Russian speech is rich and colorful. With the help of different types of sentences, you can more fully describe your state, express feelings and describe them exactly in the light in which the author sees them. An exclamatory, interrogative, motivating sentence … Without them, it is impossible to imagine the Russian language and its magnificent sound. They are what make it special.
What are incentive offers?

This type of sentence is somewhat similar to narrative sentences, but they are distinguished by melodic properties, as well as grammatical structure. The melody differs in that the beginning of sentences is pronounced at higher tones, and by the end of the sentence the tone becomes more measured and calm. In addition, the interval between high and low tones is somewhat larger than in narrative sentences. Incentive sentences in Russian should fall into the category of demand or prohibition, request or order. The name of such proposals itself says that the authorwants to induce the person to whom he is addressing to perform some action. You can't do without syntax either.
From the point of view of this science, one can easily figure out what incentive sentences are and what structure they should have. For example, syntax considers four categories of motivating phrases and sentences: when the role of the predicate is played by the verb in the imperative mood, the verb in the personal form, in the indefinite form, or the predicate is completely absent, that is, the structure of the sentence is incomplete. The same sentence can be rewritten in different ways to refer to each of these groups (Bring a blanket! Bring a blanket! Please bring a blanket! Blanket!).

Proper use of incentives
Unfortunately, they are used quite often in such a way that they can offend the addressee. In order to avoid such unpleasant situations that will not lead to anything good, you should first understand what incentive sentences are, study their structure, and also use polite words in speech that will soften the order, and its execution will become much more pleasant.. Therefore, do not skimp on the "magic" words.

What is important to remember?
When considering the construction of incentive sentences in writing and when pronouncing them in speech, great attention should be paid to intonation. It is she who is able to embellish speech and convey everything to the addressee.wishes and requirements of the author. A more prominent emphasis is placed on the word indicating the action at the beginning, and the rest of the words are pronounced with less emphasis, and the intonation fades towards the end of the phrase. If we are talking about the fact that the child needs to be explained what incentive sentences are, the easiest way to do this is on the basis of illustrative examples and familiar phrases from everyday life (Show me a notebook! Yes, answer me! Please play with me! Let's go! Be please bring me a cup of water or juice!etc.)