Develop speech: protection is

Develop speech: protection is
Develop speech: protection is

In the modern school, much attention is paid to the development of speech. But you can work on eloquence not only at a school desk, but also on your own. To do this, it is worth reflecting on individual words: analyze in detail all their meanings, select synonyms and antonyms, and come up with sentences with this word. As an example of working on a word, let's take the well-known noun "protection".

Protection is…

What do you think is the meaning of the word "protection"?

Protection is protection
Protection is protection

Protection is:

  1. What protects a person or an object is their defense, serves as a shelter.
  2. Protecting something or someone from hostile acts, danger, etc.
  3. Defending party in a lawsuit.
  4. Part of a sports team whose main task is to protect the goal of their team from hitting the ball or puck of opponents.
  5. Preventing something from negative effects or influences.
  6. Supporting someoneor anyone's opinion from criticism and objections.
  7. Submission of scientific work, for example for a degree.

Morphological characteristics, declension

The word "protection" consists of six letters and six sounds; it can be divided into three syllables, of which the second is stressed. From the point of view of morphology, "protection" is a common inanimate noun of the feminine gender. Like all nouns ending in "a", it belongs to the first declension.

Case Question Singular Plural
Nominative What? Protection is what protects, protects from the bad. protection
Genitive What? In her very large circle, Princess Alexandra Alexandrovna found neither support nor protection. protection
Dative What? The defense of a Ph. D. thesis should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility, there may not be a second chance. defenses
Accusative What? The programmer has installed protection on all computers, now you can not be afraid of viruses. protection
Instrumental What? In spring and summer, do not neglect protection against ticks, they can be carriers of tick-borne encephalitis. defenses
Prepositional case About what? OhPavel Nikolaevich Dementiev thought to himself last of all, it was more important to protect his wife and daughters from evil tongues. about defenses

It is worth noting that the plural form in everyday speech is used quite rarely.

Protection: synonyms

Synonyms are words that belong to the same part of speech and have more or less the same meaning.

Synonyms for "protection"
Synonyms for "protection"

Protection is:

  • aegis;
  • patronage;
  • cover;
  • screen;
  • defending;
  • cover;
  • security;
  • refuge;
  • screen;
  • prevention;
  • defense;
  • camouflage;
  • support;
  • stronghold;
  • wing;
  • canopy;
  • protection;
  • stronghold;
  • armor;
  • intercession;
  • fence;
  • fencing;
  • shield.

Protection: antonyms

Antonyms also refer to the same part of speech, but have diametrically opposite lexical meanings.

Antonyms for "protection":

Antonyms for the word protection
Antonyms for the word protection
  • attack;
  • attack;
  • invasion;
  • intervention;
  • charge.

Seven sentences with the word "protection"

To better grasp all the nuances of the meaning and use of the noun "protection", it would not be superfluous to consider a few examples of sentences with this word:

  1. Protection is the desire to savea person from danger.
  2. Defending the Brest Fortress is one of the first important battles of the Great Patriotic War.
  3. Chemical protection is vital in this area.
  4. The defense of the New Zealanders failed the whole game, now the team can only see one-eighth of the final in a dream.
  5. The primary task of our division is to protect the population from the undesirable effects of natural phenomena.
  6. In a heated argument, Marina felt the protection of her friends with her back.
  7. Due to the illness of the applicant, the defense of the doctoral dissertation was postponed to September.
