The German National Socialist state existed for twelve years, and for one of the leaders of the Hitlerite government, by his own admission, they became a whole millennium. His name is Hermann Goering.

A contradictory personality, on the one hand, an aristocrat and erudite, a highly educated officer, a hero-pilot, on the other hand, a merciless killer and drug addict, mired in luxury. This was the man whom Adolf Hitler called his closest assistant.
In the First World War, Hermann Wilhelm Goering entered the infantryman as an adjutant. When a friend who had arthritis visited him and offered to enroll in aviation, he agreed without hesitation.

Despite the numerous post-war publications that gave an idea of the future Minister of Aviation and the chief forester of the Reich as a cowardly braggart, apparently, he was a very good pilot and commander.
The future German Chancellor Hermann Goering met for the first time in 1922, he was fascinated by his eloquence and forever connected his life with National Socialism. The following year, on November 9, Hitler announced the overthrow of theBavaria and tried to carry out a government coup. The rebellion, which later became known as the beer putsch, was suppressed. The retired pilot was wounded, he was saved by a certain Herr Ballin, a Jew, for which fifteen years later he himself received life as a gift. Hermann Göring knew how to be grateful.

Then, getting rid of the pain, he began to take morphine and became a drug addict.
After Adolf Hitler became chancellor, the life of this war veteran turned into a long continuous celebration. Hermann Goering did not know the measure in anything, he himself invented the styles of uniforms, drank fine wines and cognacs, lived in his own castles, since the funds allowed. The Minister of Aviation became a rich man, the owner of an entire industrial empire, consisting of enterprises taken from the Jews. It was these years that he remembered as a thousand years.
However, he did not forget about the case. German pilots received excellent training and first-class aircraft, the Luftwaffe grew by leaps and bounds (both quantitatively and qualitatively). Hermann Goering himself, along with other pilots, underwent retraining in the USSR, at the Lipetsk flight school.

But everything comes to an end. Soviet air raids on Berlin in August 1941 and massive Allied bombing put a big question mark on the promises of the Reich Air Minister that not a single bomb…
The events of World War II are widely known. Those of the Germans who understood something in strategy understood already in August 41 that there would be no victory, no blitzkriegsucceeded, but Germany is not ready for a protracted confrontation with the USSR, the resources are not the same. But Goering stood by the Fuhrer to the last, although he was no longer really capable of anything. However, before committing suicide, he expelled him from the party and ordered his arrest. In the confusion associated with the end of the war, Goering was guarded by Luftwaffe pilots, who released him, and on May 8, an American sergeant was already filling out a standard prisoner of war form: “Name is Goering Hermann …”, after which the former Reich Minister was fed in the soldiers' kitchen.
At the Nuremberg Trials, Hermann Goering actively defended himself in the spirit of “who are the judges?”. He accused the US of racism, and the USSR of totalitarianism, and this would be fair, if you do not take into account the personality of the speaker. After this “swan song” of his, war criminal No. 2 poisoned himself, avoiding a shameful death on the gallows. No one has yet been able to explain how this happened.