Summary is an integral part of the work

Summary is an integral part of the work
Summary is an integral part of the work

Many of us, while studying at school and college, had to write an annotation or review of any work, term paper, diploma work. But did we do it right? In this article, you will learn what the word "abstract" means and how to write it.

annotation is
annotation is

Abstract is a brief description of the content of a book or article. From it we can find out what is said in this source. It allows the reader to decide for himself whether he should read this book further or not.

Abstract is the content of a work formulated in several sentences. It characterizes the main theme or problem of the book. Translated from Latin, "abstract" is a note, a note. It indicates what the new book contains compared to other sources.

Abstract is a characteristic of a printed publication that can give the reader information about its content and purpose, written in a short form. What information it will contain, the author decides independently. But first you need to define the specifics of this text. If this is an annotation forbook cover, it will be a brief retelling of the plot and contain information about the author, his titles and awards. If this is an abstract for advertising a book, then its text will have to interest the buyer so that he wants to buy it.

The meaning of the word abstract
The meaning of the word abstract

The annotation should not contain a retelling of the plot, otherwise, after studying it, the reader will not be interested in reading the book in full. As you prepare to write it, try to answer the following questions: "What is this book about?" "What was the author's purpose in writing it?" "Who was it written for?"

The length of an extended annotation is from 600 to 700 characters. It includes:

- the topic of the article or book (for example, "The article talks about the nutrition of athletes …");

- description of the goal set by the author ("Recommendations on proper nutrition are given …");

- addressee ("The article is aimed at a male audience…");

- dignity of design ("…with beautiful pictures…");

- volume ("…small…");

- advice to readers ("If you follow the recommendations outlined in this book, then …");

- information about the author ("…interesting, favorite…");

- advertisement ("… the work makes you rethink…").

Annotation to the work
Annotation to the work

A brief annotation characterizes the work in terms of its main theme. Its length should not exceed 240 characters.

Summary toterm paper is 1000-1500 characters and includes:

- title;

- information about the author-compiler indicating the faculty, course, specialization and project leader;

- text ("The following techniques are considered in the course work ….", "The main attention is paid to …")

Abstract to the work (example):

"This manual considers the problem of interpreting the norms contained in the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The features of the legal method of their interpretation and methods of legal analysis are analyzed. As a result of the study, the author proposes to single out a special legal method of interpretation and gives its definition."

I hope that this article will help the reader understand the concept of "abstract" and, if necessary, write it without any problems. Good luck!