Transcription is not so much about linguistics as about life

Transcription is not so much about linguistics as about life
Transcription is not so much about linguistics as about life

The word "transcription" cannot but be familiar to everyone who in one way or another had a relationship with a foreign language in their lives (even if they only studied English a little during their school years). However, it is not clear to many what transcription is, how it appears in our daily life, and why such a thing as transcription is needed at all. Let's try to figure it all out.

Transcription. Practical transcription

First, it is important to understand what transcription is in Russian. So, in linguistics, it is understood as a way to convey the sound of a word using a particular system of signs. So, it can be divided into two types of existence - scientific transcription and practical transcription. Everyone is familiar with the second one, without exception, since it only means the transfer of a foreign word in the spelling and graphic systems of the target language. So, in order to write a practical transcription of the name of the General Motors company, you do not need to know anything other than how these words are read. In Russian, it will look like this: "Generalmotors".

Scientific transcription

Scientific transcription is a type of transcription done by linguists and intended for use in scientific research and writing. It can also be divided into two types - phonemic and phonemic. Views on scientific transcription vary among different researchers. Thus, one can distinguish the main centers of opposing scientific opinions: the Moscow Phonological School (MPS) and the Leningrad (Petersburg) Phonological School (LPS). L. V. Shcherba is considered to be the founder of the latter.

Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba
Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba


What is this? And transcription is the direct compilation of transcription. Examples of transcribed words can be found in dictionaries and phrasebooks. At the same time, in the first, transcription is close in its form to scientific, although it is often given in a simplified form (depending on the addressee of the dictionary). An example of this kind: [ˌɡʊdˈbaɪ] (American version) and [ɡʊdˈbʌɪ] for the well-known goodbye "This is in the dictionary. In a simple phrase book" for dummies "we will most likely meet practical transcription, in Russian letters, so that it is easier to read, it sounds easier, but the speakers still perceived: "goodbye".

Dictionary of foreign words
Dictionary of foreign words

Writing a transcription of words "in a scientific way" is taught at the philological and linguistic faculties of universities. Transcription is really important for those who plan to professionally engage in translation, humanitarianteaching or linguistic research activities.
