Rules of the road for schoolchildren: pictures, poems

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Rules of the road for schoolchildren: pictures, poems
Rules of the road for schoolchildren: pictures, poems

The road poses a serious threat to human he alth and life. Many people die in accidents every day. To protect young children from danger, it is necessary to learn the rules of the road with them. For schoolchildren, special picture books can be purchased.

When to start introducing the child to traffic rules

Roads and cars are all around us today. Sending kids to school or

traffic rules for schoolchildren
traffic rules for schoolchildren

letting go for a walk on the street, parents should understand what a serious danger cars pose to them. To prevent an accident, you must definitely learn the rules of the road with your child. For schoolchildren, there are special fascinating picture books with an accessible explanation of the rules.

You need to tell your baby about the importance of observing traffic rules from an early age. To facilitate learning today, there are a lot of children's books and coloring books that describe the main situations on the road. With the help of suchliterature, kids will be able to visualize how to behave on the road and near it.

Traffic rules for schoolchildren

In order for the child to remember traffic rules faster, it is recommended to hang in a conspicuous place

a colorful poster that will show a memo: "Traffic rules for schoolchildren." It can be purchased at the store or, if you wish, draw it yourself.

The following rules must be present on the poster:

  • You can only cross the road when the traffic light is green.
  • If there is no traffic light, you can only move along the pedestrian crossing, after looking around and making sure there is no traffic on the road.
  • Crossing the street in the wrong place is life-threatening.
  • Right-hand traffic for vehicles only.
  • Walk on the sidewalks on the left side.
  • There is no need to rush when getting off the bus. You should wait until he drives away from the stop.
  • Behave on the street should be careful and polite to people around.

In addition, parents should explain to the child how to ride a bicycle or other means of transportation, as well as tell about road signs and signals given by cars.

Rules of the road for schoolchildren: pictures

traffic rules for schoolchildren: pictures
traffic rules for schoolchildren: pictures

You can buy children's books with traffic rules at any bookstore in the department for young readers. They are very different, but the main thing inthey are colorful pictures that will attract the attention of the child and arouse interest. For a very young age, there are voluminous books that, when opened, create the effect of movement and scenery.

There are also coloring books that contain the rules of the road for schoolchildren. The pictures in them the child will have to color himself. The kid will like it and draw him into the process. After working on a drawing for some time, he will unconsciously remember everything that was depicted or written on it. Coloring books are considered to be a fairly effective method of memorizing the rules of the road.

traffic rules in verse for schoolchildren
traffic rules in verse for schoolchildren

If your child is crazy about comics, look for traffic rules drawn in this style. Such books are also published and are in great demand.

SDA in verse

Usually children's traffic rules are written in verse. For students in elementary grades, this is an excellent opportunity to develop memory. Rhyming lines are much easier to remember at this age than regular sentences.

The authors of such books try to help children gain knowledge that they will definitely need. Poems can be memorized at home, then told to friends in the yard. This is a great opportunity to remember them not only for yourself, but also for other guys.

It's quite easy to learn rhymes as a child. And some kids sometimes compose their own works. Parents or teachers can invite the children to come up with rhymes about traffic rules. This will make children's imagination and memory work.

The rules of the road in verse for schoolchildren are short quatrains. They are written in simple language so as not to overwhelm young readers. The poems are accompanied by color pictures that clearly show their essence.

rules of the road: schoolchildren's drawings
rules of the road: schoolchildren's drawings

Learning the rules of the road in the game

Everyone knows that children love to play. This factor has become fundamental for the study of traffic rules. The information that is given to the child during the game is absorbed by him better. Parents and teachers should keep this in mind and periodically organize role-playing games aimed at learning the rules of the road.

Usually, games take a certain situation that can happen on the road. Together with the children you need to play it. Explain why you need to behave this way and not otherwise. Talk about what can happen if you don't follow traffic rules.

The guys will get involved in the game, they will begin to make their own conclusions. It will be interesting to them, it will stay in their memory for a long time. Parents can in their free time draw a situation on the road in front of their child and invite him to answer the question of how to behave in such conditions.

Studying traffic rules in the classroom at school

The school has a great responsibility for its students. In the tasks of teachers

memo: traffic rules for schoolchildren
memo: traffic rules for schoolchildren

includes teaching children not only math and physics, they are also responsible for developing their useful skills. These include the rules of the road.movement. Drawings of schoolchildren on this topic allow them to better remember how to behave in certain situations. The fact is that mechanical and visual memory are connected here.

In addition, traffic rules are necessarily studied in the lessons of life safety in different classes. Thanks to this subject, children learn the right behavior and learn what should be done to protect their lives from various adverse situations.

Sometimes seminars and competitions between classes on knowledge of the rules of the road should be held. The competitive spirit will encourage children to explore them.

The rules of the road for schoolchildren are very important. They will help children not to get confused and correctly orient themselves on the road. Remember, knowledge of traffic rules can save your child's life, so take their study very responsibly.
