High-sounding words - what is it?

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High-sounding words - what is it?
High-sounding words - what is it?

In Russian, words, apart from their lexical meaning, have stylistic overtones. This determines the use of the word in a particular context. For the first time, the "Theory of three calms" was brought out by M. V. Lomonosov, but over time it has undergone significant changes. Therefore, the expression "pathetic phrases" can be understood in different ways.

High syllable

High syllable in literature
High syllable in literature

In the first sense, “pathetic” means “sublime”, “solemn” and is used in literature under the term “high vocabulary”. This includes Church Slavonic words, which give speech a special elevation, elation. So, instead of the word "food" they say "dishes", instead of the neutral "go" - "march", instead of "future" - "future". They often use the names of body parts in an outdated form: “eyes” - instead of “eyes”, “neck” - instead of “neck” and others.

Funny in Literature

In another meaning, the word "pathos" means "using solemn speeches for flattery, lies, falsehood." Most often they are pronounced by heroes whose speech is not taken seriously - this is how satire or irony is created.

Flattering speeches
Flattering speeches

N. V. Gogol, putting grandiloquent words into Khlestakov's mouth, emphasizes his stupidity and ignorance. The hero, having entered the role of the auditor, ex alts his own personality so much that it seems that he ceases to believe in himself. Behind the lofty style of the mayor, the true picture of what is happening in the city is hidden, thus Nikolai Vasilyevich ridicules the political system of that time.

Use in modern Russian

In modern Russian words of high vocabulary are quite common. On the one hand, to imitate the era of the nobility. So, in advertising, an ordinary Russian family at breakfast uses the words: “if you please”, “sir”, “let me”, emphasizing the history of the traditions used in the manufacture of an advertising product.

business cat
business cat

On the other hand, to replace reduced, rude vocabulary. Such expressions are called euphemisms. For example, they say not “fat”, but “prone to fullness”, not “sick child”, but “a child with special needs”. In the same context, high-sounding words can also be used as an extremely negative attitude towards an object or object.

Foreign borrowings are often referred to high-sounding words. For example, "correct" instead of "correct" or "volunteer" instead of "volunteer". The use of borrowed words prevails over native Russian ones, since a foreign word is more significant by ear than a word familiar from childhood.

In any case, such words and phrases give special meaning to the expression, are used to attract attention and create a specialcommunication situations in which the interlocutors may experience completely conflicting feelings.