Humanity is What is humanity?

Humanity is What is humanity?
Humanity is What is humanity?

Each of us by nature should be human. Much has been said about mercy, compassion, morality - the main components of humanity. But often, for one reason or another, this quality disappears somewhere. What does this term mean? And how can one determine whether a person has this quality or not?

humanity is
humanity is

Based on respect

First of all, humanity is the ability to respect other people. We can say that respect for others, as well as for oneself, is a fundamental quality for the development of this quality. This also includes the right attitude towards nature and animals. Can one be called humane who beats a cat or leaves garbage after a picnic? Hardly.

The property of a real person is tolerance

Respect also implies such a quality as tolerance. Humanity - what is it, if not the ability to be tolerant towards representatives of other religions and nationalities? The one who has respect for other people in his heart will be capable of spirituality. Such a person lives by the principle: "Do to others the way you want them to do to you." The antonym of humanity - inhumanity - is a cruelattitude towards others, those who differ in some way. The inability to put oneself in the place of another person, even a weaker one, is a symptom of cruelty, deep inner failure, and often poor education. After all, the person who lives in harmony with himself does not feel the need to humiliate others. Those who have the need to assert themselves at the expense of others, those who realize inside themselves that they are worthless, behave inhumanly.

humanity arguments
humanity arguments

How does this quality manifest itself?

Humanity is compassion. However, this quality should not be confused with pity. The one who pities others - looks down on them, is not able to believe in their strength. A compassionate person is one who can understand the feelings of another person. Humanity is the ability to forgive someone who has made a mistake; the ability to understand another in his grief. How is true humanity manifested? It's easy to be merciful to a millionaire. For him, a few bills thrown to a beggar mean nothing. But true humanity is manifested where there is no place for understanding in most cases. For example, it can be shown by a woman who has fallen out of love with her husband, but shows sufficient tact and respect for his feelings. Humanity is also the care of adult children for their elderly parents. When adults continue to care for them, even if they begin to suffer from various disorders, this shows true mercy. And above all, only someone who knows how to have compassion can have such a quality.

it's a crime against humanity
it's a crime against humanity


Another property of humanity is morality. Previously, it was believed that it is the law of a decent life, which was sent down to the human race from heaven. Morality has always been the unchanging basis of humanity, and it is an unwritten law of relationships between people. Everyone has this quality, and its basis is none other than conscience. Morality always guards the spiritual and psychological he alth of a person. This quality helps a person to remain not just a member of the consumer society, but also to be ready to fulfill his moral duty. Moral attitudes are an integral part of humanity.

Composition on the topic "Humanity": arguments

Those students who write an essay on this topic can give the following arguments in their work. First, it can be pointed out that humanity always correlates with morality; secondly, as already mentioned, this quality always includes the ability to sympathize. In addition, one who is human is tolerant of others who are different from him.

what is humanity
what is humanity

Educating Humanity

People are different - sometimes strict, withdrawn; sometimes cheerful and good-natured. But the main property that is inherent in a person with any character is humanity. In fact, every person has inner kindness, the ability to sympathize, show mercy, and perform moral deeds. Sometimes for some reasonpeople do not show these qualities. But they are quite possible to develop - both for a child and an adult.

Those who are cold and indifferent to others are likely to experience the pangs of loneliness. He cannot be human because he has not developed compassion at a certain point in his life. We all know cases when some children show cruelty - for example, torturing animals. Thus cruelty, lack of mercy develops. We can say that a crime against humanity is not only actions that speak for themselves (theft, disrespectful attitude towards elders, violation of moral standards). It is also the lack of a good upbringing. After all, if a child or teenager is not explained why it is impossible to commit bad deeds, if he does not learn to put himself in the place of another living being, then he is unlikely to have such a quality as humanity.
