Every person in their life has experienced the desire to eat. What is it? It turns out that this is a feeling that appears in the mind or is physically felt in the human stomach. And depending on the form of manifestation, they share appetite and hunger.

When the desire to eat is hunger?
Hunger is a physiological sensation, a bodily signal that indicates a lack of nutrients for the normal functioning of the body. Hunger feels like an empty stomach and can sometimes cause headaches and dizziness.
When the desire to eat appears, it can be either hunger or appetite. If a person does not care how to satisfy the lack of food, then this is hunger.

You are hungry if:
- desire to eat increases gradually;
- discomfort in the stomach;
- the body "requires" high-calorie food;
- feeling relieved after eating a small amount of food;
- when full, stop eating.
Appetite comes with eating
Appetite is a psychological addiction, when a person "experiences" some situation with the help of food.
The emerging desire to eat is an appetite if:
- the desire to eat appears instantly;
- the desire to eat something appears in the head, while there is no feeling of emptiness in the stomach;
- I want not just to eat, but something unusual, delicious;
- It has been less than an hour since the last meal;
- after the main meal, you can't deny yourself dessert;
- when you see a dish, you want to try it.

The desire to eat is, in a word, the satisfaction of a person's psychological dependence.
Appetite in children
Children may not pay enough attention to food intake, so parents should pay attention to what, how much and when the child eats in order to avoid he alth problems later.
Appetite is determined by the degree of hunger. However, there may be hunger, but there is no appetite, and the child does not eat. Lack of appetite can be imaginary and true.
With an imaginary lack of appetite, the child is in weight norms for his age, but it seems to parents that he is not eating enough. Therefore, parents tend to feed the child with more food, eating more often.
Parents should be reasonable about the child's diet and not force him to overeat. If his body develops normally and does not experience a feeling of hunger, it is not necessary to increase the volume of the portion so that the metabolism is not disturbed from overeatingbody substances.
True lack of appetite may indicate the presence of any disease. When a child is really hungry and does not want to eat, this serves as a signal to consult a doctor for advice.
Increase appetite in children
In schoolchildren, changes in appetite may be associated with changes in school life. A decrease in appetite may mean the presence of a disease, or maybe just a schoolboy decided to lose weight, "take up a figure." Then parents should pay attention to this so that the refusal to eat does not bring the body to exhaustion. Together with a nutritionist, develop a menu for the child.
If a student has no desire to eat, this may be due to a violation of the diet, so you need to analyze the child's school day and adjust the time of eating.

If a child gets a full breakfast at school, then do not give money for snacks: buns, cakes. To improve appetite, the child should spend more time outdoors. The reluctance to eat may also be due to a change in taste preferences.
Parents should monitor the student's diet and, if necessary, add and change it.
Appetizing reasons
The desire to eat is, in a word, a need that can manifest itself in different ways. It is either a desire to really satisfy your hunger or try something new, or to “experience” problems.
Since appetite is a psychological addiction, we need to figure out what it iscalls.
Appetite can provoke:
- desire to try a new flavor;
- internal experiences: problems at work, at home;
- different psychological states: loneliness, irritability, resentment, anger;
- a habit, for example, when a person sits at a computer, he definitely needs something to eat.
So when the urge to eat arises, it can be a deceptive feeling. We need to figure out what exactly caused this desire. Try to mentally go back and remember under what actions, thoughts it appeared. Understand the situation, survive it, then the desire to eat may recede or cease to be so strong.
When a person is hungry, he can eat any food, the stomach still does not feel the taste. He only experiences a feeling of satiety when he is full. The taste is revealed by the receptors of the tongue, and this affects the presence of appetite. To satisfy your appetite and not overeat, you need to keep small pieces of food on your tongue for as long as possible so that the receptors fully reveal the taste of the product.
How to get rid of hunger
If a person wants to normalize his body, he goes on a diet. And here it is very important to properly deal with your feeling of hunger.

How to deal with the desire to eat:
- eat often but in small portions;
- eat foods with a low glycemic index, then the feeling of hunger will be suppressed;
- include fiber-rich foods withwith their help, you can achieve satiety by eating a small amount of food;
- drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water a day;
- eat slowly, chewing food slowly;
- remove sweets so that they are out of sight: cookies, cakes, chocolate, sweets.
In order for signals about food intake to reach the brain on time and at the same time a person does not overeat, one must not eat:
- on the go;
- in front of TV, computer;
- avoid or minimize the intake of spices as they increase appetite.
How to cheat the desire to eat? This can be done using the following psychological techniques:
- cook dishes with the same number of calories, but larger;
- make the sandwich taller with extra lettuce leaves;
- eating from smaller plates, which will be completely full, is better than a large half-empty plate.

Do not forget that overeating is bad for human he alth, so you need to control your appetite. To maintain a good athletic shape, the normal functioning of the body, it is enough just to satisfy hunger, and an analysis of the psychological state of a person will help get rid of increased appetite.
You need to be attentive to your internal signals and eat when you really need it. Do not give in to the deceptive desire to snack if the body does not need "additional recharging".