The bright light of the ramps, flowers flying to the feet, thunderous applause and applause, bright costumes and wigs - all this is the dream of people who dream about the stage at night! Thousands of young guys and girls storm the capital every year to get into one of the leading Moscow universities. Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkina every summer opens its doors to new and new talents. But getting into it is not as easy as it seems at first glance.
How to enter VTU im. Shchepkina?

Teachers strongly advise all applicants who want to get an education, first of all, to get acquainted with the history of the school, its famous graduates and sensational performances. This is what we will do.
History of the school

Let's start with the fact that the school was founded by decree of Alexander I on December 28, 1809. The theater school, which was attached to the orphanage, later turned intoMoscow Theater School and became part of the Imperial Theaters of Russia. The educational institution was located in the estate of the Myasoyedovs.
Subsequently, the educational institution received the name of Shchepkin MS, who is not only an outstanding teacher, but also an actor. At the moment, the school building is located on Neglinnaya Street.
By the middle of the 20th century, the educational institution received the status of a higher educational institution. All the teachers here are eminent actors and directors of the Maly Theater, and the graduates of "Sliver" are known and loved by our whole country.
And what are the performances that directors and students of VTU Shchepkin are worth? These are "1000 days of Anne Boleyn", "Hamlet", "The Death of Tarelkin", "The Cherry Orchard", "In a Busy Place", "Players", "The Seagull", "Dowry", "Trouble from a Gentle Heart", "Mad Money ", "Vassa Zheleznova", "Wolves and Sheep", "Summer Residents", "Woe from Wit", "Children of Vanyushin", "Anne Frank's Diary", "Turbin Days", "Don Quixote", "Profitable Place", " Uncle Vanya", "What you go for, you will find", "Zoyka's apartment", "Zykovs", "Talents and admirers" … And it seems that this list is endless!
Preparation for admission

What else do you need to do to get into this incredible educational institution - the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkina?
With history wegot acquainted, now it's time to start a creative reading program. As you know, in many theatrical universities of the world, first of all, it is required to prepare several works to the taste of the applicant, and the Higher Theater School. M. S. Shchepkina is no exception. As a rule, teachers are asked to prepare prose and poetry, it can be a monologue from a novel, play or story, and several poems or fables. Many applicants try to diversify their dramatic choice as much as possible and show teachers how multifaceted the personality is in front of them. But there are those who adhere to the same line of behavior, perception and embodiment of the material, they say about such people “they have their own style.”
But that's not all. If you seriously decide to enter the M. S. Shchepkin Higher Theater School, be prepared for the fact that the reading program will not be the final stage of your admission. Perhaps you will be asked to express yourself creatively, in the brightest sense of the word. For example, to portray your favorite animal, while taking into account the smallest changes in its behavior, habits and features. Sometimes masters give a chance to feel like an inanimate object by pretending to be one for a few minutes, and then you seriously start to wonder how a scarf might feel if it were alive, or what a carton of milk is thinking when it is uncorked.
There are chances to get into the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin and those who were fruitfully engaged in dancing and singing, because very often the masters ask that the examination atmosphere be diluted with floodingsongs and groovy dances. But seriously, all this, of course, is necessary for future, possible roles, where you may need a voice, and plasticity, and a sense of rhythm.
Don't despair for those who have previously been involved in, for example, wrestling, chess, long-distance running and swimming, because you never know what kind of person you will have to play, perhaps a mathematician or an Olympic champion, or perhaps and the theater actor himself.
Reviews about the school

Well, and the final stage for those who have chosen an acting path for applicants, we offer to find out reviews about the Shchepkin Higher Theater School. Many students note that studying in this place is very interesting and easy. In addition, the school closely cooperates with one of the first theaters in Russia, which allows students to learn more about the skill of famous actors.
In closing
We hope that with admission to the school you will succeed. Good luck!