Luck is about luck

Luck is about luck
Luck is about luck

A large number of borrowings and the active development of jargon have led to the fact that the Russian language seems too complicated and confusing for the uninitiated. And to understand all the tricks with nuances is luck. By the way, the very short concept has long become a stumbling block: without implying anything bad, it sounds very vulgar and seems out of place in a secular society. Why did this happen, where did it come from and how did the word develop? Let's start with the etymology.

Luck, but not Latin

Many mistakenly associate the origin with fortuna. The ancient Roman goddess Fortuna patronizes everything that a Russian person puts into a capacious designation. However, semantically, experts draw a line to the German fahren - “to go”, “to travel”, which is why “luck” is a direct tracing paper from Fahrt:

  • trip;
  • next

The second option is a decoding of hunting slang. But both point to a safe and profitable trip.

A lucky man is always lucky
A lucky man is always lucky

In slang and in everyday life

The term comes from the slang of criminals and other marginal groups. Therefore, all his interpretations are jargon, ambiguous. Have not the most positive inthe eyes of society subtext. Every thief will be able to tell what "luck" in the first meaning is:

  • happy occasion;
  • luck, luck;
  • risk.

Initially they meant success in criminal cases, the ability to steal and not get caught, to get out of a dangerous situation without loss. Because of what, a lucky person is both lucky and risky, ready to go to a dubious event, to cope with any unforeseen difficulties. From this follows the second interpretation:

  • stolen items;
  • mining.

Quite reasonable from a thieves' point of view. After all, if luck is success in appropriating someone else's property, then the amount of stolen property can be considered a measure. Unfortunately, due to the specific past, the concept is associated by some contemporaries with various evil phenomena and illegal activities.

Thieves' prey is also luck
Thieves' prey is also luck

British identity

Be careful in English-speaking countries when communicating with compatriots. It has its own definition for Fart, which translates to "spoil the air".

If others can't understand your speech, they will easily pick up a familiar set of sounds. And they will cling to the "luck". This is not fatal, but there will be an occasion for ridicule and sidelong glances, which will obviously make further interaction more difficult.

Everyday vocabulary

In Russia, the word can be used relatively fearlessly. Most fellow citizens calmly perceive the synonym for "luck", but only in an informal setting. And for officialnegotiations, use literary terms to make business communication fruitful.
