Some proper names have multiple meanings. Certain associations are associated with some, while little is known about other interpretations.
A bit about gold
Klondike - where is it? The area is located in the Yukon Territory. It occupies the northwestern part of Canada, not far from Alaska. Nearby are several small towns and the Klondike River, which flows into the Yukon River.
The area was not particularly remarkable until gold was found here. At the end of the 19th century, the territory became a place of pilgrimage for dozens of adventurers and seekers. The famous Klondike Gold Rush began in 1897. A year later, it ended, but the development of the precious metal did not stop. Gold mining is still ongoing.
In August 1896, three prospectors found gold on the banks of a small stream. The news quickly spread, after some time they learned about it in Europe. The fever has begun! It became the topic of all newspapers and conversations in secular society. Huge ships were sent to the development area, which returned with a cargo of gold. The Klondike is a world famous source of the precious metal and has been that way for many years. The first ships arrived with tons of gold!

Fever: how was it?
Gold was mined for a long time on the banks of the Sixtymile and Fortymile rivers. The reservoirs got their names from the distances that had to be overcome in order to get to the two nearest cities. The Klondike is an area near these rivers.
Many events of the times of "fever" are associated with the name of Robert Henderson. He discovered Rabbit Creek, and the bottom of the reservoir hid a huge amount of gold. Henderson told his fellow traveler, George Carmack, about the find, but the conversation was overheard by Indian Jim Skookum. They and Charlie Dawson were destined to find nuggets of the precious metal. It is difficult to say who was the first - everyone told his version. One thing is known for sure - since 1896, a mass pilgrimage to the Klondike began. That this wonderful place became known in Europe. The stream, in the waters of which the nugget was found, was named Eldorado - from the Spanish word for "gilding" or "gilded". So in the time of the Conquista they called the mythical, fabulously rich country.
Plots around the profitable place were quickly staked out. Not everyone believed in the we alth of these lands. Some deliberately abandoned their plots, but others continued to work and quickly became rich. The situation with the distribution of possessions became more complicated. William Ogilvie raised the question of the need to settle the issue of division of plots. According to his reports, the lands of the Klondike harbored untold riches.
Gold diggers started looking for routes to the mines.

How to get to the Klondike?
Simultaneously with the outbreak, "fever" beganmaps and diagrams appeared that indicated how to get to the treasured places of gold mining. Many routes were false. The most famous was the land road: it started in Seattle, then the gold diggers followed to Vancouver, then to Skagway. The route ended with the Yukon River - along it the searchers went downstream. So getting into the Klondike was the easiest way. The waterway ran almost entirely through the Yukon. The third way is Canadian. From Edmonton, one had to sail along the Mackenzie River. The finish is the same Yukon.
The main overland route was called Juneau. It ran through the Chilkut pass. There has always been a huge number of people who want to find their gold mine. It is worth noting that the pass did not have the necessary capacity.

The consequences of the "gold rush"
The Yukon Mining Areas have received legal status as an independent entity. The capital is Dawson. Simply put, an independent Yukon included all areas of gold mining. The separation of this area was a consequence of the need to create a legislative framework for regulating the extraction of the precious metal.
Specialization of the region has significantly affected its welfare and infrastructure. There were transport routes. Water means of transportation were especially in demand. At the beginning of the 20th century, a winter track appeared, a railway was laid. Several cities were founded, including Closeleith.
The "Gold Rush" in the Klondike has had an impact on cultural life. Famous writer Jack lived in AlaskaLondon. He personally went through the difficult route of prospectors, collecting materials for a new work. Events in the Klondike are described in his works such as "The Call of the Wild", "White Fang", "Smoke Bellew". Some of them have been filmed. The fever also affected the culture and life of indigenous peoples.
We can safely say that the "Klondike" is not only gold mines, but also a striking social phenomenon of the late XIX - early XX century.
On the river bank

Gold mines are mainly located on the banks of the Klondike River - a right tributary of the Yukon. The length of the water flow is about 165 km. The source is in the Ogilvy Mountains. The origin of the name is Indian. The Khan tribe named the Tron Dyke River, and the name turned into Klondike thanks to the Europeans - it was too difficult for them to pronounce a complex phrase.
The original name in translation meant "driven water". The river got its name from the pillars that the Indians set up in the salmon pond. There was a lot of fish here, but even more precious metal.
Since the "fever", the name Klondike has become synonymous with we alth, gold, good.
Yukon Highway
Klondike… What is it? In addition to the river and the territory, this name is given to the route, which runs in British Columbia. It connects the USA and Alaska. Passes through the city of Dawson in Canada.
The route, about 700 km long, is also called the Alaska route. The largest part passes through the Yukon. For a long time it was divided into southern and northern. The first part wasopened in the late 1970s. The route was used by indigenous peoples. Along the road you can see many abandoned mines associated with the times of the "silver rush". Also here is the William Moore Bridge, which is considered a unique building. The northern part refers us to the times of mass gold mining. It is much longer than the southern one - more than 500 km.
Thus, the times of the "gold rush" in the Klondike gave names to several geographical objects. Also, cities in the states of Wisconsin and Texas bear this name.
Let's play gold diggers

Popular among users of social networks, the game "Klondike" is an exciting quest with elements of strategy. The goal is to find the lost expedition of gold miners. The main character is a young man who is looking for his father.
Here you can build, look for gold, sell and buy the necessary artifacts. Players complete exciting quests to earn resources to purchase building materials, animals or tools. Many items can be sold or gifted to other gamers.
One of the important resources is the "Klondike wind". You can get it for free and give it to anyone, at your discretion. Other resources can be replenished, track their number using the game navigation.
The word "Klondike" has several meanings, but for most it is associated with we alth, gold, enrichment.