Study, study and study again - this is how Vladimir Ilyich Lenin bequeathed. And those people who want to get a medical education in absentia are worthy of praise. But there are a number of nuances and aspects that must be taken into account by every person who decides to follow this path.
Speci alties for which distance learning is possible

Medical higher education (and secondary) should be of high quality, because it is of great importance for human he alth. Therefore, there are a number of restrictions. So, a person who wants to become a doctor has only one option - full-time study at a university where they teach not only theory, but also practice. And these requirements are not surprising - after all, who wants to be de alt with by a surgeon, internist, cardiologist or dentist who have only theoretical training? Therefore, there are few speci alties in which you can get medical education in absentia. This is if we talk about the first education. But further training at a distance is quite possible.
A secondary medical education is also possible. In absentia, here you can get enough skills to carry out a successfulactivity. This was a general outline of the situation, but now let's pay attention to it in more detail.
Secondary education

The most popular are "nursing" and "medical optician". A little more than 2 years of study can be spent on the second speci alty. After that, the person is qualified as a "medical optician". It can be said about the first speci alty that it will take 4.5 years to receive it in the correspondence form of education. As a result, a person will receive the speci alty of a nurse or nurse. For those who enter the correspondence department, they do not put forward such strict requirements as for full-time students.
Knowledge of biology, Russian language and chemistry is important for admission. When choosing what kind of education to get, people are often not interested in the profitability of their speci alty, but want it to be easy to study and work. Therefore, they pay attention to higher medical education. How are things here?
Higher education
If you want to get a speci alty "Medicine" - forget about it right away. There is only full-time education (day or evening). Becoming a doctor or a paramedic without practice will not work. But it is not all that bad. There is a speci alty that requires a good knowledge of theory (better than practice) and is not related to intervention in the human body (directly) - pharmaceuticals. Despite the fact that pharmacies do not currently create drugs on their own, such a specialist is required to have sufficient knowledge about the human body, the processes that take place in it, as well ashe must be versed in chemistry and biology.
Where and how much do they get medical education in absentia?

This is possible in all universities and colleges. Thanks to the development of new methods of obtaining education, the training process can also take place remotely. But it must be remembered that if you have the speci alty “General Medicine”, then this means that only advanced training is offered for general or thematic improvement. But if there is already a nurse or nurse education, then a person can expand the scope of his knowledge in absentia and receive training in preventive and primary medical care for the population, in obstetrics.
The cost of such training is relatively low. But if you are interested in the higher education of a pharmacist, then you will have to pay from 70 thousand rubles per year. At the same time, the most popular are Moscow State University and Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov.
What is required of the student?

If there is a desire to receive a correspondence medical education, then it should be understood that a person in this case requires a high level of self-organization and responsibility. This is due to the fact that a significant amount of knowledge is obtained by students on their own. The sources are educational literature: books, scientific journals, encyclopedias, and so on. That is, success largely depends on how a person knows how to assemble andfocus. After all, the better the information is learned, the more effectively it will be applied. At the same time, practice has a positive effect on the result of studies.
You can also start from the position of junior medical staff, getting a job as a laboratory assistant in the nearest hospital. In this case, learning will be easier. If you want to become a doctor, this will not affect your higher medical education (correspondence) in any way, except for the opportunity to consult with specialists about certain issues. But even in such cases, you can gain knowledge by assimilating new information in the process of doing work.
Medical Courses

The standard questions of a person who wants to get a higher education have already been considered. But correspondence medical education also has options such as courses. They were previously mentioned only in passing. So let's fix this. There should be no problems with choosing an educational institution. If you are interested in a medical diagnostic speci alty, then getting an education will not be difficult.
There are numerous ratings, compiled according to different criteria and allowing you to assess the significance of the knowledge presented. Here the choice is already up to the person - it is necessary to decide what is important for him, and, based on his preferences, apply to a particular university. The situation is more free with advanced training. Here, distance learning can be done in almost all areas of medicine. In this case, during the educational process, it is taken as its basisintensive work of a specialist, which is very strictly controlled.
At the same time, the availability of special teaching aids is important. These are information digital media, various manuals, guidelines and textbooks. It is important to build a common curriculum. Therefore, there is a wide use of modern technologies (for example, the Internet), within the framework of which they agree on the methods of communication used between the student and his mentor. This is to ensure that major issues can be resolved quickly and efficiently, and improves the end result by using feedback.

When training has different goals, the training time and price differ. So, the cheapest and shortest is advanced training. Then comes the primary specialization. And in this case, it would be better to say "stepping on the heels." Then comes specialization. And closes, due to its duration and cost, professional retraining. Also, some requirements are put forward to the technical security of the student. So, he needs to have a computer, uninterrupted Internet access and it is highly desirable to have Skype and a webcam.
An important advantage and feature is the availability of educational information systems through which students can familiarize themselves with the curriculum, schedule, and remotely access the contents of the electronic library.
What are the benefitshas a distance medical education? First of all, it is a flexible schedule for mastering the curriculum. Also, there is no a number of expenses (for a hostel or a trip to the university), both monetary and temporary. Also, before paying for educational services, it would not be superfluous to inquire about the availability of a license for their provision and check the information received.