often used as a reducing agent in organic synthesis reactions. The preparation of sodium formate is associated with certain problems in the purification of this chemical compound. So, in the final product there is always a slight admixture of pentaerythritol and its derivatives. Sodium formate is a white or slightly grayish crystalline powder. Sodium formate with a slight greenish tint is sometimes found on sale. The impurities present in it are not visible to the naked eye. In the powder that goes on sale, the mass fraction of the main substance must be at least 92%. In high-quality sodium formate, the specific gravity of water should not exceed 3%. There are also sugary substances in this chemical substance. In terms of glucose, their content cannotexceed 1%.

To date, there is no separate industrial production of this chemical. Because sodium formate is produced as a by-product, it requires special additional processing. Some companies are trying to synthesize this substance, but such production is extremely costly and not suitable for its mass production.

The formula for sodium formate is HCOONa. Since this substance contains formic acid, which is an excellent anti-icing agent, it is most often used as an anti-freeze additive.

Properties of sodium formate

Sodium formate formula
Sodium formate formula

Produced technical sodium formate is used in several industries. Its widespread use is due to its properties. This substance is highly soluble in water. It is slightly soluble in alcohols and insoluble in ether. Sodium formate does not burn and is completely explosion-proof. Despite this, in the places of its storage and use, the use of open flame sources is not allowed and smoking is prohibited.

Uses of this chemical

It is used as an antifreeze additive in the production of various building structures. It is also used in the leather industry. It is used in various pre-tanning operations.

As a raw material, sodium formate is indispensable in the production of a chemical such as formic acid. It is also used in the oil industry and as a component of anti-icing agents.

Impact onthe human body

Obtaining sodium formate
Obtaining sodium formate

Sodium formate, according to its degree of impact on humans, is classified as hazard class 4. It can cause serious harm to the body in high concentrations. Sodium formate often causes irritation of the mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. When working with this chemical, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment: a respirator, a gown, rubber gloves. In the event of an accident with the release of a large amount of sodium formate, the use of a gas mask is mandatory. To store this chemical, dry isolated warehouses are equipped, where it is stored in bags on special pallets.

Sodium formate - antifreeze additive

In addition to being used in industry and construction, this substance is actively used as an antifreeze agent with a sparing effect. It, unlike other types of anti-icing agents, does not have a catastrophic effect on the environment. In addition, the metal parts of road transport do not suffer too much from it. It can also be freely used for the treatment of artificial structures at road facilities as a corrosion inhibitor.

Sodium formate in construction

Sodium formate - antifreeze additive
Sodium formate - antifreeze additive

This chemical is indispensable in the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete and concrete structures in the cold season. Moreover, it is recommended to use it already at an air temperature of - 5˚С. It is also used forproduction of monoliths in prefabricated structures for sealing joints, for precast concrete products. Sodium formate is introduced into the concrete mixture in the following proportions:

• 2% of the weight of the cement used, calculated as dry chemical at a setting temperature down to -5 °C (dosage 8 kg/7 l);

• 3% - up to -10 °C (12 kg/10.5 l);

• 4% - up to -15 °C (16 kg/ 14 l).

During the preparation of concrete, sodium formate is dissolved in warm water. However, there is a special recommendation for mixing such a solution. So, it is added together with mixing water through a special dispenser of chemical additives. You can also use a water dispenser. In the latter case, for mixing it is necessary to reduce its consumption by 8-13%. Thanks to sodium formate, concrete hardening is accelerated, which is especially important in the construction of high-rise buildings.


Properties of sodium formate
Properties of sodium formate

This substance should not be used in prestressed structures where steel grades AT-VI, AT-IV, A-V have been used for reinforcement. It is also not suitable for concrete and reinforced concrete products that are planned to be used in gas and water environments with an air humidity of more than 60% and in structures intended for industrial enterprises and electrified vehicles where direct current is used.

When using this substance, it should be remembered that it has not yet been “guested” as an antifreeze additive, therefore only that information about it is used,which is in the public domain and "Recommendations for the use of technical sodium formate". The latter were approved by the expert commission of the Scientific and Technical Council of NIISK. Many manufacturers of this chemical produce it according to technical specifications (TS). Today, there are Chinese-made products on sale, the quality of which is simply impossible to check, since often there are not even certificates for it. That is why it is better to purchase this substance from trusted domestic manufacturers.
