Before the makings of a person grow into something more, they have to go a long way. The development of abilities begins almost from birth. In this case, the result, even with the same inclinations for two different people, can be very different. If a person continues to engage in this activity throughout life, the development of abilities does not stop.
To begin with, on this long journey, it is worth determining which area attracts the child. Some prefer to engage in mathematical sciences, others are passionate about artistic creativity, and still others are looking for themselves on stage. In the development of any abilities, psychologists conditionally distinguish several periods.
So, first there is the maturation of organic structures. This period lasts from birth to five or six years. At this time, the work of analyzers is being improved, and individual sections of the cerebral cortex are developing. As a result, favorable conditions are created in which general abilities are formed, which are prerequisitesfor special.

The next thing to note is the sensitive period, that is, the time when a person is most receptive to a certain type of activity. For example, the development of communication skills should begin at an early age, when the child masters speech. After five years, children are characterized by a period in which it is most easy to master literacy, reading and writing. At preschool age, kids devote all their time to fun, while the very essence of this activity changes significantly. Starting with a simple content, the game gradually develops into a more complex structure.

Next comes the formation and development of special abilities. This includes activities such as drawing, modeling, technical modeling, learning languages, etc. A person can show talent for any kind of creativity not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. Most often, the disclosure of this kind of abilities in children is helped by games, educational and labor activities. Adults discover in themselves a craving for creativity, thanks to strong-willed efforts and activities in a certain area.

The development of a person's abilities usually begins in early childhood, and continues at school age, when learning activities come to the fore. However, not everything that a child does contributes to this. Priority should be given to work that has a creative focus. It will also be effectivetasks that make the child think, analyze, apply logic.
The development of abilities can also occur in adulthood. It happens that for some reason a person could not previously engage in a certain type of activity (parents did not allow, financial opportunities did not allow, there was not enough time, etc.). This does not mean at all that an adult will not succeed. The inclinations that have not developed for a long time are still preserved. It is enough to recall examples from history when great discoveries or inventions were made by already established people. It is only important to recognize your desires in time and compare them with opportunities.