Reopening is disturbing the wound

Reopening is disturbing the wound
Reopening is disturbing the wound

Russian speech is very beautiful, but native words cause considerable difficulties even for native speakers. In many slang expressions, as well as borrowed terms, it is simply impossible to find an analogue in order to understand the meaning of a mysterious definition. Meanwhile, the traditional “to stir” is a very popular concept in literature, poetry, music, it is part of idiomatic expressions. It's just that it can be difficult to understand the statement exactly.

Smart replacement

Or is it much easier? Philologists point to the replacement of the sound and the letter “c” by “b”, and therefore they call the original verb “to chant”. Vered becomes the key noun:

  • sore;
  • wound;
  • abscess.

The same root is called "harm", since both originated from the Indo-European verd. At the same time, the key difference is indicated:

  • veredity - physical harm;
  • harm - abstract moral damage.

Immediately a convenient logical chain is built from a long series of associations. You can make any sentences and it is appropriate to use a sonorous domestic term.

The plaster allows not to reopen the wound
The plaster allows not to reopen the wound

Double interpretation

Although a modern clarification is required. The base value says what it means to “rewind” in an obsolete sense:

  • irritate the sore spot;
  • pain with movement;
  • touch the wound.

We are talking about any actions as a result of which a person experiences unpleasant, painful sensations. At the same time, the protective crust, a thin layer of new skin, can crack - and blood will flow. To combat this, doctors have come up with many sedative drugs that relieve itching and technical means that fix the position of the patient or block access to the affected area.

In parallel, there is an allegorical version that our contemporaries can hear in lyrical monologues and as part of colorful phrases:

  • to stir the heart;
  • gut;
  • soul, etc.

In this case, they mean painful emotions, difficult memories that cause spiritual suffering of a person. When an event or statement plunges into the abyss of negative experiences. Parting with a loved one, memorable gifts from him cause no less pain than an accidentally wounded wound.

Talking about the personal stirs the soul
Talking about the personal stirs the soul

Relevant classic

What conclusions? Today, more often in communication, a figurative interpretation of "reveal" slips through. It sounds beautiful, poetic, a little sublime. Demonstrates the speaker's erudition and seems to elevate him above a gray vain world full of suffering. Literal reading aboutphysical contact with trauma can be read. Or hear from an elderly doctor, nurse.

Heed the advice not to harm yourself in any way. If you constantly comb the sore, indulge in sad thoughts, you will only prolong the healing process. It is better to be patient a little, to completely reject the torment and enjoy life!