Natural human needs: types and methods of satisfaction

Natural human needs: types and methods of satisfaction
Natural human needs: types and methods of satisfaction

The natural needs of man are numerous. As well as social. It is human nature to need something. And when he feels an urgent need for something, he tries to satisfy it. However, first things first.

natural human needs
natural human needs


Before listing the natural needs of a person, you need to determine what they are in general. To do this, you can refer to the work of the psychologist Ilyin Evgeny Pavlovich. The scientist assured: it is important to share the needs of the body and the individual. They have different backgrounds. The needs of the body may be unconscious. We breathe and do not attach any importance to it - we need oxygen, and this is normal. But the needs of the individual are always aware. A person wants to get a red diploma in a university in order to feel self-sufficient - and for this he deliberately studies well.

Also, we must remember that every natural human biological need is associated with a need. And it doesn't mean a deficit.something. Namely, need. Or desirability, in the case of social or intellectual needs.

a natural human need is the need
a natural human need is the need

General information

So, talking about the natural needs of a person, it is necessary to pay attention to biological ones. Or, as they say, physiological. They are caused by the need to maintain a normal life. These include he althy sleep, rest, consumption of food and water. It is necessary for normal metabolism. Such natural human needs are also called vital. This is from the Latin word vitalis - life-giving.

Physiological and psychological needs are also important. A person needs a sense of security, as well as confidence that his homeostasis will be maintained. This is the ability of a person and his body to overcome the resistance of the external environment.

The biological natural human need is the need for energy costs. Everything is extremely simple here. We eat to replenish our resources. You can compare with the principle of operation of the car. When his fuel tank is full, the car moves. It is the same with a person. To feel normal, he needs to move. The basic energy exchange occurs constantly, even if a person is lying in front of the TV. But normal daily activities are regular travel (going to work, shopping, walking, etc.).

natural human biological need
natural human biological need

Self Realization

Natural needof a person is the need to feel himself a self-sufficient person. It is important for all of us to “find ourselves”. A person, realizing his potential, abilities and showing knowledge, feels useful. When a person does what he likes and brings a certain result, harmony comes. A person ceases to feel useless and hopeless empty space. Following this, the need for recognition and praise is satisfied. A person is characterized by he althy egoism and the need to be the center of attention at least sometimes. After all, this situation is familiar to everyone: at work they praised the team for a certain achievement, they wrote out a bonus. Usually they say in such cases: "A trifle, but nice!" At this point, the social need for achievement and self-satisfaction is satisfied. So the high spirits and the smile on your face are understandable.

movement is a natural need of the human body
movement is a natural need of the human body


It also happens that a person's natural organic needs develop into something without which he cannot imagine his existence. Take, for example, food. The need for food is biological. We eat food to maintain metabolism, balance of vitamins and energy resource. But there are people who eat constantly. There is nothing wrong with eating delicious food, delicacies, enjoying it. But after all, some people simply "jam" everything that happens in their lives. Especially if it's something bad. Depression, for example. This is a destructive addiction. A person, starting to eat with everyexperience, does not live it. And avoids. This entails problems in the form of kidney disease, heart disease, liver disease or obesity.

Moreover, the object of destructive addiction is often any need for its extreme manifestation. We need sleep, but there are people who sleep 12 hours a day. We need to communicate, but some experience a clear co-dependency on other people (or on one person). Work is necessary for self-realization and ensuring material solvency, but there are workaholics. But at the heart of everything are the natural needs of man. The examples given above do not reflect everything that takes place. Destructive addiction is much more global. And all because many do not have a sense of proportion, which is so necessary for a person.

Material component

This also applies to the natural needs of man. Each of us experiences the need for worthy conditions of existence. We all know people who shout: “Money is not the main thing!” They are wrong. Perhaps money is not the most important value for someone. But certainly one of the main ones.

Money is the only way to meet your basic needs. The only thing that a person receives for free (out of what is necessary for life) is oxygen. Everything else needs to be bought. Food, housing, water, furniture, clothes, medicines. So, as you can see, work is a way to satisfy not only the desire to be realized as a person. That is why it is so important to get a profession that you like. So that later, during work, it would be possible to satisfy yourself as a person andearn money to ensure a decent existence.

natural organic human needs
natural organic human needs

Different Needs

Now the 21st century reigns in the yard. When human needs are comprehensively developed and expanded. Whoever says that all people are the same, it's not true. We are different. In terms of not basic, but advanced needs. A simple example: people of average income are quite satisfied with a simple solid sedan in the garage. Rich people tend to buy the latest novelty of the eminent concern for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some eat caviar once a week, while others - every other day. This is a modern society. In which everyone lives the way his prosperity allows.

But, in fact, it all comes down to ways to satisfy needs. One person will eat buckwheat porridge with a cutlet, the other a marbled beef steak. But the result will be the same - both will be full. And the need to replenish the energy resources of both will be satisfied.

Demand and supply

This well-known phrase is very easy to try on the topic under discussion. Today, the level of production activity determines how well it satisfies the needs of certain people. If the state does not produce the proper amount of this or that good, then the needs of citizens are not satisfied to the proper extent. Based on the level of prosperity of society, it is also determined how much everything needs to be imported or manufactured. And to understand the role and place of the needs of the population is obtained through the interaction of needs and production. Nothing else.

The transition of production to a higher, better level has affected the needs. If people in primitive times were content with a piece of raw meat barely roasted over an open fire, now we need a stove, oven or grill to make food suitable for consumption. And since people quickly get used to the good, the rise of needs often overtakes production. Needless to say, even if the employees of clothing factories are trying to find out as quickly as possible what trends and novelties are developed in fashion houses.

refers to the natural needs of man
refers to the natural needs of man

Man in society

Social needs are also natural. But they, unlike biological ones, exist as a matter of course. And they do not encourage immediate satisfaction. How many days can a person live without water? The exact answer depends on the conditions, but in general - no more than 10 days. How long can a person live without communication? Some are alone for years.

But be that as it may, a person is a social being, and communication is necessary for him. And yes, you need to interact with others. A person, finding a soul mate, friend, like-minded person, ceases to feel lonely. He has someone to share emotions, joy, sadness, get support. Finding a "soul mate", he feels needed and loved. And most importantly, the feeling that the world is empty disappears.


As mentioned earlier, movement is a natural need of the human body. But it is important to note one more nuance. Namely -moving forward, towards goals and dreams, as a self-sufficient person. There are many spiritual needs. And it’s quite difficult to define them, since they are all different for us. And it depends on your personal worldview. But the most important spiritual need of a person is to realize his existence. Everyone at least once asked the question - what is the meaning of life? So, if a person has found an answer for himself, it means that he has satisfied the most important spiritual need.

biological natural human need is the need for
biological natural human need is the need for

How to come to harmony?

But it happens that the question remains unanswered for a very long time. And it is quite difficult for a person without spiritual peace to interact with the world that surrounds him. As a rule, these are weak personalities who hardly survive adversity and failure. But there are ways to satisfy spiritual needs and bring yourself into harmony. It could be animal contact. Our smaller brothers raise to their feet even people who are physically handicapped. What can we say about spirituality. A person who approaches animals becomes part of nature. By the way, privacy with her is also very important. Traveling to a quiet place with great scenery and staying there for a while can bring anyone to their senses. And give me some ideas. In addition, in the bosom of nature, it is simply impossible to become discouraged.
