On the birthday of the birthday boy, first they wish good he alth, then good luck, luck in everything, success, and so on.
With good he alth, we are able to create, love and just live. And with fortune, you can achieve unprecedented heights. Does she smile at everyone? We will talk about this in our article.

What is the meaning of the word "luck"
Actually, this is a relative concept. Because luck comes, as a rule, to those who strive to achieve some goal. But don't confuse it with success, which we'll talk about in a moment.
Thus, luck is a positive outcome of any event that is associated with unpredictable circumstances in a person's life path. This is the desired outcome of any enterprise. A synonym for good luck is luck.

Now back to success
He catches up with those who work tirelessly to realize their dreams. There is nothing complicated, performing a certain algorithm of actions in any chosen area, working diligently on the result, you will definitely succeed. And luck is the reward of optimists who do not lose faith, but continue to take consistent steps inachieving the goal. Although there may be no certainty of a favorable outcome.
We conclude that success is in human power, and luck cannot be subjugated.
But don't rely on only one fortune
Because luck is a fleeting thing that requires lightning fast decisions. That is, it will be received by a person who can extract the maximum from a favorable situation, and not by one who misses the moment. This suggests that you need to make some efforts so that fortune turns to face you.
Even if at some stage luck turns away from you, because she is a fickle lady, then thanks to perseverance and hard work, the success achieved will remain forever. And players should understand that having hit a huge jackpot, you should not rely on further success, because this may not happen again.
Having analyzed these situations, we see that the terms luck and success have different meanings.
Luck is the same as luck or not?
We already have a concept of the first term. And what is a synonym for luck - luck?
Recall the term discussed earlier. Luck is an accomplished event that justifies a person's expectations. This is one big event.
But luck is a periodically recurring event or an accumulation of certain happy circumstances, each of which can be called a separate success. In other words, this is not one incident, but a series of periodically occurring identical phenomena.
These two words also have differences in usage and compatibility. Suppose, sending a person on a long journey, we wish good luck, andno luck. On another example, it will be more clear: "the event ended in failure …". You can't use "bad luck" here.
Now you can see that these synonyms also have different meanings.

Is it possible to become happy?
Of course, yes. There are methods to help with this:
- Positive thinking. Everyone knows that thoughts are material. Therefore, they should be bright and positive, aimed at achieving the goal and success.
- The optimistic attitude and behavior of a successful person are aimed at seizing a happy chance in a timely manner and taking advantage of it. Such people are able to squeeze the maximum out of even small accidents. They can be in the right place at the right time and still be in the right mood for the situation.
- Happy people attract good events. How? Everything is very simple. They revolve around a wide range of people. Communication, new acquaintances provide endless opportunities. After all, no one knows where a profitable and interesting offer can come from. One fateful meeting or invitation can turn your whole life around. No fear of risk, optimism and communication skills will help to get a happy chance.
- Buy lottery tickets. After all, having never acquired them, one cannot hope for a win, and everyone definitely has the opportunity to get it. Maybe you will be lucky.
It is impossible to say for sure that you can become lucky. But sitting at home with folded arms, being in a depressed state, this is for surecannot be reached.

And more tips to help attract good luck
For starters, it’s worth understanding: in order for luck to accompany you, you need to change something in your life. So recommendations:
- Worth the risk. Of course, we are not talking about thoughtless actions. There is no need to invest all your savings in an unfamiliar and suspicious event. The risk must be justified.
- Visualize your goal. This suggests that you need to present your dream in great detail. You can draw her in the form of a collage and think about her constantly.
- Don't neglect any random event. Happiness will not fall on your head if you sit back.
- Don't be afraid to make mistakes. It's not scary. Any experience replenishes our store of knowledge, which in the future will help to avoid new mistakes.
- Purchase a good luck charm. It does not matter what it will be - a frog with coins, a pyramid or a horseshoe. The main thing is to believe in its power. Faith works miracles.

All these tips will help improve the quality of life in general.
And British psychologist Richard Weissman identifies four principles that will help you attract good luck in your life:
- Need to work on optimizing features. His book The Luck Factor states that extroverts and level-headed people are more successful. You can't deny the new.
- You need to listen to your inner voice. Lucky people develop intuition in every possible way, it allows you to achieveunprecedented heights.
- We must wait for good luck. Optimists train in themselves endurance, which helps to fight failures, not to be afraid of them. They never lose faith that everything will work out, although the chances may be small. You need to believe that you are lucky, and you will definitely become one.
- Turn bad luck into good luck. The lucky ones never give up and never stop. All mistakes and mistakes are perceived philosophically, relying on the fact that in the future they will turn into success.
We are the creators of our own destiny. Having received some disappointment or a blow, having closed ourselves at home with a problem, plunging into depression, we will not get a new chance, another opportunity to fix everything. Change for the better, enjoy wonderful moments, and then the world around you will become friendly, bright, and life will be happy.