An outstanding personality is a person with outstanding abilities. The meaning of the word "uncommon"

An outstanding personality is a person with outstanding abilities. The meaning of the word "uncommon"
An outstanding personality is a person with outstanding abilities. The meaning of the word "uncommon"

"And he is an outstanding personality!" - we often meet this statement in oral and written sources, sometimes without suspecting what is hidden under it. Perhaps a person with outstanding abilities deserves such an assessment in his address. What are the connotations of the concept of "uncommon"? The meaning of this word in various contexts is the topic of the article.

extraordinary it
extraordinary it

Words similar in meaning

What does "extraordinary" mean? The synonym for this word, which comes to mind in the first place, is “outstanding”. Uncommonness is also a rarity, unusualness, unusualness. There are many synonyms for this word, as well as for those that are similar to it. But the peculiarity of each of these concepts is relativity. What is unusual in one culture is common in another.


Outstanding aesthetic qualities have always attracted the attention of wordsmiths. Uncommon beauty - this, according toLa Bruyère, that the girl does not give anything but the hope of mediocre we alth. The witty statement of the French moralist is relevant at all times. But it does not answer the question of what an outstanding female appearance is. Concepts of beauty in different cultures are different. Yes, and time dictates the understanding of beauty. Therefore, when such a phrase as “extraordinary appearance” is encountered in a text or conversation, it is usually about subjective perception.


An outstanding personality is a concept, the meaning of which cannot be revealed in a nutshell. As already mentioned, most often it is understood as a person with outstanding abilities. He stands out among the gray mass, goes out of line and goes where no one has been before. There are many examples in history: Napoleon, Rasputin, Pugachev, Churchill. The list can be continued indefinitely. An outstanding figure is one whose existence is known to descendants, one hundred to two hundred years after her life.

Why do some go their way unnoticed, while others leave behind a myriad of legends?

Reason for exclusivity

There is an opinion that every person comes into this world with an ardent desire to change something. But nature deprives some and they have no choice but to be content with the simple joys of life. Most of these people. The hero of Dostoevsky - Raskolnikov - attributed them to the "lower", that is, ordinary. For several million unremarkable people, there is one outstanding personality. And it is she who is able to influence the course of historical events,create masterpieces of literature and art, make revolutionary discoveries in science.

According to this theory, every ordinary person dreams of an outstanding destiny. Maybe. But only if his ambition goes beyond all reasonable limits. After all, everyone knows that fate teaches an outstanding person hard lessons. It is enough to remember how the brilliant path of the great French commander ended.

However, there is an opinion that a person of outstanding trials falls solely because of his greed, greed, pride.

outstanding value
outstanding value

Signs of an outstanding personality

According to the philosophy of Tibet, a person with extraordinary abilities has the following qualities:

  1. Without envy.
  2. The ability to be content with simple pleasures.
  3. The lack of hypocrisy.
  4. Integrity.
  5. The ability to sympathize with those who live badly.

You can argue with the theory of Tibetan monks. Ivan the Terrible, according to historical information, had an outstanding cunning. Joseph Stalin was not inferior in this capacity to a medieval ruler. He, like Napoleon and Hitler, was not inclined to compassion. And it is very difficult to argue that any of the brightest historical figures was able to be content with little. But the Tibetan sages put a different meaning into the word "extraordinary". Their concept of outstanding ability is different from European.

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nezauryanny synonym


Outstanding personalitydiffers from others by extraordinary abilities. As a rule, these qualities are combined with diligence and perseverance. But next to an outstanding personality there is always a person or a group of people with mediocre abilities. Envy appears, the conviction that genius is a kind of gift that is owned by the wrong person. Everyone knows one version of the cause of Mozart's death.

Pushkin and Yesenin experienced the envy of their poets-colleagues. The wrath of critics aroused Bulgakov with his talented works. Gogol was upset to such an extent that he burned the second part of his famous poem. From all of the above, we can conclude that a genius awakens the worst human vices in his contemporaries and the boundless admiration of posterity.

uncommon synonym
uncommon synonym

What is brilliant today may seem unremarkable tomorrow. Without looking into the distant past, one can recall examples of outstanding personalities of the 20th century. Namely - V. Vysotsky. The exclusivity of the poet and musician consisted not only in an extraordinary gift, but also in the luck of being born at an inconvenient, but suitable time. His work would hardly have caused a resonance in the nineties of the last century.

outstanding personality
outstanding personality

An outstanding writer of the 20th century is A. Solzhenitsyn. According to his memoirs, before his arrest, he dreamed of writing, but lacked plots. An unusual, tragic fate became the material for creativity.

The uniqueness of a person is formed not only by virtue of his unique abilities, but also under the influencehistorical and social events characteristic of his time.