Dosimeter: types, characteristics, radiation measurement

Dosimeter: types, characteristics, radiation measurement
Dosimeter: types, characteristics, radiation measurement

Radioactive radiation poses a threat to living organisms. High doses of radiation lead to severe illness and even death. Therefore, in many situations it is necessary to measure the radiation background of the area or premises. A device for measuring radiation levels is called a dosimeter.

According to the purpose of use and technical characteristics, dosimeters are divided into professional and household.

Professional dosimeters

Professional radiation dosimeter is a complex device. It is known that radioactive radiation is of three types: alpha rays, beta rays and gamma rays. In addition, there is X-ray and neutron radiation.

Professional dosimeters can measure some or all types of radiation. They also have a minimum error and a large radius of action. The data is displayed on a special display. Professional dosimeters are usually used at nuclear power plants and other enterprises dealing with nuclear energy, as well as when examining passengers' luggage.

The price of a professional device forradiation measurement is quite high: often it reaches 20-25 thousand rubles.

dosimeter instrument
dosimeter instrument

Household dosimeters

The household dosimeter is a simplified model of a professional device. It is compact, convenient and easy to use. A household dosimeter, like a professional one, is capable of registering several types of radiation, but most often, beta and gamma radiation sensors are included in the package. Such a device is powered by a battery or batteries. Household dosimeters are less accurate than professional dosimeters, but sufficient for their intended use.

This device for measuring radiation is usually not too expensive: an average of 4900-6000 rubles.

In addition to professional and household, there are individual dosimeters. They are small in size and resemble a regular keychain. There is no display, the data is stored in memory and transferred to a PC when connected. The set of functions for such devices is small, but they can be useful for a short stay in hazardous areas.

Dosimeters by functionality

Also devices for measuring radiation are divided into:

  • Measuring. They have a digital or analog indicator that displays the level of radiation.
  • Search engines are highly sensitive devices with external detectors and are capable of registering the slightest fluctuations in the radiation background.
instrument dosimeter
instrument dosimeter

Dosimeter device

The device for measuring the level of radiation is quite simple. Dosimeter components:

  • radiation sensor;
  • removable filters;
  • counting device;
  • indication system.

The main component of the device is the sensor. Among them, several types are distinguished.

  • Sensor based on scintillation crystals. It is universal for all types of radiation. When ionized particles pass through the crystals, photons are generated in it. Dosimeters with such a sensor have high measurement accuracy and are quite expensive.
  • Sensors with semiconductor detector. The electrical conductivity of the conductors changes as charged particles pass through the sensor. Such devices have a small price, but the measurement accuracy is usually low.
  • Gas-discharge sensors. The device is simple: a glass cylinder filled with gas and a wire inside the cylinder. The radioactive particles act on the gas as they pass through the cylinder, and electricity is generated. An example of such a sensor is the Geiger-Muller counter. Devices with such a sensor are inexpensive and suitable for detecting beta and gamma radiation.
Geiger counter
Geiger counter

The difference between a dosimeter and a radiometer

The dosimeter is sometimes confused with another device for measuring radiation - a radiometer. Radiometers are devices used to accurately measure the intensity of the radiation flux from a source or individual sample. There are also combined devices - dosimeters-radiometers.

Why dosimeter in everyday life?

It is logical that people living near nuclear power plants and othersources of radiation, use this device to assess the radiation background of the area.

radiation measurement
radiation measurement

But if a person is not related to radioactive technology and is not going to go to contaminated territories, the question arises: why buy a device to measure radiation?

Oddly enough, even while seemingly safe, in everyday life you can accidentally be exposed to radioactive radiation.

The fact is that radiation is not detected with the help of the senses: it has no color, smell, temperature, and so on. Therefore, exposure goes unnoticed by humans (unless these are "shock" doses in places where radiation is thousands of times higher than the permissible level). Only a dosimeter can detect a threat.

For example, products that emit radiation can be sold on the market. Berries and mushrooms can be collected in regions with a high radiation background. Since these products do not appear to be outwardly anything, a person can get a strong dose of radiation just by eating them.

The dosimeter will not be superfluous for measuring radiation at the workplace.

Buying toys, cars, equipment, going hiking - you should always have this device on hand.

measurement with a dosimeter
measurement with a dosimeter

Conclusions on the topic:

  • a device for measuring radiation dose is called a dosimeter;
  • dosimeters are divided into professional and household;
  • this device is useful not only when working with radioactive substances, but also in everyday life;
  • when choosing a dosimeter, you need to focus on the purpose of the purchase and technical characteristics.
