Some words in our language are obsolete. They are rarely used, because they mean outdated objects, concepts or situations that can no longer happen. Consequently, the use of such expressions loses all meaning. Often it also happens that the word seems to be well-known, but its original meaning has long been forgotten or distorted. And we repeat the phrases we once heard, without particularly delving into their deep meaning.
The word "Satisfaction" yesterday and today
As an example, the word “satisfaction”, which was so common earlier, can be cited. It is satisfaction for any insult inflicted on a person. This was expressed, as a rule, in the form of a duel or duel, and was something taken for granted. Every self-respecting nobleman simply had to

demand satisfaction from the offender and defend your honor or die.
The state did not support such a method of protecting honor. Special legislative acts were drawn up, strictly prohibiting such actions and threatening punishment for disobedience, up to imprisonment. Nevertheless, the citizens ignored the letter of the law. "Sir, I demand satisfaction!" - one of the most popular phrases for many centuries. It foundreflected in Russian literature. Such integration into the field of art indicates that the dueling practice was a very common, familiar, if you like, even ordinary thing.
But at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the concept of honor or dignity turned out to be unclaimed. The new international proletarian state at first even declared them to be remnants of an exploitative past. From what satisfaction also suffered: the meaning of this word has lost all meaning. But after some time it reappeared in everyday life, however, taking a slightly different form.
Satisfaction at the state level
So, satisfaction is satisfaction, so to speak, compensation for damage. Everyone is responsible for their actions and even words - from an ordinary person to the state (which, by the way, is also represented by a person - the president, or the king, if we talk about the kingdom). How are conflicts resolved at the state level? First of all, we note that there are two types of liability - material and non-material. The latter includes some relations between countries.

A power that has received a serious blow to its economic (here one should understand not only direct damage, but also interest and lost profits) well-being has the right to demand compensation. In this case, satisfaction is a full compensation for the harm caused to the state, its political, economic interests, honor and dignity. Compensation most often takes the form of an official statement, an act recognizing the illegalityactions of one state in relation to another, apologies for such unseemly acts. The injured party has the right to demand that the violator provide guarantees that such actions will not be repeated in the future. Which, in fact, is very reminiscent of satisfaction, and is often considered one of the forms of this concept.
Extraordinary satisfaction - these are measures to limit the legal capacity and sovereignty of the state. For some reason, it passes in some areas of its activity under the control of international organizations. This is necessary, for example, in the post-war period, when the invading state is temporarily deprived of the opportunity to raise troops, build military ships and weapons, and its economy is under the scrutiny of observers.
"Satisfaction" in colloquial speech

In our everyday life, satisfaction is the satisfaction of moral damage, resentment. Most often this word is used in an ironic context, responding to irony from another person.
Don't think that people who demand satisfaction immediately begin to clean their pistols and prepare for a duel. Often, a simple sincere apology and admission of guilt is enough. This is how most conflict situations are resolved. If something seemed unpleasant for you - immediately demand satisfaction!