Great Russian commanders created the glory of Russian weapons on land, in the air and at sea. Peter I planned the development of the country as a maritime power, laying the first shipyards and attracting foreign engineers. His works enabled Russia to win many high-profile victories at sea. Ushakov, Nakhimov are the first naval commanders whose names our country can be proud of. In the USSR, Admiral Kuznetsov became the successor of their victories, his life was inextricably linked with the naval forces.
According to Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov himself, the experience of managing a ship is not given immediately, it must be obtained by passing the path from a sailor. This is how the rapid career of a young boy from the village of Medvedki, Astrakhan Region, began. The future Admiral Kuznetsov joined the fleet at the age of 15, adding two years to his age, he volunteered for the Civil War. In 1919, he fought as a sailor on a ship of the North Dvina Flotilla. After graduating from the naval school, and then the academy with honors, Kuznetsov is sent to serve in the Black Sea Fleet. The cruiser "Chervona Ukraine" became for him a sailor's school, which began with the position of watch officer. Since 1933, he became the commander of the cruiser, over the next five years of service, the ship was noted as exemplary in terms of military training, discipline, and shooting performance. In the Navy, they started talking about the creation of the Kuznetsov system, which became a method of military training of ships in all fleets of the USSR. The youngest captain of the first rank in 1935 was awarded the Order of the Red Star. During his service on the cruiser, Kuznetsov developed new tactical methods of naval combat, and realized the importance of aviation reconnaissance. In his theoretical calculations, it is said that the interaction of all types of troops should give high results in military operations. Aviation played the most important role in it. In the future, this theory was not only confirmed, but, thanks to Kuznetsov, saved many lives, making a tangible contribution to the victory of the USSR on the fronts of World War II.

In 1936, the tasks of volunteer sailors in the fight against fascism were the timely delivery and unloading of aid coming from the USSR. Kuznetsov, as a naval attache in Spain, is convinced in practice of the correctness of his theory. Enemy aircraft sank transport ships on the approaches to ports, their actions significantly complicated unloading, which affected the effectiveness of military operations. Kuznetsov creates a new genustroops - naval aviation, which is based in the port area and repels attacks by enemy fighters. For this work, he was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner and Lenin. Returning from Spain in 1937, Kuznetsov was appointed first Deputy and then Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet. The main rule that he learned from the fighting in Spain is the constant readiness of each ship and the fleet as a whole.
Before the war
In the 30s, the USSR began to create a new, more powerful fleet, which was destroyed during the Russo-Japanese war of 1904. The future Admiral Kuznetsov in 1937 is a member of the command staff of the Main Military Council of the Navy, which is being created under the People's Commissariat. At 34, he becomes the youngest People's Commissar of the Navy. In his submission were young, not very experienced, but striving to double the glory of Russian weapons officers. Kuznetsov reported directly to Stalin, which greatly complicated his work. The commander-in-chief was going to build a new fleet of large ships - battleships, cruisers. Kuznetsov, on the contrary, insisted on the release of sea vessels of various classes, including aircraft carriers. He proved to the leader the need to create coastal aviation capable of conducting rapid reconnaissance and ensuring the safe movement of ships. Kuznetsov assigned an important role to the training of personnel, combat situations were regularly practiced in the active troops, the readiness of each ship for a surprise attack. Between 1938 and 1948, many educational institutions were opened forcreation of qualified naval officers and sailors. Kuznetsov personally visited each ship, monitored compliance with the ship's and disciplinary charters, and evaluated the actions of the ships in the exercises. By the time the war began, despite disagreements with Stalin, the young People's Commissar achieved the fulfillment of many of his plans and created a new combat-ready Soviet fleet.

The Great Patriotic War
TASS reports denying the possibility of a German attack on the USSR became a signal for action for Kuznetsov. The ships were supplied with fuel reserves, a complete inventory of materiel and ammunition was carried out, patrols and reconnaissance were strengthened. From May 1941, shore leave was banned for personnel, at the same time, political training of fighters was intensified. The fleet met the beginning of the fascist aggression in full combat readiness, which made it possible to avoid losses. The plan of protective measures created before the war was unfolded on the orders of Kuznetsov without the direct intervention of the Commander-in-Chief. Mine barriers were set up, submarines were deployed, and enemy aircraft were destroyed on the way to the bases of the fleets. On June 24, the threat of blocking arose over the ships of the B altic Navy, on the orders of Kuznetsov, he broke through to Kronstadt, leaving Tallinn. Naval artillery greatly helped in the defense of Leningrad and its liberation from the blockade. Sailors participated in land operations, helping to deter the fascist armada. Bombers of the B altic Fleet in August 1941 launched several massive attacks on Berlin, they did notcaused significant damage to the German capital, but raised the morale of our troops. Since 1944, by order of the Commander-in-Chief, Kuznetsov N. G. - Admiral of the Fleet, this rank was awarded for the first time and equated to marshal.

Active hostilities of the Soviet fleet led to heavy losses on the part of the enemy. Admiral of the Fleet N. G. Kuznetsov personally developed all ongoing operations, then approved by the Commander-in-Chief, acted in constant consolidation with other branches of the military. During the war, ships and submarines destroyed 1,200 units (transport, security) of the enemy. Aviation of the Navy in battles and at airfields smashed more than 5,000 German aircraft. At the same time, the forces of the Northern Fleet carried out the protection and transportation of goods from the allied states. Hundreds of thousands of people were taken along the road of life from besieged Leningrad, more than 10 tons of cargo was delivered to the starving city. More than 200 enemy ships were destroyed on minefields. Fleet Admiral Kuznetsov was awarded the orders of "Ushakov" 1st degree, "Red Banner" and "Lenin". More than 70 ships were awarded the title of guards, 513 sailors became Heroes of the Soviet Union. As Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral Kuznetsov of the Soviet Union participated in international conferences, negotiations and meetings with allies.

After the war
The main task of peacetime was the restoration of the fleet. Shipbuilding (including aircraft carriers) and development projectsnaval forces were presented to Stalin personally by the people's commissar. N. G. Kuznetsov, an admiral who became famous during the war years, insisted on his plans and requirements, which often differed from the opinion of the leader. Because of these disagreements and self-righteousness, in 1948 Kuznetsov was demoted to the rank of rear admiral and almost sat on the dock. He spent six months without service, suffered a heart attack, but was able to start working as Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Far East Navy. It was there that he received the next rank of vice admiral for the second time. In 1951, on Stalin's personal order, he returned to Moscow and was fully rehabilitated. Admiral N. Kuznetsov received the next rank in 1953, he was actively involved in the work and sought to revise the shipbuilding program.

Three times admiral
The further fate of Nikolai Gerasimovich is connected with the transformation of the fleet, his close cooperation with the relevant departments and the USSR Academy of Sciences made it possible to create nuclear submarines. He attached great importance to equipping ships with missiles. They were placed on submarines and surface transport. The idea of creating aircraft carriers did not find its embodiment until 1972, when this need was dictated by the conditions of the Cold War with America. Kuznetsov's persistence helped advance the Navy's modernization program, but it strained his relationship with the establishment. Under Khrushchev, Admiral N. Kuznetsov was once again demoted in rank. His illness allowed him to be removed from the post of commander in chief. Navy and, in fact, removed from the cause to which he devoted his whole life. But the fruits of his labors gave a result - the aircraft carrier of Admiral Kuznetsov was built. In retirement, Kuznetsov wrote a lot about the fleet, translated foreign literature and assessed his victories and defeats. He died on December 6, 1974, was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. For the third time, Kuznetsov became an admiral of the fleet after his death, this title was returned to him in 1988 under pressure from colleagues and the family of Nikolai Gerasimovich.

Aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov
In 1982, the fifth heavy cruiser was laid down on the slipway of the Black Sea Shipbuilding Plant. Its deck was intended for basing, landing and takeoff of SU and MiG aircraft. From the moment the ship was laid down to the end of all types of tests, it had four names: "Riga", "Leonid Brezhnev", "Tbilisi". And only in 1990 the ship began to bear the name "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov." The ship was launched in 1985, while afloat it continued to be completed, equipped and armed. In 1989, the crew boarded it, and the pilots began testing the runway's takeoff and landing characteristics. Su-25, Su-27, MiG 29 successfully coped with the assigned tasks, after which the ship was transferred to the dock for completion.

The aircraft carrier of Admiral Kuznetsov underwent several reconstructions. Its radar, navigation, electronic weapons must constantlymodernize. A ship of this size and class is very difficult to refit and quite expensive to keep on alert, but it is still in service today, on duty as part of the Northern Fleet. Its displacement (maximum) is 61 tons, length - 306 meters, width - 71 meters. Overall height - 65 meters, maximum draft - 10 m. Four five-bladed propellers are used as a propeller, which are driven by diesel generators (6), steam turbines (4) and turbogenerators (9). The armament consists of Granit, Kortik, Kinzhal missiles, AK-630 anti-aircraft artillery mounts, RBU anti-submarine bombs. The basic aviation group includes fifty aircraft and helicopters.
Today, the aircraft carrier of Admiral Kuznetsov is the largest ship of this type. Its analogues are not produced, the long-term plans of the Navy in this direction are secret. But the leadership of the modern Russian fleet recognizes the fact that the development project created by N. G. Kuznetsov 50 years ago remains relevant at the present time. It is possible that soon new aircraft carriers will be laid down at modern shipyards, which will meet modern requirements to a greater extent. This applies to both weapons and ship engines. New naval vessels under the command of young naval commanders will conquer the vastness of the ocean and show the world the power of Russian weapons, but you should not forget about the people who wrote the first pages of this book.