Activity in social science is what and its features

Activity in social science is what and its features
Activity in social science is what and its features

Why is a person always, unless he is sleeping, in motion, busy with something? And what will happen if he falls into a state of rest and does nothing? Yes, he will simply die - from hunger, thirst, cold, boredom. Life is a constant activity, the definition in social science sounds like a series of necessary actions for the sake of life itself.

Essence of human activity

The fact that society needs energetic, enterprising, businesslike citizens is an axiom. Otherwise, it will turn into a stagnant swamp or that notorious lying stone, under which even water does not flow. It is the activity of people at all levels of social life that guarantees the comprehensive development of both the entire state and its individual individuals.

social science activities
social science activities

The word "activity" has many synonyms and one of them is "activity". They complement each other and complement each other. What causes human activity:

  1. The ability to recognize the flaws and virtues of the world, which can be used to your advantage.
  2. The need foradaptation of the environment to their needs and, conversely, in adapting to its conditions, which are not amenable to change. For example, it is impossible to exclude winter from the natural seasonal cycle and replace it with eternal spring.
  3. Curiosity, the need to know the cause-and-effect relationships that exist in nature, and to use them for one's own purposes.

Thus, human activity in social science is a meaningful practical and cognitive activity of an individual, aimed at mastering and changing the environment in order to meet his own needs and requirements.

Scheme of action

Meaningful activity in social science is the consistent execution of specific operations that guarantee the intended result.

First of all, it should be determined who will be the subject, that is, the performer of the intended action, depending on its scale and content:

  • one person with the necessary knowledge and skills;
  • a group of people (members of the election, admissions, inspection committee);
  • society.

Next, you need to decide which object the subject's activity is directed to. It can be an object (for example, what to build a monument or build a house from), one person, a team, a family, or even an invisible, non-material process (aesthetic perception of art objects by young people). The object of analytical activity can be a person's own character traits, views, tastes. In this case, he acts both as its object and as its subject.

The motives and purpose of the subject of activity should be extremely deliberate and understandable to them. Otherwise, it becomes chaotic, costly in terms of time and money, and may be ineffective.

Methods and methods, means of moving towards the goal must be reasonable, real and affordable.

The process of carrying out activities in social science is a systematic, step-by-step progress towards the intended result with a rational resolution of emerging new tasks and problems.

The result of labor - tangible or intangible. It is analyzed, compared with the plan and, if necessary, corrected and finalized.

Ethical side of activity

Not every business is good for the individual and society. From this point of view, social science divides the types of activity into creative, useful, and destructive, destructive.

There are numerous examples of publicly approved actions by individuals and groups of enthusiasts. They are aimed at improving the living conditions, the financial situation of lonely, elderly, low-income citizens: volunteering, patronage, guardianship, fundraising. Often various actions to restore order in a city or village - Saturdays, Sundays, months.

activity definition in social science
activity definition in social science

Destructive, harmful and dangerous activity in social science is contrary to the law, the norms of social coexistence: robbery and theft, premeditated murders for various reasons, espionage, desertion, leaving a person in danger, slander andothers

Situations when a person is tempted to break moral rules and norms often arise. What decision he will make depends on his character, moral stamina, upbringing.


A person masters numerous types of actions gradually, from the simplest to the most complex, as his consciousness and needs form:

  1. Communication. From the first days of life, the child receives many signals from the environment and, with the help of adults, learns to respond and consciously interact with it. That is to communicate. The forms and skills of this activity become more complex as its own goals appear and communicative experience is gained.
  2. Game. Initially, it serves as a means of entertainment, primitive in content. But gradually, it is in the game that the child copies, models and resolves various life situations, that is, indirectly learns the art of social interaction.
  3. Teaching. It is organized by adults as a way to develop in children the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for life. Without it, the development of the psyche is impossible. At a conscious age, a person can, for various reasons, engage in self-education in a chosen field of knowledge.
  4. Labour. This is the activity of a person, a group of people to achieve the desired result. His goal is to achieve his own or public welfare.
  5. Creativity. This is the activity of people who have a great need to realize new and unusual ideas and images in material objects (paintings, sculpture, buildings, cinema, performances). Its basis is the developmentimagination and fantasy.
social science activities
social science activities

During life, a person masters different types of activities to a greater or lesser extent. It depends both on natural inclinations, upbringing, and on individual goals and needs.

Activity Forms

Labor is physical and mental. These forms of activity in social science are characterized as follows:

  • Physical labor requires high energy costs, as a person experiences significant muscle stress. All body systems - respiratory, cardiac, nervous - are intensively activated.
  • Mental or intellectual work is provided by the tension of brain activity, thinking: incoming information is analyzed in the brain, which requires concentration and memorization. Then a new action plan is created with consideration of the place, time, ways, means of its implementation.

These forms of activity defined in social science are not strictly isolated from each other forms. The physical labor of a worker (builder, loader, rescuer) does not exclude, but stimulates his mental work. A conscious attitude to it requires thinking about the sequence (planning) and nature of actions, focusing attention, analyzing results, searching for optimization methods and correcting mistakes.

activities in social science
activities in social science

Mental labor is often combined with physical labor, when, for example, the inventor himself is engaged in the manufacture of parts, assembly, testinginvented unit.
