Population of Montenegro: size and ethnic composition

Population of Montenegro: size and ethnic composition
Population of Montenegro: size and ethnic composition

About 650 thousand people live on the territory of this country. The population of Montenegro is predominantly Slavs. Only 43% of the total number of residents of the state define their nationality as "Montenegrin". Serbs make up 32% of the country's population, while 8% (according to other sources, 13.7%) are Bosniaks. Montenegro, whose ethnic composition is quite diverse, is also a place of residence for representatives of other nationalities. Russians, Gypsies, Albanians, Croats and others make up the remainder. The majority of the population of Montenegro (about 85% of the inhabitants) speaks Serbian.

Montenegro composition of the population
Montenegro composition of the population

Ancestors of modern Montenegrins

Turning to the history of this country, we learn that the descendants of the Serbs are the bulk of the inhabitants of this state. During the Turkish invasion, which occurred in the 15th century, the Serbs went to the mountainous regions. PopulationMontenegro, over the centuries, was replenished with representatives of other nationalities. Thus, a separate group was formed, with its own customs and traditions. At the end of the 19th century, after the end of the Russian-Turkish war, the population of Montenegro was only about 150 thousand people. The inhabitants of this country are currently a separate nation, which has its own centuries-old history, culture and mentality.

The character of Montenegrins

The struggle for independence and freedom has been a way of life for this people for centuries. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the population of Montenegro is distinguished by its high growth and strong physique. Heroism, devotion and courage - these moral values are very important for the inhabitants of this country. They deeply entered the life philosophy of the people. Moreover, heroism in the local sense is the ability to protect oneself from another, while courage is to protect another person from oneself. So say the inhabitants of such an interesting country as Montenegro.

The population, whose number has been steadily growing in recent years, highly appreciates its history and customs, is devoted to traditions. Montenegrins are sociable and hospitable. The distinctive features of this people are patriarchy and collectivism. And today, the clan system in the Montenegrin family is noticeable, as well as the readiness to come to the rescue at any time. Montenegro retains these traditional features inherent in the people to this day.

montenegro population size
montenegro population size

Population: religion

The population of this country is mostly religious. Montenegrins professmostly Orthodoxy (about 75% of all residents). In this country, the activities of the Orthodox clergy extend not only to church affairs, but also to state affairs. The Church and its representatives are thus an integral part of the people of Montenegro. In this country, according to historical information, there were many examples when spiritual mentors or people from the clergy became famous military leaders.

However, thanks to the tolerance towards religions that has developed in this country, Islam and Catholicism coexist peacefully alongside Orthodoxy today. The percentages of adherents of these religions are 18 and 4 percent, respectively. The spiritual sphere is officially separated from the state, but the Constitution states that it must support the clergy financially. This is what is being done today in practice in Montenegro.

State language

In Montenegro, the state language is Serbian. According to the census conducted in 2003, part of the population (about 21.5%) considers Montenegrin as their native language. However, over the past 1.5 centuries, it has become practically no different from Serbian. In addition, there are no clearly established modern norms of Montenegrin. The Serbian language is established as an official language by the Constitution, its Iekava dialect, which differs from traditional Serbian mainly in the way the pronunciation features of the sounds "e" and "e" are transmitted in writing. 2 types of writing are used equally - Cyrillic and Latin. In the coastal part of the state, the Latin alphabet prevails. On thefor centuries it belonged to Austria-Hungary and Italy. However, as you move north from the coast, towards the borders of Bosnia and Serbia, more and more Cyrillic is used in a state like Montenegro.

Population: nationality and language status

In recent years, work has been carried out to introduce the written and spoken Montenegrin language into the framework of traditional linguistics. Of course, the search for a compromise between representatives of different points of view on the issue of officially replacing "Montenegrin speech" with the concept of "Montenegrin language" will be quite lengthy and difficult. The Declaration of the PEN Center on this issue states that all Slavic languages, with the exception of Montenegrin, have a national, ethnic name. From the point of view of the interests of the nation, and also from the point of view of science, there are no political or scientific reasons to deny this language its name. Bosniaks living in a country like Montenegro (whose population is about 13.7% of the total population of the country) speak a language that is similar to Serbian, but with a significant occurrence of Turkic words. After Bosnia and Herzegovina gained independence in the mid-90s of the last century, this language began to be officially called Bosnian. Montenegrin Croats (1.1%) speak Croatian, which is similar in pronunciation to Montenegrin, but has significant grammatical and lexical differences. Albanians (7.1% of the population), living mainly in the south of Montenegro, speak Albanian. It is used in the territory of Ulcinj municipalityas a second official language. Thus, you see that many nationalities live in a country like Montenegro. The population, whose nationality is Montenegrins, does not officially have its own language. Meanwhile, its share is about 43%.

Education in Montenegro

montenegro country population
montenegro country population

Almost half of the population of this country at the beginning of the 20th century remained illiterate. The introduction of compulsory education for all in schools has led to a decrease in this level. Today, the literacy rate of the inhabitants of Montenegro is one of the highest among the states of the Balkan Peninsula and is approximately 98%. In almost every, even the most remote settlement, there are schools that have 2 levels of education. Secondary education is divided into lower and upper levels. Authoritative universities operate on the territory of the state today, among which there are 7 universities. The cities of Nis, Podgorica, Krauguevac, Novi Sad and Pristin are home to higher education institutions of this country.

Annual population growth

population of montenegro
population of montenegro

Demographically, the country of Montenegro is prosperous. The composition of the population is steadily replenished with new residents, while the increase is moderate. It is about 3.5% annually. The inhabitants of this country honor family ties. Even today they unquestioningly obey the unwritten laws that protect the unity and purity of the clan.


Montenegro ethnic composition of the population
Montenegro ethnic composition of the population

Female in Montenegrothe population lives on average up to 76 years, and the male - up to 72. The he alth care system is very well developed in this country, however, in Montenegro, medical care is completely paid. The main cause of death in this state is smoking. About 32% is the number of smokers in Montenegro.

Customs and traditions of the inhabitants of Montenegro, interesting facts about the inhabitants of this country

The inhabitants of this country are hospitable, hospitable and friendly people. Despite the fact that they like to bargain, as a rule, Montenegrins do not shortchange and do not overweight buyers. The basis of society is clans, which are related to both territorial and tribal affiliation. Clans are divided, in turn, into brotherhoods. In the latter, only blood relatives unite.

montenegro population religion
montenegro population religion

Montenegrins, like any other people, are not indifferent to the holidays. The inhabitants of this country love to dance and sing. To this day, the tradition of oro (Montenegrin round dance) is alive in Montenegro. Its essence is as follows: a circle is assembled, which consists of men and women. One of the participants goes to the center of this circle and depicts a flying eagle, while the rest sing at this time. After that, the dancers must change each other, and sometimes they form a second tier when they climb on the shoulders of each other (it all depends on the mood of the participants).

montenegro population nationality
montenegro population nationality

If you are going to Montenegro, you may be interested in other facts about the inhabitants of this country. For example, they are not worthrush, as Montenegrins are accustomed to a measured and calm pace of life. Montenegro is a country whose population is distinguished by leisureliness, because its inhabitants mostly live in villages and do not see any sense in haste. In this state, there is a ban on photographing some objects (military, ports, energy facilities). Special signs, which depict a crossed-out camera, indicate this. If one of the Montenegrins invites you to visit, you should definitely take some gift with you, because it is not customary to go to visit empty-handed.
