Zemsky order is the central government body. Zemsky order: description and history

Zemsky order is the central government body. Zemsky order: description and history
Zemsky order is the central government body. Zemsky order: description and history

After the period of the Great Troubles, the gradual restoration of the management of the Vladimir and Moscow lands began. Numerous wars and rebellions are a thing of the past, the tsarist autocracy has stabilized and gained strength in the country. The strengthening of control was accompanied by an expansion of the network of administrative authorities, among which was the Zemsky Prikaz, the central state body for administration and control.

First mentions

During the Time of Troubles, no significant authorities existed. The entire territory of Russia was fragmented. But the gradual strengthening of the influence of the Moscow principality led to the expansion of the lands falling under the jurisdiction of the Moscow prince, which means that he also needed his own land management bodies.

As an independent institution, the Zemsky order was first mentioned in the documents of 1564, although some employees, who were called Zemstvo deacons, carried outtheir duties since 1500. The emergence of centralized governing bodies of the Russian lands indicates a weakening of the influence of the princely and boyar aristocracy, and the strengthening of central power. The Zemsky Sobor and the orders made up the two branches of the existing power: legislative and executive. The first council was convened during the reign of Ivan the Terrible in 1549 and coincides in time with a sharp aggravation of the conflict between the "bottom" and "top", which manifested itself both in the capital of the Russian lands and on the outskirts of the principalities.

order zemsky sobor ministry collegium what is superfluous
order zemsky sobor ministry collegium what is superfluous

The history of the convocation of Zemsky Sobors goes back two centuries. Historically, two chambers de alt with appointments and orders: in the first, courtiers, boyars, treasurers and butlers gathered, in the second - boyar children, governors, princes and nobles.

The structure of the Zemsky order

The bulk of the Zemsky Prikaz officials were roundabout heads appointed from local nobles. They led street watchmen, archers and gunners. They were also subordinate to the lattice clerks who controlled the gates blocking the streets of old Moscow, the yarygs - responsible for cleaning the pavements and various townspeople who performed a wide variety of tasks.

Responsibilities of Zemsky order

Zemsky Prikaz performed its numerous duties on the basis of decrees and orders of the current authorities. Its officials forced out the existing city clerks and third parties - proteges of boyars and princes.

Zemsky order
Zemsky order

Among the main duties of the officials of the order were:

  • beautification of the subordinate territory, urban management;
  • tax collection;
  • litigation and litigation with the lower classes of the population;
  • law enforcement, firefighting;
  • fight against feeding, brothels and gambling.

The general level of development of Moscow was typical of a medieval city: narrow streets clogged with waste, heaps of manure on the pavements and an unbearable stench. By weekends and holidays, attempts were made to restore order on the streets of Moscow, the condition of the pavements of Nikolskaya and Myasnitskaya streets, along which the tsar often drove, was maintained almost ideally. Later, all the rough work was entrusted to people of a low class - yaryzhny. They were also ordered to clean the streets, take out sewage, serve in the stables of noble officials.

Zemsky Sobor and Orders
Zemsky Sobor and Orders

The work of the Moscow police

Zemsky order paid for the work of the Moscow police, which was responsible for order and suppressed minor offenses. The administration itself was small. The head of the police department was chosen to go around the head, who was allocated an office and a small office. Archers and lattice clerks stood out to help the head. We althy households had their own security and detective service and had little to no contact with the police.

Development of Zemstvo Administration

At the beginning of the 17th century, Zemsky Prikaz was divided into two Zemsky courts, which controlled two different parts of Moscow. The number has increasedofficials who served in the orders, expanded its functions. All office work was divided into "court" and "money" tables. Petitions, petitions and decisions made after their consideration were entered into special books.

After the innovations of Peter I, focused on the European way of life, the order and the Zemsky Sobor were abolished. The ministry and the collegium were formed according to Western European models. It was they who were entrusted with the responsibility to carry out the functions of the old governing bodies.

order zemsky sobor ministry collegium
order zemsky sobor ministry collegium

Revival of Zemstvo

In the second half of the 19th century, the decline of the existing system forced Tsar Alexander II to carry out reforms regarding the reorganization of public administration. One of the first was the reform of local self-government, in which local authorities received more powers and were partially able to make independent decisions.

At this time, the question of the treatment of rural residents is raised and the “zemstvo doctor” program is launched. The order for the provision of medical assistance brought doctors and paramedics to remote corners of the country, whose duties included the provision of emergency medical care.

The conditions of educational programs provided the right to learn to read and write to the most numerous segments of the population - the peasants. Zemstvo itself made a decision on the construction of railways or the construction of large industrial enterprises. Much attention was also paid to the cultural life of small towns and villages: theaters, women's courses, public libraries and others were opened.cultural and educational institutions. Unfortunately, revolutions and wars destroyed all the potential that the reforms of the 19th century brought to the life of the state.

zemstvo doctor order program
zemstvo doctor order program

At present, at history lessons and olympiads devoted to the study of the past of the native land, the following task is often found: "Order", "Zemsky Sobor", "ministry", "collegium" - what is superfluous?" The correct answer would be "Zemsky Sobor", since it was the legislative body, and all the other institutions of state administration listed were executive.
