There is a wonderful country in the southwestern part of Asia. Turkey (officially called the Republic of Turkey) was formed in 1923 after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The monarchy was abolished, the territory turned into a national state with a predominance of the Turkish ethnic group.
Most of the country in question is located on the Armenian Highlands and the Anatolian Peninsula, and the smaller part is between the Mediterranean and Black Seas (on the Balkan Peninsula).

Neighbouring countries
Let's briefly describe the borders of Turkey. So, in the east, the state adjoins Azerbaijan and Armenia, in the west - to Greece, in the south - to Iran, Iraq and Syria. And where are the northern borders of Turkey? The map suggests that they extend all the way to the Black Sea. The country is washed by three more seas: the Mediterranean, the Marmara and the Aegean.
Armed Forces
The Turkish army is represented by a set of troops whose purpose is to protect the freedom, territorial integrity and independence of the country. As of 2011, its number was 720 thousand people. In addition, the state hasa military-trained reserve of 90 thousand people, of which 38,000 are in the reserve of the first stage.
The Turkish army is staffed through the conscription system. The period of compulsory military service can vary from six to fifteen months. The draft age is twenty years. After leaving the army, citizens are in the reserve up to forty-five years. According to local law, in wartime, not only men aged 16-60, but also women aged 20-46 can be called up.
Operational control of the armed forces is carried out by the General Staff under the leadership of the commander-in-chief, appointed by the president of the country. The commanders-in-chief of the ground forces, the navy, the gendarmerie and the coast guard are subordinate to him.
Economic environment
Currently market relations prevail in the country. The Turkish economy is constantly liberalizing: state-owned concerns are being privatized, which opens up new opportunities for foreign investors in the domestic market.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the country experienced an economic crisis. Experts call it the most difficult for the entire period of development of the state in the context of comprehensive liberalization. Thus, GNP in fixed prices fell by 9.5%. However, already in 2002, economic growth was restored. For example, GNP rose by 7.1%.
The country's main creditors are the World Bank and the IMF. Turkey's economy is constantly fueled by loans. So, only from 2000 to 2005 the country received 30 billion dollars.
Notless than twenty percent of citizens are below the poverty line. At the same time, the minimum wage in 2013 was 405 euros.
Country industry
Turkey is actively working on the development and expansion of the textile, metallurgical, food and flavor, chemical, engineering and mining industries.
Oil production in the country cannot be called sufficient for domestic consumption. State-owned enterprises with the support of foreign capital carry out exploration work. The most significant region in this regard is South-Eastern Anatolia. Due to the fact that the deposits are located in remote areas, the cost of transportation and extraction is constantly increasing.

The country is a serious exporter of chrome ore. In addition, copper, tungsten, uranium and manganese ores, mercury, sulfur, borates, gold and silver are mined.
The electronic industry in Turkey is developing at a noticeable pace. Thus, mass production of radio, television and telephone equipment, computers and many other equipment has been established in the country. The leading place among the exported products is occupied by electronic thermometers.
Political situation
Currently, in the political arena of the country, one can observe a bright and very dynamic process of struggle between parties striving to take a leading position. All of them aim to gain the right to determine the vector of foreign and domestic policy of the state.
Modern society in Turkey is deeply rethinking the ideological heritage,left behind by Kemal Ataturk, the first president and founder of the republic. The reins of power are in the hands of members of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). They defend Islamist principles and make appropriate adjustments to the country's domestic and foreign policy. Their main rivals are the following parties: the Republican People's Party (claims to follow the principles of Kemal Atatürk) and the Nationalist Action Party (headed by Devlet Bahceli).
Turkey's policy (both internal and external) is beginning to interest the world community more and more. The reason is the fact that this state is gaining weight in the international arena and has an active economic position.

President of Turkey
Now the country is ruled by Jumukh Abdullah Gul. He is a doctor of economic sciences. Gul proved to be a successful diplomat and politician. He acts effectively, while quickly orienting himself in the constantly changing conditions of the socio-political atmosphere. Since August 28, 2007, Gul has been the elected president of Turkey. Now the country is preparing for new elections, which are scheduled to be held on August 10, 2014.
State symbols
Naturally, this sunny country also has its own flag, coat of arms and anthem. Turkey has a red flag with a crescent and a star, which are the symbols of Islam. The history of the flag has more than one interpretation. The only indisputable fact is that the country inherited the symbolism from the Ottoman Empire,whose color was red. The star first appeared on the flag only at the beginning of the nineteenth century. At first she was depicted with seven or eight ends. What does the Turkish flag look like now? The photos show a red canvas with a five-pointed star and a crescent. It is noteworthy that shortly before the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, there were three stars on the flag. The modern version was approved in 1923. Thirteen years later, the proportions 2:3 were officially approved.

The coat of arms of Turkey until the beginning of the twentieth century was represented by a green circle and a month against the background of the rays of a star. Under the latter was a shield decorated with golden months and stars, and also crowned with a sultan's headdress - a turban. There were banners on both sides of the coat of arms. One of them is red (Ottoman dynasty), the other is green (Islamic). In addition, the coat of arms depicted the trophies of the empire obtained in the war.
As for modern Turkey, it does not have an official state emblem. Instead, the emblem is most often used - a red oval with a vertically located white crescent and star. This symbol is supplemented by the official name of the country written in Turkish.
As for the anthem called "Istiklal Marsi" ("March of Independence"), it was officially recognized as national in 1921. The words were written by the poet Mehmet Akif Ersoy. The music was originally composed by Ali Rifat Cagatay. His tune was used for eight years. Later, the musical accompaniment was changed. Currently playing the anthemthe melody of Zeka Ungor, conductor of the Presidential Symphony Orchestra, sounds.
The symbols are deeply revered by the citizens of the country. It is located not only in private and public institutions, but also in the households of citizens.
When going on vacation, do not forget to ask what this country stands out in terms of prohibitions and permits. Turkey is a hospitable state, but the law is the same for everyone. So, since recently, smoking has been banned in public places and transport (even in taxis, not to mention buses). For violation of this rule, a fine of sixty-two Turkish liras (about thirty dollars) will be issued.

Turkish laws regarding possession, transportation and use of drugs are very strict. So, for violating established prohibitions, you can go to jail for a term of four to twenty-four years.
It is not allowed to export antiques from the country. The main danger for ordinary tourists is that this concept is quite broad. How to protect yourself? It is recommended not to take even the smallest items from archaeological sites and purchase souvenirs only in authorized places. The purchase of any such product must be accompanied by the issuance of an appropriate certificate. Available papers will need to be presented to border guards when leaving the country. Lack of certificates entails punishment of up to ten years in prison, simple confiscation is not enough here.
Kinsulting the state flag, damaging local funds and disrespecting the images of the founder of the country, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, is equated to a crime in Turkey.
Wherever you are, you must carry a photo ID. The fear for the safety of documents is quite understandable, therefore it is allowed to present, for example, not a passport, but a photocopy of it.
Before photographing locals, you must obtain permission to do so. The legislation of the country does not regulate how to dress, but the rules that have been established for centuries should not be violated. It is not recommended to open the legs and shoulders.
Traditions and customs
Despite the fact that geographically Russia and Turkey are not far from each other, there is a whole abyss between the cultures of these countries. Thus, the vast majority of the local population (at least eighty percent) professes Islam. Every aspect of life is literally saturated with this culture here. Religion determines the features of everyday life and communication.
The first thing that surprises foreign tourists is the accentuated politeness of communication. Turks still adhere to traditional views on the expression of respect for others. You will surely hear a lot of compliments addressed to you, and it is better to reciprocate them, without stinting on pleasant words.
The wedding customs of Turkey amaze visitors with their splendor and solemnity. The rite of connection of two loving hearts is certainly accompanied by matchmaking and betrothal. In this case, the celebration lasts at least several days. Modern Turks still follow some ancient traditions. Among them are "Henna Night" (the bride's hands are covered with wonderful patterns, using henna paint) and "Virginity Belt" (the bride's father ties a scarlet ribbon over the wedding dress).
Not a single Turkish holiday can be imagined without rhythmic movements to national melodies. At the same time, there are more than two thousand varieties of dances. Depending on the region, they differ in costumes, choreography, and rhythm.
Let's consider such areas as literature, architecture, theater, music, Internet and cinema.
The roots of Turkish literature go back to antiquity. So, the earliest accurately dated works are the creations of Ahmed Farih, which appeared as early as the thirteenth century. Not surprisingly, Ottoman literature is distinguished by its religious character and adherence to the requirements of Islam. The researchers note that its development was significantly influenced by the traditions of Arabic and Persian literature.

A truly unique genre is the court poetry of the Ottoman period. Folklore traditions are distinguished among the characteristic features of Turkish writing. Tales about Khoja Nasreddin and the heroic epic (both oral and written) are especially noted in this regard. As for modern Turkish literature, it develops under the influence of Western.
The history of Turkish architecture is divided into three periods: Seljuk (XII-XIII centuries), Ottoman (XIV-XIX centuries)and modern. At one time, the architecture of Iran, Byzantium and Egypt influenced the traditions of building construction. Currently, the main features of the Turkish style are simplicity and functionality. Most of the buildings are built in the modernist style. Among the founders of the modern school of architecture are Clemens Holtzmayer Onat and Sedat Hakim Eldem.
In the sixteenth century, the inhabitants of the Ottoman Empire learned what shadow theater was. This entertainment has gained unprecedented popularity. In the plays, not only puppets and puppets were used, but also decorations and special lighting effects. All these techniques made it possible to create the illusion that the stage space is multidimensional. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, the theater has been developing under the comprehensive influence of Western culture. Ibrahim Shinasi is considered the founder of Turkish dramaturgy, and Hakob Vardovyan is considered the founder of the theater.
The origins of musical traditions should be sought in the early Middle Ages, when the Seljuk Turks, who migrated from Central Asia, inhabited the peninsula. Naturally, in the new territories, their culture entered into interaction with the Armenian and Greek. A characteristic feature of the musical traditions of that time was the pentatonic scale - a special five-step interval system. All sounds in it can be arranged in pure quanta or/and quarts.
During the existence of the Ottoman Empire, a new genre was formed - military orchestral music, which accompanied many campaigns and conquests. Modern musical culture in Turkey is influenced by the West. Yes, youthrock and pop, as well as jazz, are especially popular. Many Turkish performers are known far beyond the borders of the country, among them Mustafa Sandal, Hande Yener, Tarkan, Serdar Ortach and Sertab Erner stand out.
World Wide Web
The spread of the Internet has played a significant role in the cultural life of the country. Thus, the population of small towns, remote provinces and villages gained access to educational and entertainment information. On numerous sites you can find the works of Turkish writers and poets, newspapers also have their own electronic resources. The number of Internet users has increased 10 times over the past decade. Currently, 26.5 million Turks use the World Wide Web.
Cinema world
Cinema on the territory of modern Turkey was known even before the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. So, the first documentary film was presented to the audience in 1914. Its author is Fuat Uzyknay. The short film showed the destruction of a monument erected in the suburbs of Constantinople in honor of the San Stefano peace treaty. Filming of the first feature film ("The Marriage of Himmet Aga") was completed in 1918.
Currently, it can be argued that Turkey has achieved success not only in the film industry, but also in the television field. Programs created in this state are very popular outside of it.
Features of local cuisine
What else is interesting about the country in question? Turkey amazes travelers with unusual culinary traditions, and all becausethat the process of cooking in different periods of time was influenced by the Turks, and Armenians, and Greeks, and Arabs, and Italians.
The most famous local dishes are kababchis and shish kebab (veal on a spit). In addition, pizza is very popular in Turkey. Olive oil is an integral part of many dishes. The locals have a special attitude towards desserts and sweets. Usually these treats are rich in nuts and fruits. Among the drinks, Turkish coffee is primarily distinguished. Equally popular are teas, wines and rakija (anise-flavoured grape brandy).
Turkey is an amazing country with a complicated history. It attracts millions of travelers and antique lovers. And all thanks to the unique recreational resources and numerous historical sights.