Friends, what do you think was the worst thing in the Middle Ages? No, not a lack of toothpaste and not even endless wars! Of course, our ancestors did not visit cinemas and did not exchange text messages with each other, but they were also inventors. And their most terrible invention was the instruments of torture of the Inquisition - the Christian justice of that time.
To begin with, it should be noted that the torture of the Inquisition had about a hundred varieties. Some "tools" have survived to this day. However, most often these are ordinary museum exhibits, restored according to descriptions. Of course, the sophistication of the mind and the invention of the inventors of that time is simply amazing in its cruelty!

Instrument of torture 1 - spiked shoes
This is an iron shoe with a sharp spike under the heel. The victim had to stand on his heels with the spike turned up until his strength was exhausted. Can you imagine how difficult it is to do? Here, try it yourselfstand on your toes and see how long you can stay in this position?
Instrument of Torture 2 - Heretic's Fork
This brutal device consisted of four sharp spikes - two on each side. The upper two dug into the heretic's chin, and the lower ones into the sternum. This completely immobilized the victim, preventing her from making any head movements. The head was numb, hemorrhage began in the brain.

Instrument of Torture 3 - "Witch Chair"
A potential witch was tied to a chair, which was hung on a long pole, lowering it into the water for a certain time. Then the witch was given the opportunity to take a small breath of air, after which she was again lowered under water … This torture was especially cruel in winter. They made a hole in the ice, which allowed the witch not only to suffocate, but also to become covered with a crust of ice!
Instrument of Torture 3 - "Cat's Claw"
In this case, this "tool" was not used to scratch your back. He was thrust into the heretic, whose flesh was torn slowly and painfully. It got to the point that the same hook tore out of the victim not only the internal organs, but also the ribs. This was perhaps the most cruel ancient instrument of torture, with which the servants of the Inquisition tried to get a confession from a heretic!
Other instruments of torture
- Among other torture measures invented by the sophisticated minds of that time was the so-called "Spanish boot". This is a special mount.on the victim's leg with a special fixing plate, which, with each refusal of the heretic to answer questions, tightened with even greater force. Eventually, the bone in the leg broke. As a result, the heretic was left with crushed bones below the knee.
- One of the medieval torture devices that have survived to this day is the so-called "rack". Today, many representatives of the criminal world use this way to get this or that recognition. A person is suspended from the ceiling with the shoulder joints turned back, and a heavier load is gradually hung on his legs. The result is unbearable hellish pain, up to rupture of the muscles and joints of the shoulder girdle!

To heighten the effect, the bandits inject adrenaline into the blood of the victim, which does not allow her body to turn off during pain.