"Easy" is a value judgment

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"Easy" is a value judgment
"Easy" is a value judgment

It's easy to get confused in modern slang expressions. Young people have long mastered the Internet, and are already actively communicating with peers around the world. Including, within the framework of computer games, which is why an incredible number of incomprehensible words are integrated into Russian colloquial speech. One of them is "easy", a short designation of a situation, a fleeting request or a value judgment. Why so many values? How is the three-letter combination deciphered? To do this, you need to look into recent history.

On foggy Albion

The concept is a direct tracing paper of English easy. The speaker relies on translation, which includes two possible and equal options:

  • simple;
  • easy.

Moreover, both versions of “easy” are an assessment of the complexity or conditional “weight” of a phenomenon. For example, if the interlocutor has a difficult character, a capacious term is suitable to calm him down.

please do not complicate the situation
please do not complicate the situation

In modern Russia

Phrases with a brief foreign insert have been around for years. But they gained particular fame after the so-called rap battle between the now very popular performersOksimiron and Purulent. The verbal duel was even reproduced on federal channels. And ordinary bloggers are not left out. And the word "easy", especially repeated twice, began to come across more often in the speech of contemporaries. Such an expression can be interpreted as attempts to pacify the opponent, calls not to lose touch with reality:

  • keep it simple;
  • take it easy.

However, the term originally came from esports disciplines. When, at the end (sometimes during) the match, the players gave an assessment of what was happening. Moreover, the statement should be evaluated from the context, and not only by the inclusion of “easy” in it. These are a variety of emotions:

  • outrage;
  • insult;
  • joy, etc.

By sending a message to the chat, you are implying that it was easy to lose or win a fight. Why? For example, because you yourself did not play very well, or the interaction in the team was at a low level, and the opponent is a real professional. On the other hand, such phrases addressed to a defeated enemy are perceived as disrespectful, they say, to deal with such a weak enemy within the strength of a child.

"Easy game, easy ice rink"
"Easy game, easy ice rink"

In everyday communication

Can't make up your mind? The slang "easy" is a good addition to the lexicon. During the game, knowing the terms helps to understand others, although you need to use the word carefully if you do not want to offend anyone. In normal conversation, it replaces the domestic "lightness", "no problem", inheriting its meaning from the original idiom easy peasy lemon squeezy andRussian-language analogue "Easier than a steamed turnip." Use safely, but be aware that older people may misunderstand you!
