Vadim the Brave lived in the 9th century, he is also known as Vadim Khorobry, or Vadim of Novgorod. This prince became famous for having raised an uprising against Rurik, leading the Novgorodians in 864. We will talk about these events, about the role of Vadim and Rurik in them in this article.
Vadim the Brave biography facts
Nothing is known about the date and place of Vadim's birth. Even in The Tale of Bygone Years, which describes events from biblical times, nothing is said about this. In later chronicles of the 16th century, a legend appears that describes the turmoil in Novgorod.
Trouble began after the calling of the Varangians in 862 to reign in Novgorod. It is known that the locals did not like the autocracy of Prince Rurik, after which Vadim the Brave led an uprising against him. Together with most of his associates, Vadim was killed in 864, and the uprising was crushed.
The well-known Russian historian V. N. Tatishchev writes that Vadim came from a family of Slovenian (Eastern Slavs) princes, but he also does not know anything about his date of birth.
Reason for the uprising
Some scholars, referring to the legend of Vadim, claim thatthis is fiction. And others believe that this legend explains his presence in the annals by the confusion and dissatisfaction of the Novgorodians with the Varangians, who were hired by Prince Yaroslav to rule Novgorod. As you know, some Varangians were killed during the turmoil. For which the locals were later avenged.

There is also an opinion that the uprising of Vadim the Brave could not have taken place in Novgorod in 864, as described in the annals, since, according to some archaeological facts, Novgorod did not exist then. Nevertheless, at that time there was already Ladoga, where the Varangian Rurik began to reign in 862. According to some versions, Ladoga itself could also be called Nova-gorod, which is consonant with Novgorod.
However, the annals tell about "Yurik-new settler", in which many see the name of Rurik, who ruled the principality and constantly increasing tribute from the Novgorodians, which was one of the reasons for the uprising.
Versions about Vadim
According to some historians, Prince Vadim the Brave, who allegedly led the uprising against Rurik, could have had a completely different name. So, for example, it is believed that this is not a name, but a verb - “lead”, which in various dialects means “groom”, “guide”, “advanced”.

There is also an opinion that says that the name Vadim refers to the princely retinue vocabulary and, according to it, could mean a governor, leader, leader. Consequently, the conflict between Vadim and Rurik can also be viewed as a clash between two squad groups.
However, this is onlyversions of historians, which are often based on assumptions and rather controversial facts, ignoring fundamental works, such as The Tale of Bygone Years or the Nikon Chronicle.
Varangian Rurik
Vadim the Brave and the grandson of Gostomysl, Rurik, according to legend, were still in conflict, which led to the fact that Vadim was killed. However, Rurik is also, according to some historians, a rather contradictory and ambiguous figure, there are even versions that he did not exist at all.

However, according to the official historical version, Rurik lived in the 9th century, his date of birth is unknown, and he died in 879. According to legend, he was the grandson of the Ilmen elder Gostomysl, who by origin is considered a Slovene (ancient Slav). It is believed that Gostomysl was one of those who called on the Varangians to reign over the Slovenes.
Rurik himself, according to one version, is considered to be a Jutlander (ancient Dane) by origin, and according to another, he is encouraged (one of the tribes of the ancient Slavs).
According to the ancient Russian chronicles, Rurik is identified with the Varangian, who was called to reign in Novgorod and subsequently suppressed the uprising of Vadim the Brave. Rurik is considered the ancestor and founder of the princely, and later the royal dynasty. The Ruriks are considered as the founders of the Old Russian state as such.
Assessed by historians
According to historians, the uprising of Vadim the Brave, who led the Novgorodians against Rurik, did take place. Fundamental science, based on the annals,extant to this day, unequivocally declares this incident. There is also no doubt about the personalities of both Vadim the Brave and Rurik himself.

Disputes are allowed only about the time of birth of these historical characters and about the name of Vadim, since it is really possible to interpret him as a "voivode". In other cases, statements that there was no uprising against Rurik, and all this is fiction, are unfounded and unproven. In other words, this is a free interpretation and fantasy of individual historians.
Summarizing the above, we can say that the uprising of the Novgorodians led by Vadim the Brave against Rurik and the Varangians is a scientifically proven fact, which is confirmed in the ancient Slavic chronicles. There is also a number of circumstantial evidence that speaks of these events that occurred in 864.

Vadim the Brave is also a literary character, but references to him in works of art are based on ancient documents. So, for example, Catherine II mentions him in her work - "Historical presentation from the life of Rurik." Later, the famous Russian writer Ya. B. Knyazhnin created a tragedy called Vadim Novgorodsky. A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov also undertook to work on this plot, as they were interested in both the personality and the fate of Vadim the Brave.
Vadim is the leader of those who did not put up with the injustice of the Vikings. However, Rurik in the history of Russiaplayed an important role, influencing the formation of the state as a whole, and later creating an entire royal dynasty of Rurikovich. And it is not known how the history of Russia would have developed if Vadim the Brave had defeated Rurik.