Many of us don't even think about what a contextual synonym is. Meanwhile, the answer to this question is very simple. In this article, we will try to highlight the problem of identifying these types of synonyms and the features of their study and understanding.
The simplest definition sounds like this: a given synonym is used in a particular sentence only in a particular context. For example, if we are talking about a source of water and next to the sentence we put the word “key” in the meaning of a spring, then these words will be called contextual synonyms.

Let's give one more interpretation. These synonyms are formed in order to give the most complete definition of a particular phenomenon.
What are these contextual synonyms? Examples are given below: "Sonechka stood on the ground and looked at this black, deadening depth of the grave." In this case, the adjectives "black" and "dead" are synonymous.
Thus, we have provided a short answer to the question of what is a contextual synonym. Now let's evaluate this phenomenon from a scientific point of view.point of view.
Scientific interpretation
The question of the identity or non-identity of the meanings of the so-called contextual synonyms determines the problem of the degree of discreteness of their meanings. It is believed that the content of such synonyms is characterized by the same seme composition.
However, as a rule, in the meanings of many words attributed by lexicologists to absolute synonyms, one can observe discrepancies, that is, the interpretation of one synonym does not coincide with the definition of another. And in different dictionaries, the degree of completeness of the seme composition of synonymous meanings does not match, which is associated with lexicographic lacunarity.
The problem of discretizing the semantics of lexical units has always been reflected in the works of linguists in one way or another, but it is precisely at the present time that interest in it has increased.

In this case, we can say that the meanings within the semantic structure of the word are selectable and each of them can introduce the word into different systemic paradigms; the meaning itself consists of separable parts (sem), which can be the basis of LSG, synonymous series. These phenomena help to see sentences with contextual synonyms.
Examples of this type of synonymy
Let's dwell on a couple of contextual synonyms that we find in the sentence "Lomonosov is the genius of the Russian nation". These contextual synonyms can be successfully discretized, their lexicographic and contextual analysis can become a precedent for identifying trends in the existence of synonyms in modern Russian.
In this case, we can explain what a contextual synonym is. After all, the words “Lomonosov” and “genius” are not synonyms in their pure form, but in this context in the sentence these words are synonyms.

In another sentence, for example, “His genius called him to conquer the heights of science, then the young Lomonosov did not know what glory awaits him during his lifetime and after death”, the words “Lomonosov” and “genius” are already synonymous are not, because they are used in a different context.
Thus, in the dictionary definitions of the studied synonyms, we observe different ways of reflecting the discreteness of their meanings. Lexicographic data can always be supplemented by the study of the contextual "behavior" of synonyms. Let us turn to the peculiarities of the use of the considered synonyms, giving the appropriate contexts.
Contextual synonyms: examples from the literature and their interpretation
Let's ask ourselves why these kinds of synonyms are used in speech.
We need them to enhance the expressiveness of speech. For example, let's focus on a couple of synonyms: sea, stormy, which are used in the context of the following sentence: "A stormy sea wind beat against the side of a sinking ship."
This sentence emphasizes the meaning of the image of the wind that hurt the storm-wounded ship. In another context, these words will no longer be synonyms.

Thus, we can talk not only about the degree of semanticdiscreteness of the considered synonyms, but also about the degree of continuity of their contextual environment: it diagnoses the features of the semantic modification of the studied units in different ways.
Semantic discreteness of dictionary definitions allows answering the question of what a contextual synonym is. This is due to the peculiarities of representing information about synonyms in explanatory and synonymic dictionaries. An analysis of dictionary interpretations in conjunction with a description of the distributive specifics of the units under consideration (taking into account the degree of context diagnostics) makes it possible not to consider them fully synonymous. This is also evidenced by the development of semantic modifications of the analyzed units, for example, the manifestation of figurative meanings that are not marked in dictionaries. This limits the possibility of their interchangeability in other sentences with a qualitatively different context.