It's no secret that every teacher should be creative in their work. Preparing for the lessons, he must clearly think over everything. However, if this is a regular activity, then children, especially middle-level ones, will not be interested in sitting for 45 minutes and listening to the words of a lecturer-teacher. The event should be exciting and varied enough. Only in this case, students will carefully listen to the teacher in the classroom. At the end of the lesson, it is very important that the teacher summarize the knowledge gained and ask the children if they liked teaching in this form.
Interest during non-standard lessons
A lesson can only be interesting when the teacher uses interdisciplinary connections and provides memorable facts. When planning a lesson, it is important to think over its course correctly, not forgetting that you need to repeat the knowledge that the guys received in the past.

In this regard, non-standard lessons can be interesting, which will allow the child to think creatively, express their opinion, and also take into account the wishes of their peers. Today, non-standard forms of lessons can be practiced by teachers of various subjects. It is very important that eachthe lesson conducted by the teacher was not only interesting, but also informative.
Unconventional lessons in elementary school
Today, non-standard lessons are best practiced in poorly performing classes. With the help of such classes, you can significantly increase the level of knowledge. Improvising, the teacher can pay attention to students with different levels of development, offering them to solve complex problems. It should be noted that non-standard lessons in elementary school can attract the attention of schoolchildren and even teach them perseverance.
It is sometimes very difficult for elementary school students to sit in one place for 45 minutes. Here you can go two ways. At the administrative level, this issue can be resolved by reducing the time of classes to 40 minutes. The second way involves careful preparation of the teacher for the lesson and the interest of the student.

Conducting open lessons at school
Very often at school, teachers hold open lessons. As a rule, in such classes the leading role is assigned to the teacher, and students only participate in the process. When conducting non-standard lessons, it must be remembered that one should not deviate greatly from the program, which is designed for a specific secondary school. Everything must be within the rules.
Of course, non-standard lessons at school can be in different subjects. Each teacher is considered an expert in his field. That is why it is necessary to find that creative component that will help him arouse interest in the subject among schoolchildren. Qualitatively conductednon-standard lessons allow the teacher to improve his category, while improving professionalism.

How to design a custom lesson?
The development of a non-standard lesson must be approached with the utmost responsibility. At this stage, it is important to take into account the characteristics of students and the specifics of the subject. To write a scenario or plan for such a lesson, you need to be well acquainted with the topic and choose the most interesting material.
Developing a non-standard lesson may include several stages. First, it is necessary to assess the level of knowledge and capabilities of schoolchildren who could take an active part in the event. Then it is important to choose and arrange the material correctly.
Use of computer technology in the classroom
It is desirable that innovative technologies are used in the lesson, with the help of which you can watch video, listen to audio material. Such an approach is possible in the lessons of literature, natural history, history and music. It can be interesting to use a computer in Russian language classes while learning a new topic. What else can be non-standard lessons? You can make a presentation. Useful information will be displayed on the slides, and the teacher will comment on it. By the way, the material can be presented not only in text form - it can also be graphics, pictures, which will make the event more understandable and memorable.
Features of non-standard lessons
Today, non-standard lessons can be held not only within the walls of the school. The form itselfclasses already provide a venue for it. So, for example, an observation lesson when studying a new topic in natural history can be organized in the fresh air. The kids will love this for sure. When choosing non-standard forms of lessons, it must be remembered that there should not be amateur performance in this matter. It is important that the school administration knows that the teacher gives an open lesson, thereby increasing the level of knowledge of students.
Different forms of conducting lessons
The teacher, within the framework of the stated topic, when conducting a non-standard lesson, can additionally use extra-curricular material that will be easily perceived by schoolchildren. Quite often, teachers of general education schools practice non-standard lessons in the form of competitions between students, and also put on theatrical shows. However, in this case, it is necessary to be guided by the peculiarities of the educational process and the specifics of a particular subject.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that conducting a non-standard lesson involves the involvement of schoolchildren. An interesting lesson can be if the students themselves talk about how they can solve the same problem. No less interesting can be given information about the personal life of a writer or scientist. Previously unknown facts can force students to listen carefully to information that will be useful to them at the end of the year during the exam.
Having a non-standard math lesson
It's no secret that in mathematics lessons one should think not creatively, but precisely. Here it is necessary to repeat the multiplication table, and also be able to build logical schemes for solving various problems. The lesson can be interesting if the form is chosen correctly. Today, a non-standard lesson in mathematics, as well as in any other discipline, must be carried out by prior agreement with the director or head teacher. Mostly teachers choose such form of event as competitions.
In such classes, it is best to divide students into small groups and give them the task of solving the same type of problems. The winner is the team that solved the problems first and correctly compiled the algorithm. At this stage, auction lessons can be organized, where students will need to calculate, for example, the cost of things that can be sold.

Equally interesting are the formula lessons. Each group of students can be asked to create a specific formula that reflects a specific topic. You can only use real examples from life (selling potatoes, purchasing cabbage, selling carrots). If you correctly calculate and come up with a logical scheme, then students can be delighted with the set problem tasks that will need to be solved in the lesson. Life situations are always of great interest to the guys.
Conducting a lesson on literature in a non-standard form
When organizing an open lesson in literature, the teacher must choose the right topic for the lesson. In this matter, it is necessary to focus on the curriculum. However, here it istake into account the characteristics of students, their age. If the personality itself is not interesting, then it is better not to bring it up for discussion with the guys. Before you start choosing a writer, you need to familiarize yourself with his work. A novel or story that is submitted for consideration by schoolchildren should be read by them. Only in this case it will be possible to correctly determine the theme of the work, as well as to make a quotation description of the system of images.

Today, a non-standard lesson in literature can take the form of a creative dialogue. Quite often, a philologist teacher practices a fantasy lesson, an excursion lesson, a seminar lesson, and a conference lesson. Such forms of classes will allow you to study the biography of a particular writer, as well as analyze the work indicated in the curriculum, and at the same time not fall asleep from boredom.
When organizing a non-standard lesson in literature, you can focus on concert classes in which the writer himself plays the main role. Such an event will be of interest to high school students, since the program provides for the study of the work of contemporary writers. A poet, prose writer or publicist can be invited to the class and learn about the nuances of writing specific works. Such a lesson-acquaintance will allow the teacher to interest students. The guys will probably want to study the works of the presented author more thoroughly.

Conducting a fairy tale lesson at literature lessons
Great interestevokes a fairy tale lesson for the children. This form is possible if the children have distributed all the roles in advance with the help of a teacher, while correctly setting priorities and accents. In such classes, jokes, interesting sayings, proverbs can be voiced. It is very important that during the dramatization of this or that fairy tale, good triumphs over evil.
Preparation for non-standard Russian lessons
Organizing a non-standard lesson, the teacher can take assistants who will prepare a presentation on a specific topic at home. This is a kind of practice for little explorers. It is necessary to evaluate such inquisitive students to the maximum. The form of such a lesson can be an interview. The teacher will ask the children a series of questions to which they must give the correct answers. The teacher's task is to select the right material to create a bank of questions.
When organizing a non-standard lesson in the Russian language, it is necessary to focus on the level of knowledge of the children, their vocabulary, as well as age characteristics. At such events, children can use previously created dictionaries, which will make them more liberated and advanced.

Schoolchildren are very popular with such a form of conducting classes as a tournament. You can do a warm-up that will allow children to remember the words that were studied in the previous lesson. It is important not to forget about vocabulary dictation. Lessons-tournaments are best practiced in the lower grades. Solving puzzles, crosswords, riddles with studentsand puzzles, you can develop memory and thinking in the classroom.
Non-standard lessons include games, performances, improvisations, as well as video lessons. The choice of the form of the lesson depends entirely on the teacher and students. The team must work in harmony. A non-standard lesson is a great way to dilute a boring educational program.