Let's consider the main types of educational tasks that the teacher has to solve in the framework of classroom and extracurricular activities. D. B. Elkonin and V. V. Davydov present all educational work in the form of a phased achievement of certain results.

The purpose of cognitive activity is the mastery of certain skills by schoolchildren. They depend on the scientific field in question. Learning activities can be subject, control, auxiliary. These include analysis, generalization, synthesis, schematization. Educational activities within the framework of the new Federal educational standards contribute to the formation of civic responsibility in the younger generation, the desire to independently acquire knowledge.

Task structure
What is meant by this term? A learning task is a complex system of information about a particular object orphenomenon, in the solution of which children improve their UUN. The process involves the search for new knowledge, their coordination with the base that has already been formed among schoolchildren.
Since a learning task is a complex process, there is a certain procedure by which it can be successfully solved. It depends on the subject area, the individual characteristics of schoolchildren, as well as the methodological techniques chosen by the teacher. If children solve the same problem in several ways, this helps them gain experience in project and research activities, and is a guarantee of successful socialization.
Currently, teaching materials in various scientific disciplines are designed so that the teacher is not limited to the usual transmission of knowledge, but builds individual educational trajectories for each student on the basis of a student-centered approach.
As a means used to solve pedagogical problems, one can consider texts, diagrams, formulas that contribute to the assimilation of certain skills.
Classes in schools are organized in such a way that the teacher has the opportunity to fulfill the order of society for the formation of citizenship and patriotism in the younger generation. At the exit from the educational institution, the graduate must be fully prepared for life in society, master the UUN, love his country, respect its traditions and culture.

Short description
A learning task is a kind of task that has a specific goal. In sometasks indicate the means and methods of solution. For example, if a teacher wants to teach students how to write chemical equations, he uses the simplest mathematical techniques (multiplication, addition, subtraction, division), as well as visual aids: models of atoms and molecules.
Educational materials chosen by the teacher to solve the set tasks must correspond to the age characteristics of the students.

Task Components
In pedagogy, there are several authors who have studied this issue in detail. So, according to L. M. Fridman, a learning task is a kind of task that has components:
- subject area;
- relations between the objects under consideration;
- requirements;
- operations to solve the problem.
How do students solve learning problems themselves? They accept it, develop a plan of action, carry out certain operations and actions that contribute to solving the proposed problem.
The curriculum of the school is drawn up in such a way as to create optimal conditions for the independent development of students.

Specific work in schools
At present, classes in schools also have a different look. Teachers are not limited to simply transferring knowledge, they do not require students to memorize information mechanically. At all levels of school education, attention is paid to design and research work. If during the lesson the teacher highlightsa small period of time to invite children to solve a certain problem situation, then after the lessons much more attention can be devoted to such activities.

Specificity of extracurricular work
Recently, science and research clubs have appeared in many educational institutions. Children attending such classes feel like real experimenters and researchers.
The teacher who organizes such training is a truly talented and caring teacher who dreams of instilling in the younger generation a sense of love and pride in their country. What tasks does he set for his students? What skills will the guys attending the club classes be able to master?
To answer these questions, it is necessary to take a closer look at the specifics of the work of such an organization.
The teacher draws up a program in which he indicates the main goals and objectives of extracurricular work with children. For example, in addition to identifying early giftedness, creating optimal conditions for self-realization and self-development of schoolchildren, the teacher sets the task of forming an active civic position in the younger generation of Russians. Those projects that will be created by the guys individually or in small groups have a huge educational aspect. Communication contributes to the formation and improvement of communication skills.
In addition to the direct implementation of the project, the guys learn the specifics of public speaking, presenting the resultsof their work to the scientific jury of conferences and competitions. Answering questions asked by scientists, teachers, children form the correct speech. It turns out that extracurricular project and research activities help schoolchildren to be successful in the subjects of the humanitarian cycle.
One cannot ignore the development of logic, which is also facilitated by project and research extracurricular activities. For example, by analyzing the useful properties of cranberries, the child not only gets acquainted with theoretical information on this issue, but also learns methods, using which he can confirm (refute) the hypothesis put forward by him.
While conducting their first independent experiments, the student gets the skills to work with laboratory equipment. Special attention in the research work related to the natural sciences is given to the safe conduct of experiments.
Before young scientists begin their own research, they are familiar with safety regulations.

Whatever educational task a modern teacher sets for the children, it implies the harmonious development of schoolchildren. Of course, the traditional explanatory and illustrative way of teaching is not suitable for a modern school, since the sequence of actions, the key points necessary for consideration, all this was suggested by the teacher on an authoritarian basis. The children did not have the opportunity to demonstrate their non-standard thinking, unlock their creative potential, developuniversal skills and abilities.
Given the transformations that are currently observed in domestic education, we can talk about the widespread transition of kindergartens, lyceums, gymnasiums to a personality-oriented approach to teaching and educating the younger generation. Modern schoolchildren are no longer passive elements of the educational process, they are becoming its active objects.
The transition to the project and research methodology in the humanitarian, natural, scientific areas of the school curriculum has already given its first positive results. Graduates of a modern school are adapted to the requirements of the social environment, they are ready for constant learning and development. If in the classical educational system training involved the one-time acquisition of certain skills and abilities, then at present the situation has become completely different. In order for a young specialist to be in demand on the labor market, he must be mobile and ready to gain knowledge, and instilling such skills is the task of the school.