Granite - properties. Properties and Applications of Granite

Granite - properties. Properties and Applications of Granite
Granite - properties. Properties and Applications of Granite

Among all the many rocks of the Earth, the main group is igneous, which formed over millions of years in the thickness of the earth's crust from volcanic lava. These breeds include one of the main

granite properties
granite properties

building materials - granite. The properties of this stone have long been studied by people. This led to the fact that it was widely used in construction in the past, it is still used today. A huge number of monuments and structures of antiquity have survived to our times due to the fact that they were made of granite. Its unique composition, beautiful grain structure and useful properties make this stone a very popular building material.

Granite deposits

This rock is formed as a result of solidification of magma at great depths. It is affected by high temperature, pressure, gases rising from the thickness of the earth's crust and evaporation. Under the influence of these factors,such a unique structure, the play of light and shadow that we observe in this stone. Most often it is gray in color, but sometimes red or green granite is mined. Its properties depend on the size of its constituent grains. It is coarse-grained, medium-grained and fine-grained (the most

basic properties of granite
basic properties of granite


This rock usually lies at great depths, but sometimes comes to the surface. Granite deposits are found on all continents and in almost all countries, but most of them are in Siberia, Karelia, Finland, India and Brazil. Its extraction is quite expensive, as it lies in the form of huge layers, often extending for several kilometers.

The composition of this stone

Granite refers to polymineral rocks formed by several substances. Most of all in its composition is feldspar, which determines its color. Almost a quarter is occupied by quartz, which is an inclusion of translucent bluish grains. Granite contains other minerals (for example,

application of granite
application of granite

up to 10% it can contain tourmaline, up to 20% mica), as well as inclusions of iron, manganese, monazite or ilmenite.

Basic properties of granite

The advantages of this stone allow us to admire the architectural structures made from it in antiquity even now. What properties of granite determine its widespread use?

1. Durability. Fine-grained varieties of granite show the first signs of abrasion only after 500 years. Therefore, sometimes itcalled the eternal stone.

2. Strength. Granite is considered the most durable substance after diamond. It is resistant to compression and friction. This is due to the properties of quartz, which is part of it. In addition, it becomes clear why this rock is so strong after the answer to the question of what is the density of granite is found. It is actually very high - almost three tons per cubic meter.

3. Weather resistance. Granite can withstand temperatures from minus 60 to plus 50 degrees Celsius. This is very important in cold climates. Studies have proven that granite products do not lose their properties after freezing and thawing 300 times.

4. Waterproof. It is thanks to this property that granite is so


frost resistant. Therefore, it is ideal for embankment cladding.

5. Ecological purity. Granite is not radioactive at all and is therefore safe for any construction work.

6. Fire resistance. This material begins to melt only at 700-800 degrees Celsius. Therefore, cladding a house with them is not only beautiful, but also safe.

7. Ease of processing, compatibility with any building materials and richness of textures and colors make it indispensable for interior design.

8. Acid and fungus resistant.

Granite processing

basic properties of granite
basic properties of granite

Despite the strength and high density of the rock, this stone is easy to process. It's pretty easy to cut andto polish. Usually large granite blocks, slabs or granite chips and crushed stone go on sale. It is used to make tiles, countertops and paving stones. The richness of the textures of this natural stone makes the use of granite acceptable for decorating any interior. Untreated stone looks very nice, absorbing light well. Polished to a shine, it shows all its virtues and the beauty of mica inclusions. When processing the rock by chipping, a relief structure is obtained with a decorative effect of the play of chiaroscuro. And some types of gray granite become milky white after heat treatment.

Types of granites

Based on what minerals are included in granite, it is especially worth paying attention to the dark-colored components. These rocks are divided into several groups: alaskite, leucogranite, biotite, pyroxene, alkaline and others. These breeds are also different in structure:

- porphyritic granite that contains elongated inclusions of minerals;

granite properties and applications
granite properties and applications

- pegmatoid - characterized by uniform grain size of quartz and feldspar;

- gneissic - a uniform fine-grained stone;

- Finnish granite, which is also called rapakivi, has round blotches of red color;

- written - a very interesting variety, in which particles of feldspar are arranged in the form of wedge-shaped strips, similar to ancient writing.

Recently, artificial granite has also been used, created by firing clay withminerals. Such a stone is called porcelain stoneware and is almost as good as natural stone.

Types of breed by color

Properties and applications of granite also depend on its color. On this basis, several breed groups are distinguished:

- amazonite granite has a pleasant bluish-green color due to its green feldspar;

- rose red and Leznikovsky red - the most durable;

properties and application of granite
properties and application of granite

- gray rocks are very common, and they got their names from the places of extraction: Korninsky, Sofievsky, Zhezhelevsky;

- Rare is white granite. This variety includes colors from pale green to pearl gray.

Use of granite

This stone has been used in construction and cladding for many centuries. This is due to the fact that its fine-grained varieties begin to collapse only after 500 years. It is impact resistant and very durable. These basic properties of granite allow it to be widely used in construction. Where the mineral is used:

1. Most of the monuments and monuments are made from it.

2. Its strength and resistance to abrasion make it suitable for steps, floors, porches and even pavements.

3. In a cold climate, the most popular building material is granite. Its properties make it possible to clad buildings and even embankments where

what is the density of granite
what is the density of granite

there areharsh winters.

4. This stone can transform your home both inside and out. Designers successfully use it to make columns, stairs, skirting boards, countertops and railings. They also line the walls of houses with it.

5. The use of granite in swimming pools, bathrooms and fountains is due to the fact that it does not let water through at all. And also does not collapse under its influence.

Granite in the interior


In recent years, this stone has become very widely used for interior decoration. It blends beautifully with all materials - wood, metal and ceramics - and suits the design of any home. In addition to wall and floor cladding, granite can also be used in many places in the apartment. Its properties make this stone indispensable for the manufacture of window sills and countertops in the kitchen. They are easy to care for, durable and do not deteriorate from exposure to moisture and high temperatures.

Granite is widely used in landscape design as well. A walkway or gazebo lined with this stone will not be afraid of weathering and will not crack over time. The flower beds decorated by him, for example, in the style of a Japanese rock garden or in the form of a terrace, look beautiful. It is very convenient to use granite for the manufacture of curbs and stairs.

The properties and uses of this stone have long been studied. And it has been used by man since antiquity. With the advent of new processing technologies, granite began to be used even more often, because it became possible to improve its decorative properties.
