What are the forms of presenting information?

What are the forms of presenting information?
What are the forms of presenting information?

In a general sense, information is an abstract concept, the meaning of which depends on the applied context. In philosophy, this term is usually understood as a material attribute that reflects its structure.

In the framework of this article, we will consider information as information that serves as an object of storage, transmission and further transformation. We will study the currently existing forms of presenting data information. We will also describe their characteristics and distinctive features.

Information and features

visual forms of information presentation
visual forms of information presentation

If we consider this concept as information, then it is advisable to indicate the interpretation of the latter. Under them it is necessary to understand the knowledge that is expressed in messages, signals, notifications, news, and so on. Information can be expressed in different ways. That is why today there are certain forms of presenting information. It is advisable to consider each of them as independent,an independent category.

How can information be expressed?

change in the form of presentation of information
change in the form of presentation of information

Let's consider further how information is provided to the consumer.

Currently, there are the following types of information on the submission form:

  1. Fine or graphic. This must include photographs, holograms, paintings, drawings. In addition, we are talking about various types of the real world, for example, geographical maps or the northern lights. The graphic form of information presentation is one of the basic ones.
  2. Sonic. It is no secret to anyone that in the modern world there is a huge number of very different sounds that a person is able to perceive either with his senses or through devices designed for this. The sound form of information presentation involves some music, speech, ultrasounds in technology, from earthquakes, and so on.
  3. Text. This is the speech of a person, which is encoded with various characters of a special type.
  4. Numeric. This form of information presentation is a quantitative measure of objects and properties that characterize these objects. In this case, the information acts as encoded by means of special characters (similar to text).
  5. Video information. Here, information is presented as a sequence of frames (pictorial form). However, in the case of this visual form of information presentation, the frames follow strictly one after another with a certain frequency.

Other speciesviews

types of information according to the form of presentation
types of information according to the form of presentation

In addition to those listed above, the following types of information expression are currently known:

  1. Tactile. It is important to note that this form of information presentation is perceived by us in case of touch or through special sensors.
  2. Technical. Here we are also talking about the readings of the relevant instruments. Among them are X-ray technology; devices showing the strength of the magnetic field; colliders and so on.
  3. Organoleptic. This kind of information is provided through tastes, smells, as well as other human senses. It should be added that data in this case can also be transmitted using special devices.

Division by parameter type

According to the form of presentation, information can be divided into the above groups. However, all the forms described are further classified into varieties in accordance with the characteristics of the data. So, it is advisable to note the following types of information:

  1. Static and dynamic. It should be noted that the first under no circumstances does not depend on time, while the second is a variable in it.
  2. Variable and discrete form of information representation, which can be classified both in magnitude and in time.

Technical information

graphic form of information presentation
graphic form of information presentation

You need to know that in technology there is a close relationship between the term in question and concepts such as message,signal and data.

A signal should be understood as absolutely any process that is a carrier of information. It can be radio sound on the air, a signal in wires that is electrical in nature, light that is perceived by a telescope, and so on.

A message should be considered as information that is presented in a certain form. Strictly intended to be passed on to anyone.

Data is nothing more than information displayed in a formalized form. It is needed for further processing.


discrete form of information representation
discrete form of information representation

Let's consider this type in more detail. It is necessary to know that a signal is called continuous in time when its parameter can be changed within the given limits at any time. It is about changing the form of presentation of information. It is customary to call a phenomenon discrete in time, when its parameter can be changed within given boundaries at fixed moments.

We are talking about an analog signal, if its parameter takes absolutely any intermediate value at any moment within the given limits.

Continuous in time and discrete in terms of magnitude, these data are called when they begin to take, within certain limits, only separate, strictly fixed, values, but at absolutely any moment.

A signal is discrete in terms of the same two characteristics if the corresponding parameter within the established limits takes specific, unchanged values, but these transformations occurexclusively at specific times.

View form value

In the process of mastering the topic, it is worth considering that the form of expression of information is the most important aspect in the case of its transmission for perception. Depending on the goal that is set for a person, the same information can be presented in different forms.

Since today information is understood as almost all data that is the object of storage, transmission and further transformation, in order to achieve unambiguity in the implementation of these processes, it is traditionally customary to use languages. The base of any of them is the alphabet. This term should be understood as a special set of certain symbols (in other words, signs) through which information can be expressed.

Languages and their features

Let's dwell on this issue in more detail. It is worth noting that currently languages are classified into colloquial (in other words, they are called natural) and formal. The alphabet of the former is fully dependent on the traditions of the respective nation. Formal can be observed in special areas of human activity. This can be, for example, in physics, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, computer science, sociology, psychology, management, accounting, and so on.

It must be borne in mind that the expression of information through formal languages is today called encoding. A code is understood as a set of conventions (in other words, symbols) for expressing information. This process should be seen as a way of presentinginformation in the form of a code. In other words, it is the transformation or change of the information flow from one form to another. The reverse process of encoding is called decorating.

A bit of history

about the form of presentation, information can be
about the form of presentation, information can be

It is interesting to know that the method of expressing information through a language that contains only 2 characters of the alphabet (namely, 1 and 0) was proposed in the 17th century by the famous German scientist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

"Calculation with the help of twos… serves as the key to science and generates new discoveries… when numbers are reduced to the simplest beginnings, which are 0 and 1, a wonderful order appears everywhere." These are the words of Leibniz.

In the modern world, this method of expressing information is widely used in computing and other devices (for example, computers). It should be added that the symbols represented are traditionally called bits or binary digits.

The implementation of the named alphabet in technical terms turned out to be extremely simple. So, in electronic devices, zero, as a rule, indicates a low voltage, and a unit indicates a high voltage. The reverse situation is also relevant: in storage devices, bistable cells are used, the first state of which corresponds to zero, and the second to one. In fiber optic lines, a zero indicates the absence of a light-type signal, and a one indicates its presence.

Methods of expressing information in computers

data presentation form
data presentation form

In conclusion, it would be useful to considermethods for representing information flows in electronic computers.

Firstly, this is a display of integers. In computers today, various ways of expressing them are possible. The most common of these is the format endowed with a fixed comma. If this or that number has no sign, then absolutely all bits of the memory cell take part in indicating the value of the number in quantitative terms. In the case of a memory cell size of one byte, it becomes possible to represent all numbers from 00000000 to 11111111 (according to the binary system) and from 0 to 255 (according to the decimal system). It should be noted that the maximum cell size allows encoding a large range of numbers. If it is necessary to encode not only numbers, but also signs, then the latter go through the encoding procedure in the most significant bit, and the numerical module is encoded using the remaining digits.

Secondly, this is an expression of real numbers, which in electronic computers, as a rule, can be displayed both in the format with a fixed type comma and floating point. The first format says that the sign of the number is stored in the high-order bit. The remaining cells contain an integer numeric element and a fractional one. In this case, the ratio of bits intended for storing these parts is strictly fixed. The floating point format assumes the division of cells into certain groups, including the mantissa, the number sign, the modulus and the exponent sign.
