The functions of social work are diverse. Most often, poor citizens turn to its specialists for material support, the sick and infirm - for physical support, if there is no way to get it from loved ones. But we althy citizens who cannot cope with everyday problems also ask for psychological help and receive it.
What is state social protection of the population
Each state implements a policy that guarantees the population a decent lifestyle, economic, legal, social protection. This serves as a prevention of discontent, human protests and explosions.
Social protection of the population consists of material support and service funds. They are formed and distributed from the national income, mandatory deductions from local budgets, from private contributions and donations.

The main functions of social work are carried out in a variety of public areas, where there are problems that concern not only some groupspopulation, but also individuals. The well-being of the country consists of the well-being of each and every one of its citizens.
Social Security System
Each country has its own sources from which funds (tangible and intangible) are taken to support citizens who are not able to take care of themselves (the elderly, the disabled, the poor). An exception can only be called an African country like Somalia, where there is no state power and anarchy reigns.

In Russia, the methods of providing assistance to this category of the population have long been worked out, united into one whole and expressed in the form of economic, legal or political relations with the state. The elements of this structure and their strength may vary depending on some factors, such as the political system, the economic situation of the region with its cultural characteristics.
An important component is the replenishment of state budgetary and non-budgetary funds, from which funds are taken for the functioning of various social institutions. The main sources are:
- taxes;
- compulsory social insurance;
- direct budget appropriations;
- charitable foundations and patronage.
The state in various ways motivates the owners of private enterprises to take part in the social support of the population. For example, tax breaks are being introduced for those who employ disabled workers.groups.
Supervision over the distribution of funds and ensuring the work of social institutions is carried out by the government of the Russian Federation through bodies of special competence (employment centers, the Ministry of He alth, the pension fund, etc.).
Activities for the provision of social services to the population
The constituent components of social work as activities are:
- objects of activity - clients, almost all people and individuals who inhabit the state and need its help, as well as their life and work areas (family, place of work, study, boarding schools, hospitals, etc.);
- subjects - the state itself, various services, institutions and their employees performing the functions of social work;
- content - implemented through functions;
- goals - providing comprehensive assistance to clients, interaction with state and public structures to identify and prevent social problems of the population;
- means - financial, material, technical, organizational;
- management - carried out by state and municipal social services.

The functions and structure of social work in the field are specified taking into account the national composition and customs, the needs of the population, the economic situation of the region.
Functions of social services
The main purpose of the governing bodies is the material, financial, methodological, staffing of social service institutions in accordance with the law.
The tasks and functions of social work in municipalities are implemented in the following directions:
- Identification and registration of individuals, families who need state assistance.
- Assistance to the able-bodied population in achieving and maintaining their material well-being (employment, development of farming, small business, home work).
- Home-based services for sick and lonely citizens.
- Identification and identification of orphans, children from dysfunctional families for state and family education (guardianship, guardianship, adoption).
- Counseling for specialists working with the population in other areas of service (he alth workers, teachers, lawyers), foster parents, youth (on employment, psychology and pedagogy of raising children, career guidance).
- Rehabilitation - social, medical, psychological - for the disabled, orphans, children from asocial families, homeless children. Corrective psychological and pedagogical work with families and minors with deviant behavior.
- Information of the population, clients about the possibilities and conditions for obtaining public services, promotion of knowledge on various aspects of social, family, personal life.

Thus, the functions of social work in society are diverse, as are the life problems that people face.
One of the most humane professions
The state system of social assistance to the population prevents the destabilization of society due topoverty, child and old homelessness, unemployment, injury, occupational disease, a person's lack of confidence in receiving support in other disadvantaged periods of life.

A social worker is a kind of mediator between the state and citizens who are unable to solve their problems on their own. His humane activity to meet the urgent needs of people, thus, simultaneously solves the state task of maintaining economic well-being and psychological peace, smoothing out manifestations of social inequality.
Professional qualities of a social worker
Any of the professions has specific requirements for the personal qualities of its owner. The implementers of social work functions are persons who have received special education and have the following professional qualities:
- responsibility and exactingness to oneself, self-criticism;
- responsiveness and disinterestedness, sincerity;
- sociability, the ability to listen and competently, clearly explain;
- patience, courtesy, tolerance towards the client;
- legal, psychological and pedagogical competence.
A social worker must objectively evaluate his successes in the labor field and misses, consciously learn from high-class professionals. The poor quality of his work is both leaving a person in trouble and shaping a negative image of the state aid system among the population.
Responsibilities of a social worker
Various functions of social work oblige ministers of this sphere:
- Know and skillfully implement methods for identifying and diagnosing the causes and manifestations of the population’s troubles, individual citizens, to form a data bank about them.
- Objectively evaluate the types and degree of social disadvantage.
- Determine the content and nature of the required services to the client.
- Organize, if necessary, the provision of assistance to him from other organizations and specialists.
In addition, a social worker, carrying out an educational function, often acts as a consultant, lecturer on the organization of socio-pedagogical, preventive, rehabilitation work with people.

He advertises the content and opportunities of working with the population of specialists of the institution in which he works. Organizes household assistance to lonely elderly citizens and disabled people who do not have family support (purchase of goods and products, cooking, help around the house).
Principles of social work
Bodies of social assistance to the population in their work adhere to the following mandatory rules - principles:
- legality of actions at all levels of public life, compliance with state social policy;
- taking into account the characteristics of the client's life (individual, group), the right to choose the type and volume of services offered to him;
- professionalism, responsibility of personnel;
- complexity,individuality, purposefulness in solving customer problems;
- unity of social rights for all clients, regardless of their social status, political, religious and other views and beliefs;
- stimulating capable subjects to find their own opportunities for self-help;
- privacy;
- search for local resources to assist client in case of public shortage.
The principles of the implementation of the functions of social work guarantee the execution and protection of the rights of citizens guaranteed by the Constitutions of the Russian Federation to receive professional comprehensive assistance.